Trend Friend - page 6


OK it's here.

ta_1.14.mq4  13 kb
My first approach was to a BBS. Do you remember BBS?

with a Commodore 64 plus modem and 1541 disk driver. It was 1985 and I was 10.

Jokes about my age are not allowed.

Btw: I won my first game contest at 1984.

Yeah, I had a Commodore PET with the chicklet keyboard and a tape drive, not a modern tape drive, it had an audio cassette for storage and a 300 baud modem. After that a series of C64, had to have more than one, they busted every now and then, and an Apple //e. I used to type in those BASIC programs from BYTE or Compute! magazines and tried to figure out how they worked. I can remember doing sprite graphics programming with the C64. The PET and //e were super reliable, not so much with the C64. I never had Tandy TRS-80 or Amiga.

And yes, BBS were fun! I think I sent a few Fido mail messages but mostly I was interested in downloading stuff or door games. Those were the days, heh.



Have recently been referencing the Mt4 documentation and I have come across what seems to be the an indicator that is coded in a similar way to that of nittany1 Link:MQL4 Language for Newbies. Custom Indicators (Part 2) - MQL4 Articles.

I am a regular reader of these forums and follower of most other and until recently I havnt seen an indicator coded in this way, it may be coincidence that nittany 1 codes like this or may be the source of his ideas?. In any case i still like the ideas behind the new Trendfriend Indicator, and hope that he still continues to develop his idea.



OK it's here.

icant get it can you seend by email plz

thank you

Have recently been referencing the Mt4 documentation and I have come across what seems to be the an indicator that is coded in a similar way to that of nittany1 Link:MQL4 Language for Newbies. Custom Indicators (Part 2) - MQL4 Articles. I am a regular reader of these forums and follower of most other and until recently I havnt seen an indicator coded in this way, it may be coincidence that nittany 1 codes like this or may be the source of his ideas?. In any case i still like the ideas behind the new Trendfriend Indicator, and hope that he still continues to develop his idea.

take it that what iget



any new

thank you


Not yet but I'm working on some stuff this weekend. I'll post it as soon as it's ready.

- nittany1

Not yet but I'm working on some stuff this weekend. I'll post it as soon as it's ready. - nittany1


So, do we are waitting NEW HIT???

Good job..befor i see it

Not yet but I'm working on some stuff this weekend. I'll post it as soon as it's ready. - nittany1

hi sweet

im waiting any new

seend to me plz




Hi Nittany.. Gret work, I've loaded your indicators but somewhat dont see the red blue dots on teh chart, am I missing something?
