MT 4 EAs don't work says broker - page 4


HA! MT4 EA's dont work!! LOL!!

Tell that to my accountant. 30-70% ROI per month depending on the market. All with a custom EA that i run hands off 90% of the time. You must have some news trader or scalper thingy that prob doesnt work in ANY market.

EA's just buy and sell. Its YOUR logic that drives those decisions. My EA's trade *exactly* like i would and those choices would more often than not be profitable. I dont expect my EA to make me a better trader I just want it to trade better since it has the patience to monitor for setups I like.

Dont blame the EA, blame.....


Do you live in the Hamptons?

nope! my little secret. actually a couple of the techniques i use are *never* discussed in forums. seems like when someone puts together a $$$ EA they clam up! truthfully I think the reason for the secrecy has more to do with the broker than reluctance to share. I just want my broker to let me run and not start any funny biz. I dont wanna get banned because they raised their defenses after an attack of EAs that use similar strategy.

LOL! Nope but working on it a pip at a time!!


LOL!! Nope but working on it a pip at a time.


two pips at a time...I'm gonna call you Overtime247

Well if you ever want to share Why?...I have no fricken idea?...but you would be giving to a good cause....we could be neighbors!!!



LOL! Touche' (damn that posting delay. made me double post.)

HA! MT4 EA's dont work!! LOL!!

Tell that to my accountant. 30-70% ROI per month depending on the market. All with a custom EA that i run hands off 90% of the time. You must have some news trader or scalper thingy that prob doesnt work in ANY market.

EA's just buy and sell. Its YOUR logic that drives those decisions. My EA's trade *exactly* like i would and those choices would more often than not be profitable. I dont expect my EA to make me a better trader I just want it to trade better since it has the patience to monitor for setups I like.

Dont blame the EA, blame.....

Hey Fulltime,

Thanks for giving us all hope! Glad you are successful. I don't blame you for not posting the EA, but any hints at all to any logic? Or just a tease?


logic hint: Its a Martingale system - They Work!!

I *LOVE* not having to guess market direction but its the lot size logic and money management that makes the program work. My program is a master at capital management with this *RISKY* strategy that blows up most accounts instantly! It also has a pieces of other good trading systems built in. the strategies work together to manage forex volatility and preserve capital.

Thats all I'll say but I did want to validate the Martingale theory.


I agree

logic hint: Its a Martingale system - They Work!!

I *LOVE* not having to guess market direction but its the lot size logic and money management that makes the program work. My program is a master at capital management with this *RISKY* strategy that blows up most accounts instantly! It also has a pieces of other good trading systems built in. the strategies work together to manage forex volatility and preserve capital.

Thats all I'll say but I did want to validate the Martingale theory.

I agree with Fulltime (congratulations on success also) that EA's can be profitable. In fact even more so than manual systems.

If you are a good trader, you know one of the prime rules of trading is having a PLAN and trading that plan exactly. If you manual plan is not flawed, wins more often than loses, utilizes correct MM and you take more profit per trade than your average stop you are trading correctly.

Where 80% of traders come undone is not having a bad plan but failure to hold resolve in applying it. Yes, the good old psychology greed/fear thing. profits are taken too soon and stops let run too long before accepting 'defeat'.

An EA however eliminates all the psychological shortfalls of human error and provided you are able to program your exact mechanical plan, there is no reason why the EA will not be profitable.

Do you hear about them at TSD? Not often! Those that are good traders have no need to hang around here a great deal except pop by and pick up the odd indicator or two.

Let's face it, some of the posts I have read here are disgraceful. The majority of attendees have no REAL trading experience but rather are young people looking for the one black box somebody else has worked hard on to provide them with easy riches they don't deserve.

Like Fulltime I have a profitable EA built from my own manual methodology and a number of others under development so therefore the answer is YES EA's can be profitable as all hell.

Just one question Fulltime - You have any problems with your broker? If not who are they?



Im with InterbankFX (IBFX). my system uses hidden stops and visible or hidden take profits. I LOVE IBFX!! I was really worried about them seeing my TP's when I allow them to be seen but IBFX pays!!!! (i hide em now to keep em honest). I have no problem with them. you get the occasional requote but they are my first choice until aleccohfx gets nano lots. Who are you with and are you happy with them?