KG FIMOM System ... (A Simple System) - page 20

congrats kang_gun


Forex Indicators Collection

.. thanks.. just a small pips bro



where is everybody who is trying this system ?

I saw more than 573 views to the system files...

Let's assume only 5% who test it so there are 25 persons..

come on guys... show us your OP here so we can discuss and develop this system..



hello sir,

i would like to thank u for this great system,i`v been using this system for 3 days,and so far generating 238 pips to me.. well since i`m just a nubie who just this forex thing for about 5 months,it` really huge pips i got in 3 days..

usually i got that in more than a month...

hopefully this system could develope to another level,which off course a better one .. pardon me for my bad english



Thanks KG for the indicators.

Hopefully more of us will study this weekend and be prepared to post Op's!



Great setup. I am using parts of it in my trading w/ success

This may just be personal preference, but I was wondering if you considered making KG_FI indy a histogram that changes color based of zero line cross. Only reason I ask is because sometimes it's challenging to see where the line is relation to the zero level.




I test to the System a little bit, and it looks god, not so much bad signals within.

But I would great be have the original mql4.code to code some other thinks with it... think you guys are too be happy more to have it..


Your welcome

hello sir,

i would like to thank u for this great system,i`v been using this system for 3 days,and so far generating 238 pips to me.. well since i`m just a nubie who just this forex thing for about 5 months,it` really huge pips i got in 3 days..

usually i got that in more than a month...

hopefully this system could develope to another level,which off course a better one .. pardon me for my bad english


Congratulations.. glad to hear that. We will develop this to the next level. I mean us, you me and the other who is use & interesting on this system.

your english is very good.. sure you have to be proud because english is not our native language.




Thanks KG for the indicators. Hopefully more of us will study this weekend and be prepared to post Op's!

Thank you Poocher

We need more trader to test and explore this system.



Hi KG!

Where I can download last version of your system?

Thanks Felix!

Hi KG!

Where I can download last version of your system?

Thanks Felix!

Hi Felix,

We use the same files from post No.1.

And for KG REAL TREND we use the latest version in post 114 ...
