Follow The Bouncing Pip - page 90



Hi Carl,

I am interested in you method for detecting divergences. Are you just using MACD and price divergence?


I'm just using RSI... and normal and reverse divergence guidelines.


Just beeing fair:You make sense :-) a lot of sense :-)

Hi Big Bear,

It is not my intention to be hostely.

On all topics it is every time the same thing. If you are a YEAH-sayer you are very welcome. If you are a NO-sayer then get lost.

It is a public forum were every form of critisisme that is UNDERBUILD with FACTS should be welcome.

I don't shout or yell in the form of this system is rubish and without giving any proof.

I posted a picture of a period were this aproach is absolutly failing. Someone asked in a previous posting did the zigzag line and the arrows touch eachother over those 49 signals because only then you have a signal?...Yes they did touch over that whole period.

So one can open his eyes ( also you) and say wait a minute how can we solve this? Can it be solved ? If we can not solve it what will the effect be on our account next time this happens?...You say filters or use other stuff. Well maybe you could help to find that other stuff.

See youself as someone who is leading a pletoon of soldiers who are realy supporting you what ever it takes.

You take them into batle. Lets say that a spy points you out that on the road that you are going to follow (with your pletoon) that there is a mine field.

Then you have 2 options:

Or neglect the warning and continue with your pletoon and see soldiers blown-up around you ...OR... sit down and face the dangerand ask yourself(and maybe with the help of your soldiers) how can we get across this mine field without any wounded or dead soldiers.

One can say: each is old and wize enough to make their own discissions. Well maybe there are plenty of newbies and people who only started to pick-up the game and depending on your expertese.

So you can pretend that the picture I posted was never there. But if you don't arm yourself against situations like that and if they happen again (wich they will of course) then you will shurely see that people will abandon your system. Or you can do or find the nescessary if it happens again that you are armend against those situationand you will see that people will support you and stand by you no matter what.

The steinutz system was the very same problem. He was waving around with false backtest and claims of making millions of dollars on demo accounts. Many many people followed him. He was a herow. Look to his topic now. It died out completely. With many wounded and blown-up people. If he would only have opend his eyes and face the problems. (but more lickely he didn't want to open his eyes because he knew that the problem he was faced with was not to be solved but he took full advantge of asking money to everyone) .

Now this person (steinutz) together with his programmer is standing on your poarch to offer his services again.

Ill bet you that in some time he will find an EA (that will give great backtests because of the repainting) and aproach you to ask money for it on your topic for those who would be interested.

BigBear I send you honestly my friendly regards...iGoR

I add it the highlights and the smilies to the quote...sorry...I could not rezist...

You were right first time and now and you surely know what you are talking about :-) I personaly did not persive you as arogant just ...aware. I guess you don't want to waste your time working on solutions, with this system/or any other, if you do not have the "proof" that is worth it...well, I don't blame you...time is money :-)

I personaly like the system (has big promises:-) :-) ketching the big moves and all...but I am also aware of the so many fake signals and trying to see if there is a solution to that. Did you think of any ?

P.S. I like your quotes too:-)...they were so good that I did not notice they were yours first time I read them :-)

P.S. let's keep it pozitive :-) even the criticism :-) I think Bear has only good intentions :-)

Hey iGoR,

For leaving "Friendly Regards" you sure are critical & sort of hostile. No matter what you & others say this system works. With proper money management as I said from the beginning. Where do you get off. Show me your account hotshot. Where is your trading method? We did not have to share this with anyone. We use it as payment to have someone develop an EA. If you dont like the system or dont believe in it, then dont use it & let us lose or money. We are all adults & can make our own decisions.

I dont have prove anything especially to you. The proof is in the 150+ people who use & believe in this & leave me thank yous in PMs, the people outside of this forum whom use it & are so happy with it. Me & Forex11 who use it everyday.

I dont care if people change it to suit themselves. I said before take it & make it your own just dont crap on it if what you add dosnt work. Add filters, use extra stuff, change the settings just dont come back and ask me why it dont work.

I shouldn't even care about what you say it but makes me mad when you shoot down something you dont even know nothing about. Forward test it for a year then say something. You want long term proof? Uses whatever you use now to trade & demo this for as long as you like then say hey Bear, why this, why that.

People want something to work instantly & forever & when something goes right the balme everyone else but themselves. I know major players that have less than 20% win/loss yet make millions. You think they care about the win/loss? Hell no, they care about the bottom line.

Here the bottom line is this works.


Hi Big Bear,

It is not my intention to be hostely.

On all topics it is every time the same thing. If you are a YEAH-sayer you are very welcome. If you are a NO-sayer then get lost.

It is a public forum were every form of critisisme that is UNDERBUILD with FACTS should be welcome.

I don't shout or yell in the form of this system is rubish and without giving any proof.

I posted a picture of a period were this aproach is absolutly failing. Someone asked in a previous posting did the zigzag line and the arrows touch eachother over those 49 signals because only then you have a signal?...Yes they did touch over that whole period.

So one can open his eyes ( also you) and say wait a minute how can we solve this? Can it be solved ? If we can not solve it what will the effect be on our account next time this happens?...You say filters or use other stuff. Well maybe you could help to find that other stuff.

See youself as someone who is leading a pletoon of soldiers who are realy supporting you what ever it takes.

You take them into batle. Lets say that a spy points you out that on the road that you are going to follow (with your pletoon) that there is a mine field.

Then you have 2 options:

Or neglect the warning and continue with your pletoon and see soldiers blown-up around you ...OR... sit down and face the danger and ask yourself (and maybe with the help of your soldiers) how can we get across this mine field without any wounded or dead soldiers.

One can say: each is old and wize enough to make their own discissions. Well maybe there are plenty of newbies and people who only started to pick-up the game and depending on your expertese.

So you can pretend that the picture I posted was never there. But if you don't arm yourself against situations like that and if they happen again (wich they will of course) then you will shurely see that people will burn their accounts and abandon your system. Or you can do or find the nescessary if it happens again that you are armend against those situation and you will see that people will support you and stand by you no matter what.

The steinutz system was the very same problem. He was waving around with false backtest and claims of making millions of dollars on demo accounts. Many many people followed him. He was a herow. Look to his topic now. It died out completely. With many wounded and blown-up people. If he would only have opend his eyes and face the problems. (but more lickely he didn't want to open his eyes because he knew that the problem he was faced with was not to be solved but he took full advantge of asking money to everyone).

Now this person (steinutz) together with his programmer is standing on your doorstep to offer his services again.

Ill bet you that in some time he will find an EA (that will give great backtests because of the repainting) and aproach you to ask money for it on your topic for those who would be interested.

BigBear I send you honestly my friendly regards...iGoR

PS. On my topic I have posted over a long period of time and nearly every day the statements of my REAL accounts wich showed all my trades and the continious improvements of my equity balance so people could see what my method is capable of.


Igor has a point but misses one IMHO

Igor, I've seen your work on this forum and you always have been very keen on helping all interested. It's invaluable that people coming into this market get a hand in the beginning. The thing is, and I'm talking from my own experience, that it's not the system that increases the account equity, but the trader. Two years ago, when I first went live with my system, I freaked out the moment price went into a range and my trend following "system" created a DD. Then a few months later I found Murrey Math and traded it without stop loss. What do you think the outcome was when I was short cable in april 2006? The point I'm trying to make is, that yes, there are a lot of newbie soldiers here, some of them will die young (get discouredged and quit), some will get wounded ( like I did) but will heal and persevere. There is no regulation that compells us to use stops, no Highway Code for trading that will help keep emotions at bay. This is the only business that intentionally has no rules so people would come in and leave their money on the table for others to take. Only experience can save those newbies, cause most of us learn ONLY on experience. I know I did.



Still noone how can send me all the right files so i can test this ?



Still noone how can send me all the right files so i can test this ?



There are only 2 files for the original system, and they are in the 1st post of this thread together with an explanation.

Otherwise you have to read 800+ posts like we all did to understand more. No way around it!

Have fun...

Hi Big Bear,

It is not my intention to be hostely.

On all topics it is every time the same thing. ....

Yes, Igor, I mean you are absolutely right.


I'm with iGoR on this issue with repainting false signal.

Problem is that trader should never be trying to pick top and bottom, period.

There is no indicator on this planet earth that will predict tops and bottoms no matter how many filters you add to it.

Overbought and oversold means nothing anymore in Forex market , it will keep going up or down for days ignoring all RSI , stochastics etc .

Those new traders who can't digest money management aspect, will lose money until bigbear will be telling them every positions and exits to keep fighting those false signals and yet still making money.

That was never intention of bigbear , he just wanted to reveal his metod and

get perhaps EA but the rest is up to every trader if he or she wants to follow it.

Tops and bottoms pick is dream of every trader , the whole world would be sitting home trading Forex market if it is just that simple.

Bigbear is the first trader that I now know is making money out of Forex market using ZigZag indicator as it is currently coded for MT4.

I have nothing against this style , whatever make money and works but

seriously, this must be hard or there is good run time period when it works better than other times and crush may still be around.

There is no indicator on this planet earth that will predict tops and bottoms no matter how many filters you add to it.

OOOOOH, you don't want to start with Elliott and Gann followers now do you? :D:D


OOOPS , what I have done !!!!

Now , they will go after me.

It's time to disappear