Trend Friend - page 10


I can remember going to see War Games back in 1983 and coming home and going onto various BBS looking for games that were like the games they were playing in the movie. Plus programs that did speech synthesis, heh. Stuff was slow to download with 300 baud modems back then.


This is the oldies thread right?

Somebody from Europe? Spectrum or Amstrad? CZ80

More guys from Americas? Atari?

Well, maybe we need to open a thread for our recalls because this is completely off topic, unless the creator allow us to write about.

But the spirit here is Trend Friend.


"Come'on what is the point here if chiefraven had a plan to sell his indicators after nittany1 developed for him it is understandable but in the end indicators were going to be free for everyone right chiefraven? . I would say please stop this nonsense happening in the forum."

the point is, he treated me like garbage(you dont understand freaking buy and sell or something?), lied straight to my face, came up with excuses after excuses, yet at the same time i see him share his excitement here with the forum of his new creation.... then i was called a retard, and that what i came up with was nothing new, just macd, moving averages.... then 2 days later, i was told that he came up with the idea already and that he was going to code it anyway. you see why i am pissed? it's the principle of it.

it's funny how he sat there listening and asking me detail questions on how i wanted him to code it....eventhogh he now says that he already had all that idea before i even came to him.... hmmm... funny how a person would like to go through all that for nothing, wasting his time for an hour listening to something he already knew. and then if you read carefully at the log between him and i.... at the end he says... yeah i should be able to code it without any problem, i should be able to code it to make it do exactly that.

you wouldn't be angry when you meet a person like this? honestly?

"Come'on what is the point here if chiefraven had a plan to sell his indicators after nittany1 developed for him it is understandable but in the end indicators were going to be free for everyone right chiefraven? . I would say please stop this nonsense happening in the forum."

the point is, he treated me like garbage(you dont understand freaking buy and sell or something?), lied straight to my face, came up with excuses after excuses, yet at the same time i see him share his excitement here with the forum of his new creation.... then i was called a retard, and that what i came up with was nothing new, just macd, moving averages.... then 2 days later, i was told that he came up with the idea already and that he was going to code it anyway. you see why i am pissed? it's the principle of it.

it's funny how he sat there listening and asking me detail questions on how i wanted him to code it....eventhogh he now says that he already had all that idea before i even came to him.... hmmm... funny how a person would like to go through all that for nothing, wasting his time for an hour listening to something he already knew. and then if you read carefully at the log between him and i.... at the end he says... yeah i should be able to code it without any problem, i should be able to code it to make it do exactly that.

you wouldn't be angry when you meet a person like this? honestly?

please ,that is repeat what you say many times..

if there is something personal between you and nittany,please finish it far away from place you and him ONLY.

My personal advice is:you are losing time by posting here..why?...because people like,you look NOT like what you think..and in the end of the road you got nothing and loss time and people still like nittany ..then no one will care what you write in the soon futur..belive it or not it is up to you .. Could you please finish those uninteresting stories .

you may got good brain and vast time..please use them to make money and learning programing to make your owen ideas.

thank you for your coming here.

I wrote an indicator, not a trading system, although I will attach all the indicators that I use. I only took the screenshot to show it in use the way I use it. This is Indicators, not Manual Trade Systems, heh.

As far as trade rules I look for lots of buy or sell signals. There's no hard and fast rule, I've been trading the stock market online for 13 years and I use that experience when trading forex which I've been doing for about 3 years.

I usually look for buy or sell signals in the same direction as the ADX trend, hence the use of ToR as well. I stay out of a ranging pair.

As far as forex is concerned both experience and tenacity are important. I don't think there is anything magic you can read or download that will instantly make you a super trader. It just takes time, you'll start to notice certain patterns. Whenever that happens then you can start trading them.

Thanks for sharing.

and yes its well said "there is anything magic you can read or download that will instantly make you a super trader"

thanks again


Linuxser cockeyedcowboy nittany1..heyyy guys you still remember the BBS and ice age games???...Kids in the garden ..hehe

come onnn get back to work..

and you (nittany1),get back to ur work man!!ur job here is the Trend friend...lazy boy,prefer games more than work ...actully,ME TOO I LOVE GAMES MORE THAN WORK .


Nah the Amstrad CPC 6128 killed the com 64 period !!!

I had the 16 color screen, and disk drive. although I was playing games on tapes as well. not to mention I still have a working Amiga 1000 with AGA graphics, 40 HD still in original condition and working great guns. Never forget gaming in the 80's and early 90's they were simply the best. today it seems we can't use our imagination with DX 10.1 and amazing cpu power.

What a shame the amstrad is dead !!!




I didnt write it but it's per tick.

CAn you give me the download for trend assistant like you show on the first page, thnks..



we should be in a profit when used this trend friend indicator...


Forex Indicators Collection