Requests & Ideas, the beginning - page 225


G'day Mladen,

There appears to be no alerts, even though selected.

Would you mind, when you have time to have a look please.

Thanking you kindly




Check this version :



Check this version :

Brilliant. Thank you very much.


Have a splendid weekend 


how is your QUest going Mladen? Mntiwana your works is so advanced, i wonder if you can share your template and your indicators for that fabulous last chart, the tmeplate didnt load correctly and only included 1 indicator, i belive i have a great addition to the chart if u can just share it we can discuss it, well done to you both, Mladen please write me on the price action system we designed please fill me in on how the lax is?

I furthermore believe we are onto somehting and that if we continue soon our forex minds will be liberated

mladen.jpg  287 kb

dear mladen,


  I tried coding that part....could u please check if it is correct.. 


how is your QUest going Mladen? Mntiwana your works is so advanced, i wonder if you can share your template and your indicators for that fabulous last chart, the tmeplate didnt load correctly and only included 1 indicator, i belive i have a great addition to the chart if u can just share it we can discuss it, well done to you both, Mladen please write me on the price action system we designed please fill me in on how the lax is?

I furthermore believe we are onto somehting and that if we continue soon our forex minds will be liberated

  Try to spread the knowledge,you will have unknown rewards even you cant imagine from where,i am talking about your jpg,if not some secret.

newer template is at post 13726.


dear mladen,


  I tried coding that part....could u please check if it is correct.. 

Sorry, but what exactly should it do?
Sorry, but what exactly should it do?

 I want it to keep on playing the playsound once the mentioned price level is reached ..


 I want it to keep on playing the playsound once the mentioned price level is reached ..

Keep it playing indefinitely?
Keep it playing indefinitely?



dear mladen,


please check if this is correct ....

ALERT.mq4  2 kb