Martingale EA - page 50


I wish us luck next week


Us Testers need from you coders the following....
  • A candlestick lookback for breaches that we can set in the user friendly input menu.
  • An Average Down or Pyramid Up method to choose in the user friendly input menu
  • Number of PIPS breach zone that we can set in the user friendly input menu


So I can try to do this right the first time, could you break down and explain exactly what you mean? I want to be sure I fully understand before I try to implement these changes.

BTW, where has kayvan been lately? He started all this!



that just about covers all the options Many posters have differing ideas and can simply use these inputs and it will avoid further coding if you put all of these options in from the get-go...This will be the all-in-one TFX solution™

Have I missed anything readers? I have read everone of your posts...speak up now...




Here is another two inputs:

DoublingProgression: default=false

and then here:

SequentialProgression: default=false (this is kayvans modified doubling)

If both of these are false then the entry does not remains the same as indicated in the increment...ummm...if both are true kayvans superscedes...


kayvan was an angel...he was not real.



wolfe and others...

I do not think Ralph would participate if there was not something that kayvan hit upon.

I am using the present EA with low DD and many TP's thus far...I will stick with my tests there...and do not see it blowing up week will tell...

Meanwhile... a more stable and perhaps an EA with more choices for the various personalities out there might be polished and mounted...(no sexual connotation intended )

Remember kayvan claims he has been trading his method profitably...for how long I do not know...I suspect cable H1 that is giving me such good results is the current preferred pair and TF..i simply do not know.



Wow I feel like a kid in a candy store yes I will be thrilled to explain my ideas...others reading...please chime in if you agree or disagree...ok? Sometimes I get delussional in my thoughts and dreams and need to be brought back down to earth..

Here is a detailed explanation of my "open architecture" vision..

I think that some of us want to add to the position as the original TFX, thus adding additional positions as the original entry did and others would like to do the opposite and buy on a downtrend or sell on an uptrend thus averaging down towards the long or averaging up towards the short entry.

So for those testers I suggest the input titled:

Pyramid: Default =True (False would equal averaging down/up in the kayvan breach zone ...2...3...4....5...etc... pips below the low of the previous candlestick ...or vice versa for the high)


To define the number of pips for the entry to trigger from the low or high I suggest an input of this:

EntryLag: 1...2...3...etc PIPS (this would be the number of pips needed to exceed the high or the low before an entry is triggered with wolfes most excellent and stable ordersend chunk of code)


Now some of you may want to look at the low or high to be breached with more than just the previous maybe the last two...or last three...and so each TF marches forward on the right edge of the chart this would recalc...anyways here is the input suggestion:

Lookback: 1...2....3....4... (now this is the number of candlesticks that is looked at for the high or the low...remember that this could be whatever the user loads this on...M5, m15, m30, H1....etc)


Ok I have some new inputs to suggest also...

Here is one:

LastEntryFilter: default is true. (true means that the next entry must exceed the last entry accoording to if it is a pyramid or an average down choice in the above input. false means that the last entry is ignored and simply enters on the criteria)


One more extra input suggestion:

TF in minutes: 60 is the default (5...30...60...240....1440....etc...this would remove the danger of the user flipping through timeframes accidentally and screwing up his current trade, thus I suggest a user definable hardcode)



So I can try to do this right the first time, could you break down and explain exactly what you mean? I want to be sure I fully understand before I try to implement these changes.

BTW, where has kayvan been lately? He started all this!

I think that some of us want to add to the position as the original TFX, thus adding additional positions as the original entry did and others would like to do the opposite and buy on a downtrend or sell on an uptrend thus averaging down towards the long or averaging up towards the short entry.


How about simply an input such as this-

Logic=1; //1=trend, 2=counter-trend

Trying to figure out good ways to implement all the new ideas, without over complicating the code.


Anybody use these settings?

In an attempt to include some new options, it would make my job much easier if I could get rid of a few old ones. I want to know if anybody uses the following options- and if they would not want them removed from the next version of TFX.

First option-

extern bool Use_Manual_Entry=false;//if selected true you must enter Manuel_Long & Manuel_Short price you want trade to execute

extern double Manual_Long=0;//Price at which to start cycle long

extern double Manual_Short=0;//Price at which to start cycle short[/PHP]

Second option-

[PHP]extern bool Use_Start_Long_NOW=false;//if true EA will start long immediately

extern bool Use_Start_Short_NOW=false;//if true EA will start short immediately

Speak up now before they go bye bye.