Forex Offered Jobs - page 6


Interested to Apply

Dear sir how to apply?

Hello Everyone

I represent an investment group that is managing trading accounts for clients from all over the world. Our core business is Forex by MT4 based systems.We have a team of traders managing a number of client trading accounts each. We use different trading systems and last year we also began to introduce more and more automated systems to help the traders to be able to manage more trades at once. However we feel that in general it is too risky to leave an automated system alone with large accounts therefore I am constantly looking for talented traders who want to work professionally.

We have our own software developers to implement strategies and tools for our traders, whether they are fully manual or partly automated.

To be accepted to join our team we put each of our Traders through a trial process before we allow them to trade with client accounts. You will still have the opportunity to earn money during the trial process. We work in Stages and each Stage will last for 20 business days and you will need to complete stage 1 and 2 to pass to stage 3 and then you will become a permanent member of our team.

Does this sound like something that you would be interested in? Would you be interested to join our team of talented traders? If you would like to be considered for joining us I would like to hear from and i will send you some more information.

Please contact me :

friendly regards



I'm interested, but I have few questions:

- How much time have you been managing accounts?

-Why your main page is under construction? Do you have an alternate web page?

- Can you describe a little more that stages?

- Can I reserve the right to privacy of my own system while working with you?

- Where are you located?

Thank you.


forex copy trade for mt4

I have seen copy trade programs on the internet. I would like a programmer who is interested in created his own copy trade program to market to signal providers. Payment is 50% of all revenues and I pay all costs. in other words, a programmer creates the program and receives 1/2 of all revenues. If interested let me know, please. Ready to move on this.

I have seen copy trade programs on the internet. I would like a programmer who is interested in created his own copy trade program to market to signal providers. Payment is 50% of all revenues and I pay all costs. in other words, a programmer creates the program and receives 1/2 of all revenues. If interested let me know, please. Ready to move on this.

Maybe forexsage will be willing to do business with you.


Trade Copy Programs

I have seen copy trade programs on the internet. I would like a programmer who is interested in created his own copy trade program to market to signal providers. Payment is 50% of all revenues and I pay all costs. in other words, a programmer creates the program and receives 1/2 of all revenues. If interested let me know, please. Ready to move on this.

Hi Forxprofit,

This may be more curiosity than help, but have you considered the "free" open source Trade Copy Programs that are available (do Google Search)?

Or have you tried the Trade Copy Program that Tomhliles has posted here on TSD?

My second suggestion would be to just buy one of the commercial Trade Copy Programs for a one-time cost rather than keep paying a programmer a percentage of revenues.

Unless there are other required coding tasks and program maintenance issues not mentioned in your post, then it makes sense for some programmer to work directly with you.

Good luck with your project.

Hope this helps,



Looking for experienced MT4 programmer

I am looking for experienced MT4 programmer. Assignments will be paid for, could lead to a permanent position.

If interested please email

Thank you,



Thank you.


Pro Trader Live Contest

Pro Trader Live Contest Rules:

1. A participant cannot register more than one account.

2. A participant register in his/her real name.

3. We are obliged to keep all contest participant information confidential. Thus, only the nickname, country, and city of each participant are published in the current and overall ratings.

4. The account is eligible for the contest is live account. An available deposit currency is USD (US Dollar).

5. The deposit on a contest account, by currency is: 1000.00 USD (1k).

6. A contest participant should read these rules carefully and adhere to them during the contest. Not knowing the rules will not be considered legitimate grounds for a complaint.

7. Date and time information for registration of the contest is detailed below:

Registration from Dec 01, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011.

Start: 00:00, Jan 01, 2012.* End: 23:59, Dec 31, 2012.

Note: All time indicated in the broker’s platform.

8. A contest participant shall carry out all operations on their live trading account.

9. Contest participants have the right to open positions of any size (as is allowed by the free margin on the trading account).

10. At the end of the contest (23:59, Dec 31, 2012), all open positions on the account will be closed by contest participants.

11. Conditions to pass the Pro Trader Live Contest:

a. Maximum DD <5%

b. Maximum floating DD <5%

c. Minimum 50% profit (Dec 31, 2012).

d. Minimum 5 closed trades every month.

12. Benefits:

Contest participants qualify pre-qualification will be given a real 1 (one) million account to manage. After one year if the trade would be stable, trader will be given a real 10 (ten) millions account to manage.

Trader will be paid 20% of net profit gain + bonus.

The interested candidates please contact us for further information. Mr: John - Email:

Thanks for reading.


Pro Trader Live Contest Rules:

1. A participant cannot register more than one account.

2. A participant register in his/her real name.

3. We are obliged to keep all contest participant information confidential. Thus, only the nickname, country, and city of each participant are published in the current and overall ratings.

4. The account is eligible for the contest is live account. An available deposit currency is USD (US Dollar).

5. The deposit on a contest account, by currency is: 1000.00 USD (1k).

6. A contest participant should read these rules carefully and adhere to them during the contest. Not knowing the rules will not be considered legitimate grounds for a complaint.

7. Date and time information for registration of the contest is detailed below:

Registration from Dec 01, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011.

Start: 00:00, Jan 01, 2012.* End: 23:59, Dec 31, 2012.

Note: All time indicated in the broker’s platform.

8. A contest participant shall carry out all operations on their live trading account.

9. Contest participants have the right to open positions of any size (as is allowed by the free margin on the trading account).

10. At the end of the contest (23:59, Dec 31, 2012), all open positions on the account will be closed by contest participants.

11. Conditions to pass the Pro Trader Live Contest:

a. Maximum DD <5%

b. Maximum floating DD <5%

c. Minimum 50% profit (Dec 31, 2012).

d. Minimum 5 closed trades every month.

12. Benefits:

Contest participants qualify pre-qualification will be given a real 1 (one) million account to manage. After one year if the trade would be stable, trader will be given a real 10 (ten) millions account to manage.

Trader will be paid 20% of net profit gain + bonus.

The interested candidates please contact us for further information. Mr: John - Email:

Thanks for reading.



Could you post your website where we can find more reliable info about your contest? you've to understand that there are a lot of scammers and idlers trying to "copy" manager's trades, or to stole a manager's strategy, besides a "John Smith" with a "gmail" e-mail is not very trustable.

Waiting for your answer.




Could you post your website where we can find more reliable info about your contest? you've to understand that there are a lot of scammers and idlers trying to "copy" manager's trades, or to stole a manager's strategy, besides a "John Smith" with a "gmail" e-mail is not very trustable.

Waiting for your answer.



Here you go: Pro trader wanted - Page 2
