KG FIMOM System ... (A Simple System) - page 17


Sorry, I send wrong chart (my sys.)


Last GJ Condition.. Are we waiting something ?

Here is the last chart conditions on GJ...



gj_15b.gif  18 kb
gj_15a.gif  19 kb

Are we waiting something ?

Are we waiting something ?

1_2.gif  27 kb
Sorry, I send wrong chart (my sys.)

I'm glad you put up the wrong chart! You said you loved stoch...thats nice with Laguerre.

Are we waiting something ?

FUKUI .. tentative.... ahaaaaaaaaa..

Are we waiting something ?

Anything could happen with BOJ's Fukui and then U.S's Berny both making statements later but who knows when!

I'm glad you put up the wrong chart! You said you loved stoch...thats nice with Laguerre.

Thanks, yes I loved and this is my Number One.


Well, I have watched enough and think I will give this system a try and test it out. I will be playing with different pairs. Here is my chart template I will be using.

I added the VQ and Signal to Noise indicators to help me avoid false signals will be my only change to current settings and rules.

Anything you feel I need or should do differently, im all ears.


PS Hope I dont miss any trade signals, my gf bought my devil may cry 4 for vday on my 360.. :|

Well, I have watched enough and think I will give this system a try and test it out. I will be playing with different pairs. Here is my chart template I will be using.

I added the VQ and Signal to Noise indicators to help me avoid false signals will be my only change to current settings and rules.

Anything you feel I need or should do differently, im all ears.


PS Hope I dont miss any trade signals, my gf bought my devil may cry 4 for vday on my 360.. :|

What is the period and SD your BB set up?


What is the period and SD your BB set up? KG

No BB's

They are ATR Channels to help me decide how far the market may go at any given period.

Periods of the ATR: 18

MA Periods: 49

Multiply the seperate bands by a factor of 1.6, 3.2 and 4.8 from center