Requests & Ideas, the beginning - page 231

Ive tried the McNicholl as colour change and if it moved up/down x pips but not in a crossing :)

They both (dema verses Mcnichol) seems attractive crossing because they are most likely same.

not in color changing manner but i am talking about crossing each other.


They both (dema verses Mcnichol) seems attractive crossing because they are most likely same.

not in color changing manner but i am talking about crossing each other.

hmmm , seems interesting , will have to check that further !

They both (dema verses Mcnichol) seems attractive crossing because they are most likely same.

not in color changing manner but i am talking about crossing each other.

They are not exactly the same, but are very, very similar

They both (dema verses Mcnichol) seems attractive crossing because they are most likely same.

not in color changing manner but i am talking about crossing each other.


What indicator are you using the dema verses Mcnichol ??





What indicator are you using the dema verses Mcnichol ??



This is one ,the other you can have from averages.

thats just fine , ive learned how to add ex4 indicators to my ea's now :)


Here is the version with all the latest averages and prices add

thats just fine , ive learned how to add ex4 indicators to my ea's now :)

PS: the enums (for easier incorporating)

enum enPrices
   pr_close,      // Close
   pr_open,       // Open
   pr_high,       // High
   pr_low,        // Low
   pr_median,     // Median
   pr_typical,    // Typical
   pr_weighted,   // Weighted
   pr_average,    // Average (high+low+open+close)/4
   pr_medianb,    // Average median body (open+close)/2
   pr_tbiased,    // Trend biased price
   pr_tbiased2,   // Trend biased (extreme) price
   pr_haclose,    // Heiken ashi close
   pr_haopen ,    // Heiken ashi open
   pr_hahigh,     // Heiken ashi high
   pr_halow,      // Heiken ashi low
   pr_hamedian,   // Heiken ashi median
   pr_hatypical,  // Heiken ashi typical
   pr_haweighted, // Heiken ashi weighted
   pr_haaverage,  // Heiken ashi average
   pr_hamedianb,  // Heiken ashi median body
   pr_hatbiased,  // Heiken ashi trend biased price
   pr_hatbiased2  // Heiken ashi trend biased (extreme) price
enum enMaTypes
   ma_adxvma,  // Adxvma
   ma_ahr,     // Ahrens moving average
   ma_alxma,   // Alexander moving average - ALXMA
   ma_dema,    // Double exponential moving average - DEMA
   ma_dsema,   // Double smoothed exponential moving average - DSEMA
   ma_emas,    // Ema derivative - EMAD
   ma_ema,     // Exponential moving average - EMA
   ma_hull,    // Hull moving average - HMA
   ma_ie2,     // IE/2
   ma_ilinr,   // Integral of linear regression slope
   ma_itl,     // Instantaneous trendline
   ma_lagg,    // Laguerre filter
   ma_lead,    // Leader exponential moving average
   ma_linr,    // Linear regression value - LSMA
   ma_lwma,    // Linear weighted moving average - LWMA
   ma_mcg,     // McGinley Dynamic
   ma_mcma,    // McNicholl ema
   ma_nlma,    // Non lag moving average
   ma_pwma,    // Parabolic weighted moving average - PWMA
   ma_rmta,    // Recursive moving trendline - RMTA
   ma_sma,     // Simple moving average - SMA
   ma_sid,     // Simple decycler - SDEC
   ma_sine,    // Sine weighted moving average
   ma_smma,    // Smoothed moving average - SMMA
   ma_smoo,    // Smoother
   ma_ssm,     // Super smoother
   ma_b3p,     // Three pole Ehlers Butterworth
   ma_s3p,     // Three pole Ehlers smoother
   ma_tma,     // Triangular moving average - TMA
   ma_tema,    // Tripple exponential moving average - TEMA
   ma_b2p,     // Two pole Ehlers Butterworth
   ma_s2p,     // Two pole Ehlers smoother
   ma_vema,    // Volume weighted ema - VEMA
   ma_vwma,    // Volume weighted moving average - VWMA
   ma_zldema,  // Zero lag dema
   ma_zlma,    // Zero lag moving average
   ma_zltema   // Zero lag tema

Dearest MLADEN

Do you think slope coloring and some other possible addition might be useful in this "volatility pivot" indicator ? (magenta one)



Dearest MLADEN

Do you think slope coloring and some other possible addition might be useful in this "volatility pivot" indicator ? (magenta one)


I don't know

Will check the code first and will get back on this subject


dear mladen,

    in this indi, level 5 is showing up, but why is that level 6 not showing up ?.....can this be corrected...very curious to know the answer..