Trend Friend - page 5



one thing i want to say here



There is an old says :PAY=MOVE...NO MONEY=NO HONEY..

another thing :if i asked someone to do an idea OF MINE and then he makes it avilable to everybody INCLUDING ME...I SHOULD ,MUST,HAVE TO say "Thanks",because he at least gave it to me plus he gave it to everybody...

when it comes to FREE stuff ,there are ONLY two words to use :"PLEASE"..and.."THANKS"..


My first approach was to a BBS. Do you remember BBS?

with a Commodore 64 plus modem and 1541 disk driver. It was 1985 and I was 10.

Jokes about my age are not allowed.

Btw: I won my first game contest at 1984.

Of cours i still remember because I STILL HAVE THEM...

By the way i still have windows 3.11 and even my first computer ..NOW I SHOULD MAKE SHOW ROOM AND DISPLAY IT AS "RAMSIS II"..

I still remember my face actions when i was wathing the black screen...NO COLOR..BLACK SCREEN WITH WHITE WRITTEN COMMANDS...OHH MY GOD..i was feel like I AM VERY STUIPED..

so,you are only 33 yeas old...come on..!!!


guys, let's not start again - everybody expressed opinion - let's not destruct the thread?


yea, A. is right, come-on: 43 - no problem - don't get upset, it's never late

i know ol'forts started even later - no kidding!


here is something i find very hilarious: everything Nittany is trying to dispute right now after he has stolen someone's idea and treated them like they are garbage is contradictory to what he says earlier on the forum before i confronted him:

Nittany1: You claim to have some sort of original idea, MACD and EMA trading systems aren't original. You claim to have some sort of credit for MACD and EMA trading systems, you do not. You claim to have some sort of basis for a complaint against an unpaid programmer, you do not.

oh ok, then what have you been doing with your TRO, TA indicators? you started something from scratch? i think not, they are based on stoch, rsi that everyone has known for ages.

Nittany1: I threw together another indicator that you guys might like. I just finished it a few mins ago and I can't wait for the market to open, heh.

This new one I named Trend Friend because it uses MACD and two sets of exponential moving averages on the 1 min through 4 hour timeframes. It's a very close cousin to Trade Assistant because I coded them the same way.

dude you're a moron, people are already making money with the indicator, i get 7-8 emails a day

first of all, you sure seem very excited to test out this new indicator, while at the same time you are saying this to me right now, now that i am confronting you:

"To everyone else, his big money making idea is having a single period signal moving average on the MACD with a comparison of previous bar to current bar and 3,15 and 30,60 on the EMAs. I take care of a 7 month old baby 12 hours a day and instead opted for using the signal SMA on the MACD relative to the FastEMA/SlowEMA for the signal because there is less coding involved.

Either way it's going to be laggy in a turn around when compared to stochastics, RSI or other oscillators."

oh and isn't it funny. yeah my idea about macd and moving averages is not revolutionary.... but wow isn't it funny how you excitedly described YOUR indicator as having 2 sets of moving averages exactly like i asked you to programmed? and for some reason before i came at you, you're constantly saying how people ar emaking money with it already, and how excited you are at testing it, but now that i'm at the forum and asking you questions, now you're saying that ... oh the indicator lags anyway.... it's not that great.." how ironic.

yeah, something trivial as this isn't revolutionary, but please, come up with this stupid idea yourself.

I wouldn't have said a thing or brought any of this up, or even get angry that you are writing as if you came up with all these yourself... but when you treated me as if i was a random kid who just downloaded this indicator and asking you about its functionality, that pissed me off. please show some respect. you may be able to code something, but please, use your head next time and come up with something on your own..... or there's another route you can take, and that is to simply treat other people with some respect, especially if they have contributed to your new product that you are excitedly showing off.


TheLion is Nittany1 on a certain mirc forex chatroom and here is the reason why i am angry. not because he published something i came up with... but because of the attitude i received immediately after he squeezed what he needed out of me:

01[13:37] lion, when you get a chance could you go over this indicator with me real fast?

[13:38] its self explainatory

[13:38] how can you mess up "BUY" and "SELL"

01[13:39] lion, i understand.. but remember how we talked for an hour about what we wanted the indicator to do?

01[13:39] i'm just trying to find out if any of that are incorporated into this indicator

01[13:39] or if this is just something completely different

01[13:39] that's all

[13:43] do you not understand buy and sell?

01[13:46] i think you're being quite rude dont you think? first of all, i gave you the idea for the indicator, second you didn't write it at all the way i was asking for.... third, you refuse to explain to me to eve let me know if you did it the way i asked... and now you just say;;; fuc**** buy and sell dont undertand?

[13:47] you didnt give me the idea for the indicator, its common knowledge the idea behind it

[13:47] second of all you have zero knowledge of programming, to try to explain it to you would be fruitless

01[13:53] if i was someone coming across your indicator online... yes i wouldn't ask you about uanything i will just watch for hte buy and hold sign

01[13:54] but YOU KNOW WHY i am asking you question... and YOU KNOW i was the one who asked you for this indicator

01[13:54] the fact that you gave me this attitude as if i was at wrong asking you these questions

[13:54] you shouldnt be asking anything at all

01[13:55] well you did agreed to help me with this indicator right?

01[13:55] so now when i see a complete indicator

[13:55] i agreed to give it a try to make it work, that doesnt mean i'm going to program exactly for you

[13:56] dude you're a moron, people are already making money with the indicator, i get 7-8 emails a day

01[13:58] so fuc**** what

[13:58] if you want something exactly the way you want it you can program it yourself, i gave the source code and you can alter any way you want

01[13:58] it's not even about the indicator anymore

01[13:58] i mean.... your attitude is just unreal

[13:58] several people have made custom variations of indicators i've written in the past year and a half

[13:58] you're the idiot man, it's not like i'm a paid programmer

i think if anyone was in my shoes, they'd be as pissed as me. not about the indicator, but to be treated like this.

Please read the indepth nittany file i attatched. it has all my ideas in it and it shows the conversation i had with nittany for over an hour... when he was trying to find out what i wanted the indicator to do....

and once he took my idea, cut out a few parts that he couldn't programmed, now he no longer feels the need to waste his time with me..... just read the log and you'll see how many questions he asks and how patient he was in the beginning, and even chit chat about this and that.... then read the bottom part of the log, his replies became snappy, condescending.


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can you do this SAR--SMACROSS_CCI

can you do this SAR--SMACROSS_CCI

SMA and EMA are so similar, I already did EMA, and I did CCI with another indicator. SAR is something else though. SAR is best used for pending orders, it's a Wilder indicator that is meant to give a reversal price entry point, used as a trend indicator it's really laggy. SAR stands for Stop And Reverse. To trade with it you should move your pending order when you see a new SAR dot appear.



can i have the cci for all time plz