Follow The Bouncing Pip - page 207


as i go thru my email, i find an ever increasing amount of wasted bandwidth being given over to the enlargement of a particular male member, creating claims of enlargement to rival that of john dillinger, but my problem has always been having an etremely large tongue (which is another issue, but not one to be discussed on a "family oriented tv show" such as this one !

being stuck with (well, lets us not say stuck, as it has MANY uses that approach the claims of the huge amount of emails i receive pertaining to the above paragraph) i have to find some method of transporting it from place to place.

Over the years, many methods have been tried, from small red wagons to leather "pouches", as to assist me in this Herculian task, but of late I have taken to simply parking it well within my cheek !

I therefore leave it to you to finish the analysis of your above question as i have probably made more than enough errors for any one day on this and other boards !

Unfortunately when that particular appendage is as long as it is, one can also STEP on it and ive had enough for one day !

"I live in my own little world but its ok, they know me there" anon

enjoy and trade well


crap! Was your response one of jovial discussion or condensending chatter? I ask because it could go either way and I'd hate to ASS U ME. Thanks

Mr Pip EA


I have tried the previous version but it did seem to miss trades. I have downlaoded the new version (4.2) and will post results here once Isee how it goes. The initial tests were quite good but then it fell back. I don't remember if that it happened after I downloaded an update or not but I look forward to continue testing the newest version.

I have had good success trading this with a demo account manually and continue to experiment with different settings and confirmations. Thanks to all who post positively here!

Bear ---- The LAST person on this or any other site that needs help with his/her trading is me, the traders who work with me and the students who have learned from me and other professional traders I associate with !

I am reacting to what I read, and wherever this thread may have started, its like the childs game of "telephone" -- it takes on its own life and direction and its present direction, whether you desire it or not, has fallen to a discussion of how your "results" should be presented !

I refer to "advertising" as ANYONE who posts "results" of a competition, testing or "placement", which, by definition, IS advertising !!!

You may very well have your concept of what your posts were MEANT to mean, but when you see confusion and discussion setting in concerning your posts, instead of reacting like a big ole bear, try seeing what OTHERS are reading into the confusion and think about it for a minute --- if you would choose to see, then you could easily and simply explain YOUR position as insults and yelling back do NOT represent conversation, simply an inability to understand why this is happening !

THEN, once youve settled that, get on with whatever the point is --- you know, the ORIGINAL point !


Hey MP,

I'm sorry. Your right. I should not have lost my cool. Its just that I have been getting attacked from all angles & all I wanted to do was have a friendly contest with thread members who where interested. I don't know you or who u are or what u stand for & I should have asked. I'm sure our a great trader & teaching people is a wonderful thing.

Although I think it was because you came off as a bit arrogant that set me off. Even in the above post you come across as a bit arrogant, but I understand why. I did say somethings I shouldn't have. But when people attack you, & I don't just mean this thread, there is only so much you can take.

Take Care & Good Luck.


as i go thru my email, i find an ever increasing amount of wasted bandwidth being given over to the enlargement of a particular male member, creating claims of enlargement to rival that of john dillinger, but my problem has always been having an etremely large tongue (which is another issue, but not one to be discussed on a "family oriented tv show" such as this one !

being stuck with (well, lets us not say stuck, as it has MANY uses that approach the claims of the huge amount of emails i receive pertaining to the above paragraph) i have to find some method of transporting it from place to place.

Over the years, many methods have been tried, from small red wagons to leather "pouches", as to assist me in this Herculian task, but of late I have taken to simply parking it well within my cheek !

I therefore leave it to you to finish the analysis of your above question as i have probably made more than enough errors for any one day on this and other boards !

Unfortunately when that particular appendage is as long as it is, one can also STEP on it and ive had enough for one day !

"I live in my own little world but its ok, they know me there" anon

enjoy and trade well



Is that a reading comprehension test that you give your trading students to examine their language capabilities? You certainly have a little bee in your head that you transport from one place to another along with your long tongue

You just came out of nowhere and started with your rude, sarcastic, arrogant comments, attacking Bear and other people on this thread. You are saying that you are a great trader and you teach people, and that you are the last person that needs help trading. In that case, I just do not understand why you come here and act as a clown...


Is that a reading comprehension test that you give your trading students to examine their language capabilities? You certainly have a little bee in your head that you transport from one place to another along with your long tongue

You just came out of nowhere and started with your rude, sarcastic, arrogant comments, attacking Bear and other people on this thread. You are saying that you are a great trader and you teach people, and that you are the last person that needs help trading. In that case, I just do not understand why you come here and act as a clown...

Not to worry, MP. I think he's just a very cunning linguist

(cunnilingus - Definitions from


hi guys, newbie here.

can you guys confirm the sell signal on eur/usd? Short signals in M30, H1, and H4 with MFI confirmation. I'm planning on breakdown from 23.6% fibonacci retracement.



Prefered TF ??

To anyone interested in the EA,

There is a new version 42 of the EA on post 1522. A bug was found in v41 that overrode one of the filter tests with nonLagDot. Now all filter tests work correctly.


Hi Robert,

Just located this thread. Looks like I've missed a hell of a lot of PIPS all this time.

I have downloaded the EA - bouncingPipEA_mpowerV42 from post 1522.

Please advise :

1 - Genaral settings / Parameters to take care of ?

2 - Over 15+ Hours have passed not one trade has initiated - Is it waiting for the zigzagPointer to Show up ? (Updated 9:30 NY Time)

Anybody familier with this EA - please help clarify me.




Ver 4.2 running for past 15+ Hours on 6 CCY Pairs

Hello Friends

Yesterday I downloaded and am struggling to get the bouncingPipEA_mpowerV42 to start trading.

Not a trade for almost 15 Hours.

Must be I am missing out on some parameters. Any help - will be greately appreciated.




Im a "good" teacher but I dont have the needed patience to be a "great" one, but laying that aside for the moment, in NO WAY DID I ATTACK YOU, as thru the chatter one should note that my tongue was firmly planted within my cheek, as i posted above. What you are vis-a-vis the "contest" differs from the posts I had read and changes the whole tone around --- my apologies if offense was taken as none was meant !

in point of truth I AM a bit arrogant, and after 36 years of decent trading, I tend to hold some claims for that condition, but its my signature that really gets to people -- Strangely enough, people who HATE me in the beginning, end up liking me very much down the road, once they begin to understand what my words mean ---

Please UNDERSTAND that the world is a wonderfully funny place, BUT often these boards are MORE deadly serious than they have any need to be, and I love poking fun at "left brained seriousness !"

Ive been a teaching moderator on some very large EQUITY boards for 7 years, but when I left equities to join forex I found only people who wanted to use EA's and didnt have a clue as to how the forex market operated, so I wander, like a one man "lost tribe", looking for those who wish to learn, but sadly finding only mirages ! Given that, while I do enjoy sharing "real life" trading experiences, I begin to realize that one cannot share, if there is no sharee --- so like the doo doo bird of old, perhaps it is time to take my immense fortunes and wander off, be happy with the people in my office, light up my pipe filled with a delicious balkan sobranie, bring my feet up, coddle my daughters (nah, already do that) and write my memoirs !

never lose sight that forex is nothing more than support and resistance, moved by news, but LOVING the trend its in !

enjoy and trade well


Hey MP,

I'm sorry. Your right. I should not have lost my cool. Its just that I have been getting attacked from all angles & all I wanted to do was have a friendly contest with thread members who where interested. I don't know you or who u are or what u stand for & I should have asked. I'm sure our a great trader & teaching people is a wonderful thing.

Although I think it was because you came off as a bit arrogant that set me off. Even in the above post you come across as a bit arrogant, but I understand why. I did say somethings I shouldn't have. But when people attack you, & I don't just mean this thread, there is only so much you can take.

Take Care & Good Luck.



I think you could and should start a thread here in the Suggestions for trading systems and find a tribe of followers. I bet it wouldn't take long for people who would like learn to start showing up. Unless of coarse you like being a tribe of one.