Requests & Ideas, the beginning - page 262

With out hurting you,just a serious and genuine feelings from coders side,

plz we all traders/user/members of every forum have to change our mind set up to let keep polite and kind attitude from CODERs side.

My request to all of us to must read these links.
We can guess around only,what first come in our minds,the chances and positions offered by mother forum along with its plus/minus's , compared with what we can form and manage being a standalone Liberation front :)

but i think boss means current TSD data will be merge organized way in a serious manner.
I have no additional knowledge of anything that is planned to be done (except for what I have been told and what I have told already). What I have told so far is based on past experience and we all know what and how it was done. I see no reason why that should/would/will be changed

Hello Dear Krelian99,

I did not see any news from the link, i am confused if TSD is closing i fear the swamp(snake oil merchants) creatures will take over 


i have seen it now(the news) , well as one door closes we simply kick another open or make one ourselves 

I have no knowledge of anything that is planned to be done. What I have told so far is based on past experience and we all know what and how it was done. I see no reason why that should/would/will be changed
Dearest MLADEN

Though i am a single nano user from zillions traders and at very lowest level,may i ask how we can express our concerning's and representations  being  END USER to meta quotes CEO,any link ?
I still think it has to do with the final cut to MT4 and that MT5 should be the only future platform. You also find here MT3 code by incident ;)  NTL, we are traders, we have to handle changes all the time and often we evolve, so why not here. FX is the Queen of trading, it's probably the most rigged market of all (since regulation is absent) and it's one of the toughest businesses on earth they say (I can imagine harder businesses, but ok) and we cry because our home will be burnt down. C'mon guys, are you serious? I experienced some forum shutdowns and what then came was mostly better than the old. Don't be sad, be proud of what we had and that we were part of the best FX related forum in the net and many Thanks to all of you and especially mladen and MrTools too. Together we'll build a new home, a better one. And now get rid of your tears, folks, as long as there is heartbeat, there is hope. 

Dear friends,

Is the "Time Start/Stop" feature added to the EA? 

Thank you. 

Nobody should be sad (as I have told already)
Flocking instinct can not be stopped or prevented ...
I still think it has to do with the final cut to MT4 and that MT5 should be the only future platform. You also find here MT3 code by incident ;)  NTL, we are traders, we have to handle changes all the time and often we evolve, so why not here. FX is the Queen of trading, it's probably the most rigged market of all (since regulation is absent) and it's one of the toughest businesses on earth they say (I can imagine harder businesses, but ok) and we cry because our home will be burnt down. C'mon guys, are you serious. I experienced some forum shutdowns and what then came was mostly better than the old. Don't be sad, be proud of what we had and that we were part of the best FX related forum in the net and many Thanks to all of you and especially mladen and MrTools too. We'll build a new home, a better one. And now get rid of your tears, folks. 
Almost we are ready to face any challenge planned by any,no matter from platform providers,brokers,scammers,market movers,hunting hands :)

but as a general rule gradually every new upgrading and invention of any kind is accepted by users,never by horrible tacts,our concern is only with TSD,why it is going to demolished and what gain they expecting,of course a lot of appreciations to our beloved coders and TSD too :)

Would it be possible to convert this indicator to MT5 platform?


Hello Mladen

Sir Request for crossing  ssa normalized indicator arrow appear on chart when dim gray line crossing level 0.00 . it may help clearly shows cycles.

thanks in advance