RandyCandles - Information - page 14

On this chart is this an alert RC ( Chili pepper) or is bar to long...Thanks...Did you guys get a chat room started ?

Hey Amaruenterprise,

Nice Stoch indicator. Would you post the MQ4?

Hey Amaruenterprise, Nice Stoch indicator. Would you post the MQ4?

This indicator was modified by Itguy ( a big thank you ). Here it isall you have to do is set each time frame ( 15, 30, 60, 240 ) and overlay each one on top the other stoch. I hope this helps....

This indicator was modified by Itguy ( a big thank you ). Here it isall you have to do is set each time frame ( 15, 30, 60, 240 ) and overlay each one on top the other stoch. I hope this helps....

with this indicator on the chart when you change the time frame of the chart from 15 min to say h4 then go back to 15 min the stocastics look different. has anyone else experienced that?


Hi Icfxtrader and whoever else is interested, Here is my template that I use to trade.....

with this indicator on the chart when you change the time frame of the chart from 15 min to say h4 then go back to 15 min the stocastics look different. has anyone else experienced that?

When it does this try starting with the 4hr and work your way back to 15 min. that should take care of it.....


trading room

Hello all,

Many thanks to arnie for his manual. I have already been using the mtf from spud, but these randy canldes have added another dimension, I went to trading rooms to look for the trading room that has been talked abt, but couldn't find it. Has there been one set up? Could someone pls direct me to it?




It's still there-we just haven't had much participation. There's plenty of info here. Watch the charts real time and you shall prosper

Hello all,

Many thanks to arnie for his manual. I have already been using the mtf from spud, but these randy canldes have added another dimension, I went to trading rooms to look for the trading room that has been talked abt, but couldn't find it. Has there been one set up? Could someone pls direct me to it?


1tl_2.gif  28 kb

I use the CCI Trigger because it has an alert function and gives me a heads up when me head is down. I tend to scalp big lots for 8-10 pips-in and out in a flash..thanks for the comments and the TMT of course. With due respect to the HamaPad, I use it as well.

Very nice, summitfx. I personally like the looks of the TMT on it than some of the previous indicators with the candles. With due respect to FX Sniper, I think you can take the Ergodic CCI out as you may find its signal not in sync with the TMT plus LESS is MORE. . Now, you have your Trend - Momentum - Timing. Just don't leave the Candles lit up too long.

Best wishes to YOU ALL!


It's still there-we just haven't had much participation. There's plenty of info here. Watch the charts real time and you shall prosper

Very nice, summitfx. I personally like the looks of the TMT on it than some of the previous indicators with the Candles. With due respect to FX Sniper, I think you can take the Ergodic CCI out as you may find its signal not in sync with the TMT plus LESS is MORE. . Oh, you don't have to worry about the chili pepper anymore, tabasco sauce will do. Now, you have your Trend - Momentum - Timing. Just don't leave the Candles lit up too long.

Best wishes to YOU ALL!




@summit - entry on ur chart

Hi Summit,

True, all the basic info needed is in the thread, and I have read it twice already. But when starting out, it is good to talk out loud with someone who has been using the system for a while.

Let me talk out loud on the chart u have posted. I have an alert candle at 23.55, because stem on each side, and very close to sma. Entry candle is at the close of the next candle - right colour candle and right colour has, close above sma, and to compliment, tmt is green and above zero line, with a minor zlb.

Am I reading it correct??

