Follow The Bouncing Pip - page 198


I made a long!



I manually close my GBP/JPY trade @ 215.42 coz in my opinion it will go down again.

1.EUR/USD : Short @ 1.4800, still open

2.GBP/JPY : Long @ 213.90, close @ 215.42 = +152

close_2.jpg  149 kb

marulash, can we know what indicators are you using from your chart you post to take the deision to enter the trade... thx Max



on what tf are you trading? And what is the motivation to close the long? Only on 15 min tf I can imagine an arrow down, but the other tf not.


roodstaart, i am using 4hrs chart and I did not close my position yet... thx Max


Great Work!!!!

Hey marulash & droesparky,

Good job. A pip is a pip. I am proud of you guyz. This is exactly what I want to see. Where & why I got in, where & why I got out. Pics. Keep it up.

Can anyone topple marulash & droesparky? Can marulash & droesparky capture more pips & hold on to the top 2 positions? How many of you want, really want that top spot? Its not only bragging rights but it means you made pips. Its win/win.

Prep your trades, cut your losses, ride your profits. Watch out for news, know whats going on, be aware. Can we hit 83,333 pips this month as a group? That is 1/12 of million. marulash & droesparky got us started. Who's gonna be on top by Friday?.....

Its a new week, lets see what we happens.....



Took long on GJ At 215.01 and closed at 216.11 for +110

Got in a little while back at 215.50 when the MFI's were a little more lined up. My stop is at 213.00. Still trying to figure out the screenshot. Every time I try and upload I get an error.

Hey Hoss,

This goes for anyone & everyone. If you are having trouble posting your charts, or just don't want to go public please e-mail me your pics or results & I will be happy to do the work for you. After all I have a vested interest in this. TO PROVE THIS WORKS!!!.

Also yesterday I requested many of you who are on lepiricus Skype channel to be added to my Skype contact lists. I am bigbear3391

Lets make it happen.


Took long on GJ At 215.01 and closed at 216.11 for +110

Hey boophaty,

Show me a pic of your closed trade & you will take 2nd place!


Will this work to get credit for my 1 pip, I moved my stop to BE +1 a little to quick. Ill try show charts from now on.

Works for me D,

Your in 2nd place. But there are some open trades right now that can bump u off.
