Martingale EA - page 106


As promised


As promised, v1_8 with first entry look-back fixed.

If you're still interested.

tfx_v1_8_1.mq4  63 kb
P.S. If you want to add lookback and lag pip amounts like the TFX has you can...but the filter is not necessary.

You mean Last_Entry_Filter?

I am also assuming choose own progression is out as well.


oh yes...I sure am...I have a 5 minute test running with the filter, even though no one likes the filter..



As promised, v1_8 with first entry look-back fixed.

If you're still interested. all...No lastentryfilter or doubling or choose own...but you could leave the Pyramid input for the fun of it to reverse the logic of this bot, but kayvan will kill me!...


You mean Last_Entry_Filter? I am also assuming choose own progression is out as well.
Can I delete and the old EA and just download this now...will it upset the global thingy and the open trades?... ES

I don't think it will, should be O.K.

Could be an interesting test!


Can I delete the old EA and just download this now...will it upset the global thingy and the open trades?...



As promised, v1_8 with first entry look-back fixed.

If you're still interested.

Yes absolutly lets find out...said in the Chipmunks cartoon voice "Let's"! • ☺

I don't think it will, should be O.K. Could be an interesting test!
ElectricSavant: all...No lastentryfilter or doubling or choose own...but you could leave the Pyramid input for the fun of it to reverse the logic of this bot, but kayvan will kill me!... ES

O.K. I think I got it, but who knows..... could be interesting!


hey wolfe...When coding...I got a question...can you use a reverse command to simplify the code when someone chooses Pyramid: False? like fade your regular code?...


P.S. do not sweat the pyramid input...this is just a straight pyramiding logic...ok? no need for all the true false work...