Trend Friend - page 8


Hi Nittany1,

It would nice if you could code trend friend just based on cci and on multi timeframe, just cci only. The input of cci should be changeable as well.



what does it matter how long i explain my idea to you for? you took in the idea, came up with the indicator didn't you.... what are you trying to argue here? you've used a bunch of excuses to justify your heinous action and character once and once again, everyone could see it if they read the posts and the attatched log carefully.... and trust me, many have said that they've always thought you were full of yourself..... but please, if you think you are that much better than anyone else.... at least come up with something on your own.... i dont care if you sat down and listend to me explained for 2 hours on how i wanted you to code this indicator, but the fact that you got the idea, made the indicator, pretended you dont know me afterwards and told me to piss off, while at the same time happily publicized the indicator saying how excited yo uare about testing it, saying how people are making money with it, then say it lags, it's nothing new, that because it's based on moving averages and macd, and that makes it ok for your action... that's just childish and vicious.

oh, and my ideas didn't just include the macd and moving averages... also had another thing you couldn't code up.... remember?

to say that my idea is basically a twist of someone else'..... well aren't your TRO and TA ideas just the same but with cci, adx, rsi? oh but those indicators were yours of course.... can i take your code and product and post in another forum and say it's my product, maybe even try to sell them? why of course not, first i'm not a low life like you, second i'm sure once you see that i'm selling them, you would be suing me saying that they are your ideas..... or can i just say they are simply rsi, cci, adx, so that settles it and i wont have to deal with you again, becuase afterall rsi cci adx are nothing new to you, me, or anyone. what other excuses do you have?

and please..... now yo're saying it's a lagging indicator... i have no doubt it lags, after all, all indicators are caused by price action..... but why did you say that you are getting 7-8 emails a day already from people saying they are making money with this indicator? but when you try to justify that you did not steal my idea, now yo're saying this indicator is nothing, it lags?

you're unbelievable.

you have been contradicting yourself from start to finish, thinking of a way to make what you did seem ok, or logical, or even....... right. but come on..... be real here.

oh and to anyone listening..... if there's a programm who wants to really come up with the fulll version of my indicator, plz contact me, we will even publish it here later..... i dont care about nittany taking credits of this indicator (half finished) but the fact that he basically told me to piss off immediately after he learned my idea about this indicator and have finished making it, that is just unacceptable to me. and that's the only grudge i have against him.

oh... funny... before i posted the log of me explaining my idea to your for 2 hours.... you denied and denied about ever hearing any ideas about this indicator from someone.... now you're finally admitting it? but now of course you're trying to weasle your way out by saying that because you sat down for an hour to learn about the idea i came up with....... oh now that makes it alright.... because i took an hour to explain the idea to you..... that somehow made it right for you to tell me to piss off after you have used me.

what does it matter how long i explain my idea to you for? you took in the idea, came up with the indicator didn't you.... what are you trying to argue here? you've used a bunch of excuses to justify your heinous action and character once and once again, everyone could see it if they read the posts and the attatched log carefully.... and trust me, many have said that they've always thought you were full of yourself..... but please, if you think you are that much better than anyone else.... at least come up with something on your own.... i dont care if you sat down and listend to me explained for 2 hours on how i wanted you to code this indicator, but the fact that you got the idea, made the indicator, pretended you dont know me afterwards and told me to piss off, while at the same time happily publicized the indicator saying how excited yo uare about testing it, saying how people are making money with it, then say it lags, it's nothing new, that because it's based on moving averages and macd, and that makes it ok for your action... that's just childish and vicious.

oh, and my ideas didn't just include the macd and moving averages... also had another thing you couldn't code up.... remember?

to say that my idea is basically a twist of someone else'..... well aren't your TRO and TA ideas just the same but with cci, adx, rsi? oh but those indicators were yours of course.... can i take your code and product and post in another forum and say it's my product, maybe even try to sell them? why of course not, first i'm not a low life like you, second i'm sure once you see that i'm selling them, you would be suing me saying that they are your ideas..... or can i just say they are simply rsi, cci, adx, so that settles it and i wont have to deal with you again, becuase afterall rsi cci adx are nothing new to you, me, or anyone. what other excuses do you have?

and please..... now yo're saying it's a lagging indicator... i have no doubt it lags, after all, all indicators are caused by price action..... but why did you say that you are getting 7-8 emails a day already from people saying they are making money with this indicator? but when you try to justify that you did not steal my idea, now yo're saying this indicator is nothing, it lags?

you're unbelievable.

you have been contradicting yourself from start to finish, thinking of a way to make what you did seem ok, or logical, or even....... right. but come on..... be real here.

oh and to anyone listening..... if there's a programm who wants to really come up with the fulll version of my indicator, plz contact me, we will even publish it here later..... i dont care about nittany taking credits of this indicator (half finished) but the fact that he basically told me to piss off immediately after he learned my idea about this indicator and have finished making it, that is just unacceptable to me. and that's the only grudge i have against him.

oh... funny... before i posted the log of me explaining my idea to your for 2 hours.... you denied and denied about ever hearing any ideas about this indicator from someone.... now you're finally admitting it? but now of course you're trying to weasle your way out by saying that because you sat down for an hour to learn about the idea i came up with....... oh now that makes it alright.... because i took an hour to explain the idea to you..... that somehow made it right for you to tell me to piss off after you have used me.

My advise to you:

1. Please stop what ever you are doing now

2. Learn to code yourself

3. Make your idea copyrighted

4. Pay the coder and ask her/him to sign not to exposed to public

I chose no. 2


well yeah of course i learned my lesson.... that there are horrible people in the world who will do anything to get something out of you and then turn around and stab you for more money.... yes i learned that the hard way.

i never cared anything about copyright, credits in teh first place.... i just wished he didn't treated me like garbage once he has stolen what he wanted out of me. that's all


icant download any indictors why?

whene ido there are not working?


Please, stop to post same thing into the whole forum.

You shoudl have some problem with the browser or something.

I threw together another indicator that you guys might like. I just finished it a few mins ago and I can't wait for the market to open, heh.

This new one I named Trend Friend because it uses MACD and two sets of exponential moving averages on the 1 min through 4 hour timeframes. It's a very close cousin to Trade Assistant because I coded them the same way.

On my setup I use three of my indicators together, ToR which stands for trending or ranging, Trade Assistant and now Trend Friend.

I included two screenshots so you can see what it looks like in an all-out buy situation and also a minor bearish trend that started releasing its sell pressure.

Best of luck in all your trades!

- nittany1

Hi Nittany, good job.

I read the full thread , but still i feel that the set of indicators on the main chart is missing. Pl post the full set and the template . specially those moving avarage like, the solid and dotted lines .


Repainting issue

Hello guys,

As this system looks like zig-zag, out of curiousity....does this indicator repaint.

Thanks for sharing.


Hi Nittany, good job.

I read the full thread , but still i feel that the set of indicators on the main chart is missing. Pl post the full set and the template . specially those moving avarage like, the solid and dotted lines .

I wrote an indicator, not a trading system, although I will attach all the indicators that I use. I only took the screenshot to show it in use the way I use it. This is Indicators, not Manual Trade Systems, heh.

As far as trade rules I look for lots of buy or sell signals. There's no hard and fast rule, I've been trading the stock market online for 13 years and I use that experience when trading forex which I've been doing for about 3 years.

I usually look for buy or sell signals in the same direction as the ADX trend, hence the use of ToR as well. I stay out of a ranging pair.

As far as forex is concerned both experience and tenacity are important. I don't think there is anything magic you can read or download that will instantly make you a super trader. It just takes time, you'll start to notice certain patterns. Whenever that happens then you can start trading them.



do you have this clock

aa_1.jpg  21 kb

Clock is from this thread