Banning/Deleting - page 2


Commercial section is cleaning now: we had 250 commercial threads; now we are having 168 only. The main idea is to have may be 10 or 20 commercial threads in the section opened by main forum contributors/coders/testers/developes and so on. And to have one sticky 'Raw Commercial Ideas' thread where sellers will be able to do just one or 2 posts only (per seller or per idea).

And because commercial threads are deleting now, but 'Raw Commercial Ideas' thread was not created yet so it will be some commercial information spreading all over the public forum.

And because of that I want to remind the following. Everybody is having this button:

It is reporting post button.

Once you click on it so you will see the following:

Thus, if you don't agree with some post because it is commercial, or attacking, or bad seller advertisement or any so please report press button on the post, you may add your comments in the field and press 'Send'. Your message to go directly to administrators' email addresses. And it is the most best way to re-act on some bad posts.


PIPmaker: his commercial signature was deleted and some his clickbank link was deleted from his post also.


PIPmaker: he placed his commercial signature once again. Deleted. I sent infraction (warning message) to him.


wilson4forex: I deleted his commercial signature.


Profitunity 2.0 commercial system: this commercial thread was closed and was moved to Deleted Commercial Threads section for few weeks "deleted presentation" before deleting it phisically from the forum.

Thanks for the members who sent PMs to me about some plagiarism in this system.


shibeng was banned from the forum for the forex spam.


jjk2: size of signature was reduced.

duyduy: his signature was cut for one line.


3 commercial threads were moved from 'Raw Commercial Ideas' section to 'Deleted Commercial Threads' section.

Reason? No one wanted to evaluate this systems here and authors seems are not interesting to do it as well (the authors can evaluate if no one wants but authors irnored my request).


8 commercial threads were moved to 'Deleted Commercial Threads' section. Threads in this section will be deleted phisically after few weeks deleted presentation.

7 commercial threads were moved to 'Raw Commercial Ideas' section and waiting for the evaluation.


Please note that cleaning of the commercial section will be finished before New Year. If you are the author of commercial thread and you still want for your commercial thread to be on our forum, please provide the evaluation of your system.


tommy2gunz was banned for 1 months for commercial spam.


Thank you newdigital!!

Thanks for cleaning this forum up. No one wants to see garbage posted on here. Most members come here for ideas and to share there findings. I'm glad to see your taking out the "crooks"


ND, how do you ban a member permanantly as he/she can signup with different username? Or ban by IP?


gody6000 was banned for one week for commercial ads.

Few his threads were identified as commercial ads or direct promotion of commercial service and deleted.


Few members were banned permanently for spam not related to forex.


1 commercial thread (gody6000) was moved to 'Deleted Commercial Threads' section.


7 commercial threads were moved to 'Raw Commercial Ideas' section and waiting for the evaluation.

4 commercial theads were deleted.


The other 10 commercial threads were moved to 'Raw Commercial Ideas' section and waiting for the evaluation.

ND, how do you ban a member permanantly as he/she can signup with different username? Or ban by IP?

I am not banning the members permanently for forex spam. Just for 1 week or 1 months only.

As to the spam not related to the forex so mostly this spam are coming from one country only but different IP addresses. And most of the spam are doing the robots (mass registering on the forums and mass sending the posts using automated software with different IP addresses - freeware). So, in most cases the spammer is not visiting the forum phisically and in all cases: spammer does not speak English.

As to the spam related to the forex (commercial ads and so on) so I am not banning the people permanently. Just for 1 week or 1 months only. Of course person can register once again but if he register once again so he will promote same commercial service in public threads, right? It is easy to identify. Besides, banning for 1 week is nothing: member can come back to the forum with no problem. People who created many clones to spam the forum are banned permanently of course. But we had just one or 2 cases only for 2 years (pernamently banned for forex spam), for example: the person which had about 80 usenames and spammed our forum for 1 and half a year.

So, if someone was banned for forex spam so this person should not be worry about: he can come back to the forum after 1 month (or less). We had many cases like that and no one even knew about it as I did not publish this stories.