MT 4 EAs don't work says broker


We are now concentrating on MQLII for MT3. An EA on an MT4 live Acct w/ FXDD kept trading and losing after it was deleted from our desktop. FXDD couldn't stop it. 2 insiders at InterbankFX sat down with us in person and told us they never say an EA on MT4 that worked. WE ARE WORKING ON AN EA ON MT3 THAT HAS NO INDICATORS AND WORKS ON MARKET MOVEMENT ALONE. DOES ANYONE HAVE MQLII LANGUAGE THAT WILL TRIGGER TRADES ON THE BUY OR ASK AND NOT ON BARS. IN OTHER WORDS, JUST AS A TRADER WOULD PUT A TRADE ON AT THE MARKET IGNORING BARS. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP, LES


MT3 is unsupported by metaquotes, you won't find a broker that will have it available in a year's time. There is no point trying to code systems for it.


MT3 still viable

You may remember that we were warned not to use MT4 when it was released because of bugs. It is apparent to us that some still exist. We will take a year of trading MT3 if that is all that's left. Where did you get your information about this one year period? Brokers I spoke to today said that sounds like speculation and have no plans to stop offering MT3.



We are now concentrating on MQLII for MT3. An EA on an MT4 live Acct w/ FXDD kept trading and losing after it was deleted from our desktop. FXDD couldn't stop it. 2 insiders at InterbankFX sat down with us in person and told us they never say an EA on MT4 that worked. WE ARE WORKING ON AN EA ON MT3 THAT HAS NO INDICATORS AND WORKS ON MARKET MOVEMENT ALONE. DOES ANYONE HAVE MQLII LANGUAGE THAT WILL TRIGGER TRADES ON THE BUY OR ASK AND NOT ON BARS. IN OTHER WORDS, JUST AS A TRADER WOULD PUT A TRADE ON AT THE MARKET IGNORING BARS. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP, LES

What InterbankFX mean is, they have never seen an Expert Advisor that was consistently profitable because, if they do, they mess with the data to STOP it being profitable, so they can keep your deposit to your account without ever having traded it or having it cleared.Remember they were fined for not taking margins out of accounts?Thats because they don't need to because your trades go nowhere they just mess with your trading so you lose and keep your money a 100% risk free income.

What InterbankFX mean is, they have never seen an Expert Advisor that was consistently profitable because, if they do, they mess with the data to STOP it being profitable, so they can keep your deposit to your account without ever having traded it or having it cleared.Remember they were fined for not taking margins out of accounts?Thats because they don't need to because your trades go nowhere they just mess with your trading so you lose and keep your money a 100% risk free income.

so sorry if i'm not following these quite clearly,

is it possible for some broker to 'MESS' with the price feeds in order to make someone EA's to go to their lossing positions?

if this is possible, then i might have thought of Forex as HYIP

please CMIW


IBFX trading

Over the years we have made many trades with Expert Advisors on MT3 and manual trades on MT3 & MT4 with InterbankFX. All of these trades were opened and closed by us. I know the ower, Todd Crosland, and he does not need to MESS with trades to stay in business. His goal is to be "THE BEST" forex broker. We have never had any problems. Good luck. Sincerely, Les


is interbank messing with our trades

all i can say i s ive been with interbanfx over 3 weeks now. i trade the news with RSS Software trading live off the news. i have not been filled once yet.

supposedly they have a plug-in which restricts news trading and gives requotes all the time.

maybe, maybe not. who knows


I am in a private forum and the EA there is profitable. And it has been for a time...

I want to respect the rules here in tsd...please do not PM...I am not an advertising agent.

My point is that free public Ea's do not work...they are for testing and improving only..I have yet to find one unaltered Ea posted ready-to-go freely and publically...



This is a quote.... not me!

FYI for those interested in fast trigger news trading--from


>>I wanted to let you know what I have found out regarding the recent

execution issues and let you know some of the options available. This is

a fairly long email so I will send out a second part later in the weak

going over some additional options. On to what I have found out.

One of my contacts informed me that Meta Quotes recently released a

plug-in that allows a brokerage firm using MT4 to add an order delay

around specified times. I will give you an example to better explain how

this is used against news trader. Let's assume that there will be an

important piece of data released at 8:30 am eastern. The broker can now

set this plug-in to add a delay to your order between the times 8:28 and

8:32 such that when the order is actually received the price will have

already moved. So when the numbers come in and you execute your order,

this order is held to the side for 4 seconds and then processed. If the

price is different than what you initially clicked, the software will

just give you a re-quote.

Basically, this new plug-in will inhibit news based execution for anyone

using the MT4 platform. If everyone moved to MT3 I would assume they

would see this very quickly and likely make changes for this platform as

well. I am recommending that everyone move there funds from Interbankfx

to another firm unless you are on MT3 already. I have approached IBFX

about this issue and sent them a list of everyone that had contacted me

and the amounts of funds that they were going to lose literally

overnight and they became extremely concerned almost immediately as you

can imagine.

At this point they are going to get back to me Monday with more answers

and possibly a solution such as fixing the problem by having their

liquidity providers remove the plug in. However, I am not sure that this

will actually take place and I want to make sure you have all the facts

when making a decision such as moving your account. If you are trading

at another brokerage firm that uses MT4 I would expect they will also

implement this plug-in at some point. The Brokerages below are not

listed in any particular order.

If you want to hold out for a few days, this could be beneficial.

However, I can understand if you do not want to wait. I have put some

deals together with a few more brokerages and will continuing to add

them throughout the week. Below I will give you the additional

information I received from each FCM and the plus and minuses of each.

The First would be FXCM. As you know, I have been very leery of them in

the past; however, there are a number of changes that they have made

that led me to work with them again. The first which is a huge one

considering all of the firms going bankrupt lately is that you can sign

up with a segregated account. This ensures that if they go bankrupt or

are shut down for any reason you get first dibs on your money because

your account is considered as a secured creditors account.

Additionally they have done away with their dealing desk and have gone

to a clean pass through system that deals directly through to the banks.

Now there are pros and cons to this. The obvious good is that they have

every desire for you to be profitable because they make money strictly

on your volume which means that if you lose your account and stop

trading they stop making money. The more money you make the more trades

you make the more money they make. One of the cons to trading with the

banks is that sometimes liquidity gets scarce and this can affect

execution. I have been told that they have around 10 banks and when

comparing the available liquidity to the amount of volume done at

Interbank I believe they can handle a good bit of it. I am sure

everyone will not go to FXCM and if everyone did they definitely could

not handle the volume that is why I am setting up at multiple places. I

have been told that I may be able to get a server set aside that will

give us first

dibs on available liquidity but this is not yet solidified and may not

ever happen simply do to the legal aspects of setting something up. It

will probably depend on the amount of volume we bring as a group.

FXCM has also set their platform up to allow for execution at best price

which means you will always get filled however I don't recommend using

this setting as you may get filled at the end of a move. There is

another setting that will allow you to set a max deviation just like

Metatrader would allow you to do and they have added a One Click feature

as well. If you would like to open an account with them you can follow

this link.

If you would like to open a segregated account which adds security you

will need to contact me at and I can

get you the proper paperwork.

The next brokerage which has just been brought to my attention by a

small group of traders getting execution is Gain. This is another fairly

large firm however this firm would be better suited for the smaller

traders probably 20 lots and less. I have been led to believe that if

our traders have a problem getting execution that they will make the

necessary changes to ensure that we get execution however just as with

all firms there is a threshold as to what they can execute. I believe

that the best thing to do is to spread out over multiple firms that will

provide decent execution. If you open an account up with them and find

you are having problems contact me and I will have them make the

necessary changes.

Gain also has a one click execution for increased speed and they also

have a setting for max deviation which helps with execution. To open an

account with them use the link below.

There are several more that I am working with however I am still waiting

to hear from them in regards to the volume that they can handle around



by the way,... all the dealers have smoothing software to take out spikes and also slow the trend (you see what they want you to see)...I only know of one dealer who advertises that he does not...