News home sales


new home sales took a dive today. i positioned all USD pairs for the USD to drop, can someone tell me WHY the USD went UP instead of DOWN on the news? is the market being manipulated??

new home sales took a dive today. i positioned all USD pairs for the USD to drop, can someone tell me WHY the USD went UP instead of DOWN on the news? is the market being manipulated??

From what I can see, the USD changed little but rest assured it will continue to slide - while at the same time US equities continue to reach all-time highs. The phrase, 'Robbing Peter to pay Paul' springs to mind - 'they' appear to be trying maintain the pretense of a strong and vibrant US economy...

So yes, I'd say manipulation is a fair description

btw, I posted a link to a Bloomberg video concering short-selling corruption and the SEC's apparent unwillingless to do anything about it, not too long ago. Very interesting I thought...

From what I can see, the USD changed little but rest assured it will continue to slide - while at the same time US equities continue to reach all-time highs. The phrase, 'Robbing Peter to pay Paul' springs to mind - 'they' appear to be trying maintain the pretense of a strong and vibrant US economy...

So yes, I'd say manipulation is a fair description

btw, I posted a link to a Bloomberg video concering short-selling corruption and the SEC's apparent unwillingless to do anything about it, not too long ago. Very interesting I thought...

Very true and very good assessment of what is going on. Nonetheless, islandrock got rocked and manipulated by the market first by anticipating/predicting what the market will do before the news release. But, that's trading the market.



Very true and very good assessment of what is going on. Nonetheless, islandrock got rocked and manipulated by the market first by anticipating/predicting what the market will do before the news release. But, that's trading the market.



well i do quite well. it's just that that was not expected at all. most traders should have went the same way i did, i dont understand how all the money went into the USD to make it raise in value? it makes no sense!!

well i do quite well. it's just that that was not expected at all. most traders should have went the same way i did, i dont understand how all the money went into the USD to make it raise in value? it makes no sense!!

It will make sense. Please read omelette's post once more. Read between the lines. This is not the first time it happened and will not be the last so be careful the next couple of months. Exercise good money management and AIYOBI.




Big deal...?????



There was a leak at 13:00 cet more or less. The rumor was that the housing number was 783k. So, the real number was a little bit better ( 795k ).

That's why USD went up, not much; but it did.

I'm sure that with a 8,3% drop on housing, we'd have seen a real move on the right direction without that previous leak. Anyway, just my opinion.

Big deal...?????

Is it a BIG deal????


It is a BIG deal for my Holy Grail...???


There was a leak at 13:00 cet more or less. The rumor was that the housing number was 783k. So, the real number was a little bit better ( 795k ).

That's why USD went up, not much; but it did.

I'm sure that with a 8,3% drop on housing, we'd have seen a real move on the right direction without that previous leak. Anyway, just my opinion.

can anyone tell me where to acquire these " leaks" it seems that everyone heard this but me.