My forecasts by EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF, USDJPY, GOLD - page 28


EUR/USD, Weekly forecast, 09/23 - 09/27

The pair is trading along an uptrend.

The uptrend may be expected to continue while pair is trading above support level 1.3380, which will be followed by reaching resistance level 1.3730 and then 1.3860.

An downtrend will start as soon, as the pair drops below support level 1.3380, which will be followed by moving down to support level 1.3175.

Supports: 1.3470, 1.3425, 1.3380, 1.3175

Resistances: 1.3570, 1.3640, 1.3730, 1.3860

GBP/USD, Weekly forecast, 09/23 - 09/27

The pair is trading along an uptrend.

The uptrend may be expected to continue while pair is trading above support level 1.5875, which will be followed by reaching resistance level 1.6165 and then 1.6320.

An downtrend will start as soon, as the pair drops below support level 1.5875, which will be followed by moving down to support level 1.5725 and then 1.5530.

Supports: 1.6000, 1.5940, 1.5875, 1.5800, 1.5725, 1.5625, 1.5530

Resistances: 1.6040, 1.6076, 1.6165, 1.6320

GOLD, Weekly forecast, 09/23 - 09/27

The pair is trading along an uptrend.

The uptrend may be expected to continue while pair is trading above support level 1294, which will be followed by reaching resistance level 1365 and then 1398.

An downtrend will start as soon, as the pair drops below support level 1294, which will be followed by moving down to support level 1234.

Supports: 1311, 1294, 1282, 1253, 1234

Resistances: 1334, 1365, 1398, 1418


EUR/USD, forecast on Tuesday, 09/24/13

The pair is trading along an uptrend.

The uptrend may be expected to continue while pair is trading above support level 1.3470 - 1.3425, which will be followed by reaching resistance level 1.3570 and then 1.3640.

An downtrend will start as soon, as the pair drops below support level 1.3425, which will be followed by moving down to support level 1.3380 and then 1.3300.

Resistances: 1.3530, 1.3570, 1.3640

Supports: 1.3470, 1.3425, 1.3380, 1.3300

GBP/USD, forecast on Tuesday, 09/24/13

The pair is trading along an uptrend.

The uptrend may be expected to continue while pair is trading above support level 1.6000, which will be followed by reaching resistance level 1.6125.

An downtrend will start as soon, as the pair drops below support level 1.6000, which will be followed by moving down to support level 1.5940 and then 1.5875.

Supports: 1.6000, 1.5940, 1.5895

Resistances: 1.6060, 1.6125

GOLD, forecast on Tuesday, 09/24/13

The pair is trading along an downtrend.

The downtrend may be expected to continue while pair is trading below resistance level 1334, which will be followed by reaching support level 1311 and if it keeps on moving down below that level, we may expect the pair to reach support level 1294.

An uptrend will start as soon, as the pair rises above resistance level 1334, which will be followed by moving up to resistance level 1365.

Supports: 1322, 1311, 1294

Resistances: 1332, 1334, 1365


EUR/USD will see soon 1.3570. Forecast and Analysis on 09/26/13

Main scenarion:

Yesterday market rebounded from main support level 1.3470, that is provokes pair to reach main resistance level 1.3570, where located sellers orders. Now EURUSD trying to break up intermediate resistance 1.3530, that will happen, when pair will rebounded from support levels 1.3512 - 1.3495, where is located buyers orders, after that we will have strong uptrend to main resistance 1.3570, a break above which open target to 1.3640.

Alternative scenario:

In case, if market will fall down lower then main supoort level 1.3470, downtrend will start and pair will reach next strong support at 1.3425.

Resistances: 1.3530 (intermediate), 1.3570 (main), 1.3640 (strong)

Supports: 1.3512 (intermediate), 1.3495 (intermediate), 1.3470 (main), 1.3425 (strong)

GBP/USD can't be stopped to achieve 1.6125 - 1.6165. Forecast and Analysis on 09/26/13

Main scenario:

Yesterday pair rose above resistance 1.6035, that opened way to main resistance levels 1.6125 - 1.6165, that will be achieve in near future. Strong support levels market have on 1.6035, 1.6000 and if pair will have correction, uptrend continuation we can expect from support 1.6035.

Alternative scenario:

Downtrend will start if pair will drops below support level 1.6000, which will be followed by moving down to support level 1.5940.

Supports: 1.6060 (intermediate), 1.6035 (strong), 1.6000 (main), 1.5940 (strong)

Resistances: 1.6125 - 1.6165 (main)

GOLD, uptrend started, target 1350. Forecast and Analysis on 09/26/13

Main scenarion:

Break of level 1328 completed development of sideways and started uptrend to resistance level 1350 and then to 1365.

Alternatie scenario:

If gold will break support level 1328, we can have correction to support 1320, with uptrend continuation after its rebound. But if market will go below 1320, downtrend will be strengthen and we will see support on 1310 level.

Supports: 1330/28 (strong), 1320 (main), 1310 (strong)

Resistances: 1334 (intermediate), 1350 (main), 1365 (strong)


EUR USD, will see soon 1.3570. Forecast and Analysis on 09/27/13

Main scenarion:

Was achieved main support level 1.3470, where located buyers orders and now pair will try to develop uptrend to intermediate resistance level 1.3525, 1.3545 and then will reach main resistance level 1.3570.

Alternative scenario:

Main support level 1.3470 keeps the market from falling and if it will be break down, market will start downtrend with target to support 1.3425.

S/R levels:

Resistances: 1.3525 (intermediate), 1.3545 (intermediate), 1.3570 (main), 1.3640 (strong)

Supports: 1.3470 (main), 1.3425 (strong)

GBP USD, uptrend to 1.6165, or consolidation on 1.6040? Forecast and Analysis on 09/27/13

Main scenario:

Rebound from strong resistance level 1.6125 suspect pair correction, possible that on support level 1.6040. Being that market is trading now between resistance level 1.6080 and main support 1.6000 - this price range is neutral zone for market consolidation. We can expect uptrend if gbpusd will be trading higher then resistance level 1.6080, after that will go up to strong resistance 1.6165 and then to resistance 1.6225.

Alternative scenario:

Downtrend will start if pair will drops below support level 1.6000, which will be followed by moving down to support level 1.5940 and then 1.5895.

S/R levels:

Supports: 1.6040 (intermediate), 1.6000 (main), 1.5940 (strong), 1.5895 (strong)

Resistances: 1.6080 (intermediate), 1.6125 - 1.6165 (main), 1.6225 (strong)

GOLD - saving support 1320, or consolidation on 1310 - 1297? Forecast and Analysis on 09/27/13

Main scenarion:

While gold is trading above support level 1320, we have chance for uptrend to resistance level 1334 and then to 1350. But market looks friable and seems, that he have the same chance to break support level 1320.. Thats why better to wait for 1334 break, before we will reach level os resistance 1350.

Alternatie scenario:

If market will break down support level 1320, will begin consolidation to the main support level 1310, and if it keeps on moving down below that level, we may expect the pair to reach support level 1297.

S/R levels:

Supports: 1320 (main), 1310 (strong), 1297 (very strong)

Resistances: 1330 (intermediate), 1334 (main), 1350 (strong)


EUR/USD, Monthly forecast, October - November

Main scenarion:

Market broke up huge sideways trend, that was forming between support level 1.2800 and resistance 1.3380-1.3425, that was the reason for strengthening of uptrend imulse and opened the way with trend growth on main resistance level 1.3850, that pair will reach during 3-6 weeks.

Alternative scenario:

Main support level market have on point 1.3380 and if pair will drops below it, pair will rush in downtrend on the lower boundary of sideways trend 1.2800 - 1.3425, and will reach support level 1.3175 and then 1.2990.

S/R levels:

Resistances: 1.3570 main, 1.3730 (intermediate), 1.3850 (main)

Supports: 1.3470 - 1.3425 (strong), 1.3380 (main), 1.3175 (strong), 1.2990 (main)

GBP/USD, Monthly forecast, October - November

Main scenario:

Market continue uptrend development. On the level 1.6000 was formed strong support level and while gbpusd is trading above it, we can expect uptrend continuation with target on strong resistance level 1.6700, where on the levels 1.6330 - 1.6430 we will have intermediate resistance, that give some correction on the market..

Alternative scenario:

Downtrend will start if pair will drops below support level 1.6000, which will be followed by moving down to support level 1.5725 and then 1.5530.

S/R levels:

Supports: 1.6000 (main), 1.5725 (strong), 1.5530 (strong)

Resistances: 1.6430 (intermediate), 1.6700 (main)

GOLD, Monthly forecast, October - November

Main scenarion:

It seems that market is trading in downtrend, because we had broke of black uptrend channel, but wave analysis shows that after some correction on this levels we will continue uptrend (look long-term analysis). So now gold is trading in 3 wave of uptrend with target on resistance level 1500, where intermediate resistance market have on the level 1398 - 1417, from that possible to have correction on support level 1334.

Alternatie scenario:

Also on this chart market forming right shoulder of trend turn figure "head and shoulder" (but long-term analysis shows that she will not be break down), with neck line on the level 1297 and if price will drops below this level, market will start downtrend to the main support level 1225.

S/R levels:

Supports: 1324 (strong), 1297 (main), 1225 (main)

Resistances: 1398 - 1417 (intermediate), 1500 (main)


EUR/USD, while pair trading above 1.3485, we can expect 1.3640. Forecast and Analysis on 10/01/13

Main scenarion:

Market continue to try to break up sideway trend, that forming between support level 1.3485 and resistance om 1.3550/70. Seniors time frames shows that pair will continue uptrend, so we can expect break up of resistance level 1.3550 and then 1.3570, where in uptrend eurusd will reach resistance level 1.3640.

Alternative scenario:

Local support pair have on the level 1.3525, with breakdown which market will reach main support 1.3485, from that uptrend will start again to resistance level 1.3570. But, if eurusd will drop below 1.3485, will start downtrend with target on support level 1.3425.

S/R levels:

Resistances: 1.3550 (intermediate), 1.3570 main, 1.3640 (strong)

Supports: 1.3525 (intermediate), 1.3485 (main), 1.3460 (ntermediate), 1.3425 (strong)

GBP/USD, uptrend continue, target 1.6330. Forecast and Analysis on 10/01/13

Main scenario:

Uptrend is continue, soon pair will break up resistance level 1.6250, after that we can expect gain of resistance level 1.6330 - 1.6390.

Alternative scenario:

Big accumulation of support levels formed between level 1.6165 - 1.6120 and while gbpusd is trading above this levels, uptrend will continue. But, if pair will drop below 1.6120, main supprt level, will start downtrend wil target on strong support level 1.6000.

S/R levels:

Supports: 1.6185, 1.6165 (strong), 1.6120 (main), 1.6080 (interm.), 1.6040 (interm.), 1.6000 (main)

Resistances: 1.6250 (interm.), 1.6330 - 1.6390 (main)

GOLD continue uptrend with target 1345 and then 1366. Forecast and Analysis on 10/01/13

Main scenarion:

Market resounded from main support level 1324 and while trading will continue above this level, we can expect uptrend development to the strong resistance level 1345 and then to the main 1366.

Alternatie scenario:

An downtrend will start as soon, as the pair drops below support level 1322, which will be followed by moving down to support level 1310 and if it keeps on moving down below that level, we may expect the pair to reach support level 1297.

S/R levels:

Supports: 1324 - 1322 (main), 1310 (interm.), 1297 (main)

Resistances: 1335 (interm.), 1345 (strong), 1366 (strong)


EURUSD, preparation before important news, 10/01/13

Main scenarion:

Yesterday pair rebounded from main resistance level 1.3570 and then dropped below support 1.3525, where in this time on daily chart was closed bearish candle. All this telling about, that now as minimum eurusd will have correction to the main support level 1.3485/75, with a breakdown of which will reach next strong support 1.3420.

Alternative scenario:

With current technical picture only todays news like "EUR Minimum Bid Rate" and "USD ADP Non-Farm Employment Change" can made turn up this downtrend. But while pair is trading below main resistance level 1.3570 - 1.3590, we will have downtrend. While maret will be trading between support 1.3475 and resistance 1.3590 - eurusd will be trading in huge sideway trend. And uptrend can start only if pair will break up main resistance level 1.3590, from where we will be able to expect reach on 1.3640 - 1.3730 resistance levels.

S/R levels:

Resistances: 1.3525 (interm.), 1.3550 (interm.), 1.3570 - 1.3590 (main), 1.3640 (strong), 1.3730 (srong)

Supports: 1.3505 (interm.), 1.3485 - 1.3475 (main), 1.3420 (main)

GBPUSD, trades in downtrend with target on 1.6000

Main scenario:

Yesterday pair could not break up resistance level 1.6250 and then fell below support level 1.6185, that is telling about, that gbpusd will be trading below 1.6250, market will have downtrend on the support level 1.6120 and then to 1.6040.

Alternative scenario:

An uptrend will start as soon, as the pair rises above resistance level 1.6250, which will be followed by moving up to resistance level 1.6330.

S/R levels:

Supports: 1.6165 (main), 1.6120 (strong), 1.6080 (interm.), 1.6040 (interm.), 1.6000 (main)

Resistances: 1.6250 (interm.), 1.6330 - 1.6390 (main)

GOLD, breakdown of "neckline" at 1297 opened target 1253

Main scenarion:

Market was dropped below main support level 1297, where we have neck line on pattern "head and shoulders" from aily chart. This fact says, that while gold is trading below 1297, we have downtrend to the support level 1270 and then 1253.

Alternatie scenario:

An uptrend will start as soon, as the pair will be break up neck line, rises above resistance level 1297, which will be followed by moving up to resistance level 1310 and then 1324.

S/R levels:

Supports: 1282 (interm.), 1270 (interm.), 1253 (strong)

Resistances: 1297 (main), 1310 (interm.), 1324 (strong)


EURUSD, uptrend continue, target 1.3640 and then 1.3700. (10/03/13)

Main scenarion:

Yesterday news forced market to go up in uptrend. Pair broke up resistance level 1.3575 and then 1.3590, that now opening for eurusd way for uptrend to resistance level 1.3640 and then 1.3700.

Alternative scenario:

Strong support we have on the level 1.3575, with break of which will start downtrend with target on support 1.3525.

S/R levels:

Resistances: 1.3640, 1.3700

Supports: 1.3590, 1.3575 (main), 1.3550, 1.3525 (strong), 1.3505, 1.3485 (main)

GBPUSD, uptrend continue, target 1.6330. (10/03/13)

Main scenario:

Pair continue uptrend with target on strong resistance level 1.6330. Also we have intermediate resistance level, with break of which uptrend impulse will be increase.

Alternative scenario:

An downtrend will start as soon, as the pair drops below support level 1.6165, which will be followed by moving down to support level 1.6120, and if it keeps on moving down below that level, we may expect the pair to reach support level 1.6000.

S/R levels:

Supports: 1.6165 (main), 1.6120 (strong), 1.6080, 1.6040, 1.6000

Resistances: 1.6250, 1.6330 (strong)

GOLD, "head and shoulders" was fake, uptrend target 1335

Main scenarion:

Yesterday market broke up main resistance level 1297, where we had neck line of pattern "head and shoulders". So now we know, that before its broke was fall and pattern will not work. Thats why now 1297 became strong support level and while gold is trading above it, we can expect uptrend with target on intermediate resistance level 1324 and then to 1335.

Alternatie scenario:

An downtrend will start as soon, as the pair drops below support level 1297, which will be followed by moving down to support level 1282.

S/R levels:

Supports: 1310, 1306, 1297 (main), 1282

Resistances: 1324 (strong), 1335 (strong), 1345


EURUSD, uptrend continue, target 1.3700

Main scenarion:

The pair is trading along an uptrend.

The uptrend may be expected to continue while pair is trading above support level 1.3600 - 1.3575, which will be followed by reaching resistance level 1.3700.

Alternative scenario:

An downtrend will start as soon, as the pair drops below support level 1.3575, which will be followed by moving down to support level 1.3505.

S/R levels:

Resistances: 1.3640, 1.3700

Supports: 1.3600, 1.3575 (main), 1.3550, 1.3525, 1.3505

GBPUSD, uptrend will continue from 1.6125, target 1.6250

Main scenario:

The pair is trading along an downtrend.

An uptrend will start from support level 1.6125, which will be followed by moving up to resistance level 1.6250 and then to 1.6330.

Alternative scenario:

The downtrend may be expected to continue in case the market drops below support level 1.6125, which will be followed by reaching support level 1.6040 - 1.6000.

S/R levels:

Supports: 1.6125 (main), 1.6080, 1.6040, 1.6000 (main)

Resistances: 1.6175, 1.6250 (strong), 1.6330 (strong)

GOLD, uptrend continue, target 1335

Main scenarion:

The pair is trading along an uptrend.

The uptrend may be expected to continue while pair is trading above support level 1315 - 1307 - 1300, which will be followed by reaching resistance level 1335.

Alternatie scenario:

An downtrend will start as soon, as the pair drops below support level 1300, which will be followed by moving down to support level 1288.

S/R levels:

Supports: 1315, 1307, 1300 (main), 1288

Resistances: 1324, 1335 (strong), 1345


EUR/USD, forecast on Monday, 10/07/13

Main scenarion:

The pair is trading along an sideways trend between resistance level 1.3575 and support 1.3530.

An uptrend will start as soon, as the pair rises above resistance level 1.3575, which will be followed by moving up to resistance level 1.3615 and then to 1.3665.

Alternative scenario:

An downtrend will start as soon, as the pair drops below support level 1.3530, which will be followed by moving down to support level 1.3470.

S/R levels:

Resistances: 1.3575 (main), 1.3615, 1.3665 (strong)

Supports: 1.3530 (main), 1.3470 (strong)

GBP/USD, forecast on Monday, 10/07/13

Main scenario:

The pair is trading along an downtrend.

The downtrend may be expected to continue in case the market drops below support level 1.6000, which will be followed by reaching support level 1.5895.

Alternative scenario:

An uptrend will start as soon, as the pair rises above resistance level 1.6080, which will be followed by moving up to resistance level 1.6140 and if it keeps on moving up above that level, we may expect the pair to reach resistance level 1.6220.

S/R levels:

Supports: 1.6000 (main), 1.5895

Resistances: 1.6080, 1.6140 (strong), 1.6220, 1.6330 (strong)

GOLD, forecast on Monday, 10/07/13

Main scenario:

The pair is trading along an sideways trend.

An uptrend will start as soon, as the pair rises above resistance level 1316, which will be followed by moving up to resistance level 1324 and if it keeps on moving up above that level, we may expect the pair to reach resistancet level 1335.

Alternatie scenario:

An downtrend will start as soon, as the pair drops below support level 1307, which will be followed by moving down to support level 1300 and if it keeps on moving down below that level, we may expect the pair to reach support level 1287.

S/R levels:

Supports: 1307, 1300 (main), 1287

Resistances: 1316, 1324 (strong), 1335 (strong)