Banning/Deleting - page 14


xx3xxx was banned for 7 days for internet trolling of most popular forum threads.


kondalarao was banned for one day for spam.


fx_fx was banned for one week for forex commercial spam.


olive86 was banned for 1 week for spam which was not directly related to forex.

zarni (the other his username is shurbanm) was banned for 2 weeks for PM/messaging spam.

zarni01 as 3rd username of this guy was banned for 1 month.


I had to also register again as this moronic site banned me for PM and message spamming. I sent a lot of PMs and messages ...

So, what is why I banned you ...

Reason - read some posts on the end of this thread for more:


sisimimi7854 got 10 day infraction for flooding the forum.

Other username:


Other username:


Country: Philippines

Seems - aggressive spammer.

I have no idea what is going on but a lot of aggressive people are coming to our intl' forum from this country.


zarni (the other his username is shurbanm) was banned for 2 weeks for PM/messaging spam.

zarni (the other his username is shurbanm) was banned for 2 weeks for PM/messaging spam.
zarni (the other his username is shurbanm) was banned for 2 weeks for PM/messaging spam.


zarni01 as 3rd username of this guy was banned for 1 month.


I had to also register again as this moronic site banned me for PM and message spamming. I sent a lot of PMs and messages ...


And right now -

zarni02 as his 4th username was banned permanently from the forum.


for illegal action trying to be made in int'l and fully anonimous way

Reason - read some posts on the end of this thread for more:


The thread created by onlineindia was deleted because he did not want to provide any tool/feature/trial to evaluate his selling software.

Just for information.


mharap banned for 7 days now for commercial spamming/forum flooding

next time the ban will be for good