Automated Trading Championship: 2006 and 2007


MetaQuotes Software Corp. starts the unique Automated Trading Championship 2006 sponsored by Spacevision Switzerland SA, FXDirectDealer LLC. and Interbank FX LLC.. Unlike numerous traders contests, this championship is intended not for traders, but for Expert Advisors writen by them.

Within 12 weeks (from the 1st of October till the 25th of December), Expert Advisors will compete for the prizes. The total amount of prizes makes US$ 80,000. Registration starts on August 1st until September 25th. Everyone is allowed to send his or her Expert Advisor and participate in the Automated Trading Championship 2006.

Automated Trading Championship 2006 Site opening tomorrow at:

Best Regards, Lenar Fatkhullin

MetaQuotes Software Corp.

MetaQuotes Software Corp. starts the unique Automated Trading Championship 2006 sponsored by Spacevision Switzerland SA, FXDirectDealer LLC. and Interbank FX LLC.. Unlike numerous traders contests, this championship is intended not for traders, but for Expert Advisors writen by them.

Within 12 weeks (from the 1st of October till the 25th of December), Expert Advisors will compete for the prizes. The total amount of prizes makes US$ 80,000. Registration starts on August 1st until September 25th. Everyone is allowed to send his or her Expert Advisor and participate in the Automated Trading Championship 2006.

Automated Trading Championship 2006 Site opening tomorrow at:

Best Regards, Lenar Fatkhullin

MetaQuotes Software Corp.

So you give a prize of 40,000$ to a code that can produce 1000000000...............You are not fooling anybody.

These guys will steal your experts.

Programming wiz:
So you give a prize of 40,000$ to a code that can produce 1000000000...............You are not fooling anybody. These guys will steal your experts.

No we wont. The main aim for us is to rise the popularity of AT and MQL4. Also, second aim is to leave after championship a lot of useful information. We will analyse most of interesting situations during championship, make weekly reports and take interviews with different specs.

Just take a look, we`ve developed MetaTrader 4 Platform and installed it to a hundred brokers. They got several thousand (maybe millions - its hard to count) of users and we have to support them.


1. we made MQL4.COM site for them with documentation and code base.

2. we are paying for the articles about AT and MQL4.

3. we are starting Automated Trading Championship and offering 40 000 for the first place.

We dont need your experts. You can send them in EX4 files. After ATC is finished, all the experts will be deleted.

Its your bussines, will you take part or not. But we are not foolishing anybody... maybe you foolishing youself?:) Just go to the site and read the rules. BTW, they are harder than in real trading.


Rules for Experts seem a little STRICT

The maximum amount of simultaneously opened positions and pending orders is 3.

That rule, does it mean that you can only have 3 total open trades at any given time or does it mean that 3 given trades per currency pair. Let me say that this rule would eliminate 99% of experts out there if it means ALL currency pairs.



I guess MetaQuotes could easily check accounts to find the winner (like many contests of other brokers).

I can't really think of a good reason for asking for the Ea's code.


MEtaquotes is MT4 developer. They could compile mq4 to ex4, also decompile ex4 to mq4. So what prevent them to not decompile the EA that everybody send ? Their intention is too obvious, becarefull


The more brokers using the MT4 api the better. The more people using it the more user support.

It's nice having a FREE fully functional interface, even if there is an occational bug, they are always trying to fix it and putting out new builds.

If they wanted to steal peoples traders, they could easily program it into the code to email them any mq4 file that is making a ton of money.

just my 2 pips...



Intersting competition. I'm sure even the winning EA will never guarantee a profitable outcome, otherwise, poverty in the world could be eliminated and all could be rich. The search for the Holy Grail is like trying to find the eternal life recipe.

That's just my opinion. So just send in your EA to this championship regardless of the final results. I think I'll participate, but I hope the ex4 files would be available at least to competitors after the competition is over. That could be a good incentive for us to join.

MEtaquotes is MT4 developer. They could compile mq4 to ex4, also decompile ex4 to mq4. So what prevent them to not decompile the EA that everybody send ? Their intention is too obvious, becarefull

The rules of the competition prohibits them from decompiling the files:

VI. Experts' Codes Safety and Non-Disclosure

1. The Organizer guarantees that all experts' files received from Participants (including custom indicators and libraries) will be immediately deleted as soon as the Championship finishes, provided that the Participant has not authorized their publishing.

2. The Organizer guarantees that only MetaQuotes Software Corp. authorized staff will access to the Participants' programs.

3. The Organizer guarantees that it will not attempt to decompile the experts' files sent by Participants.
Intersting competition. I'm sure even the winning EA will never guarantee a profitable outcome, otherwise, poverty in the world could be eliminated and all could be rich. The search for the Holy Grail is like trying to find the eternal life recipe. That's just my opinion. So just send in your EA to this championship regardless of the final results. I think I'll participate, but I hope the ex4 files would be available at least to competitors after the competition is over. That could be a good incentive for us to join.

That's not true as eventually one would run into liquidity problems. Try entering and exiting a 1000 lot order in a matter of seconds. It might work on a demo account, but not in the real world.

Intersting competition. I'm sure even the winning EA will never guarantee a profitable outcome, otherwise, poverty in the world could be eliminated and all could be rich. The search for the Holy Grail is like trying to find the eternal life recipe. That's just my opinion. So just send in your EA to this championship regardless of the final results. I think I'll participate, but I hope the ex4 files would be available at least to competitors after the competition is over. That could be a good incentive for us to join.

Hi everybody!

The rules are made in the way to find out most profitable expert, most reliable, but not risky one. The rules garantee that you can win only if your expert is made on the principles of wise combination of low risk and profitability. If your expert is just opening in any direction and by any signal, you will lose.

EX4 files wont be available to any competitors until you check " Allow to publish the expert code (all visitors will be able to download it)" checkbox in your profile.

Best Regards