Banning/Deleting - page 13


transporter was banned for 1 month for illegal commercial promotion on the public thread, and for posting decompiled commerial softwares on the forum.

It is the other strange case I had ...

One owner of some commercial website was sending email to me about "please delete our indicators/EAs posted in public" (he said it in very hard talking way ... without "please" and so on), and his friend (transporter) is posting and promoting this commerial website ...

Seems - the very clever way of promoting: such as "bad guy" and "good guy" "confliting with each other" - but in reality - doing same business in public sections.

I watched some movies about 2 friends (police investigators) who are making police interrogation: one "bad investigator" questioned suspected person in very hard way; after that - "good investigator" came and tried to "fully disagree with the methods this prevous investigator is using". In the end of this - suspected person told everything to "good guy".

Seems - same story ...


mucropteltd was banned for inadequate aggressive behaviour.

amsads was banned for inadequate aggressive behaviour.

Both from Singapore.


FX TRADEAGT was banned for 1 week commercial spam.


Some guides due to recent ban and a closure of one thread :

  • any software posted on TSD that will require on any stage sending confidential data (in the recent case people were asked to send account numbers of their live accounts - demo account numbers were ignored (for obvious reasons, I may add)) without prior notification of it will not be tolerated
  • any software collecting data on users PC outside experts/files and history sub-folders of metatrader without a knowledge of the user is going to be treated as a direct scam and a person posting such software is going to be banned for good without any further discussion
  • we are not as rigorous as forex factory for example, but multiple user names are going to be treated accordingly
  • asking for donations is going to be immediate cause to move a post/thread to commercial section (if previous points of this post are not valid)

James the Giant was banned for 1 week for aggressive way forcing of moderators and all the members of the forum to use his personal rules for the forum instead of existing rules. Besides, for forcing the members to use his strategies which he did not want to develop properly and did not want to test before proposing.

And for more ... and more ...

I want to say that although ... any member/person can be hidden with some username and IP but it is impossible to use "the other posting style". It can be easy recognized who is who by simple analysing about what was posted and which words are used, and why some threads should be in Manual trading systems section for example ... I think - "some guys" understood the name of the forum (TSD = Trading System Developers) in direct way as a direction and tried to teach all of us about how to create trading systems

Just for information.


dtorres was banned for spamming this forum continiously and hardly.

For more information - read previous post started with the words: "I want to say that although ... any member/person can be hidden with some username and IP ...".



One member is having very strange IP package: the US, Guatemala and France on the same time Please, stop making such the psychological experiments with people. Otherwise I will ban you and all your friends irrespective who they are similar with any some ... sorry.

It is my last notice for you.


pipsbuster was permanently banned for inadequate aggressive behaviour creating the battle on the forum using such as "national factor" as a proof for scam.

may be - the broker (he was talking about) is a scam. But using "national factor" as a proof is not honest anyway.

Seems - this guy is hidding his IP address.

Such as paid spammers are really bad case and they should be banned with no talking about why and what.


There are some members who are always say "thanks you" when you are making something good for them.

But there are some other members who are always saying "f*ck you" when you are helping them a lot consistently in very good way. Why? Just to push you for more active job ... if you are not doing what their required so they are going to punish you in public places qall the time. They call it - "WE are having different mentality".

It was my Lyrical Depression


To make is shorter:

bebeshel received have received a warning/infraction for 10 days at Forex-TSD.


Kruz30 was banned for 7 days for PM spam.