RandyCandles - Information - page 66


Thanks Raverstyletim

sundowner, seems to be a few people with yahoo messenger. i dont really know about skype and all that, dont they charge? id gladly set up a room and leave it on 24/7 for the candle discussion. PM your yahoo name if you got it.

Thanks Raverstyletim but I don't have Yahoo Messenger or anything of the sort.

I am interested in discussion of Goldenequity's trading ideas (with charts for reference - so this forum, email, trading room, whatever). I'm just trying to learn to trade. I don't know what's possible with YM or a trading rooms... limited understanding of that sort of thing.

I'm just thinking this is a "golden" opportunity that needs study and I could use some input... share ideas, like.



good morning US Session!


A Little Info They Don't Tell You

A Little Info They Don't Tell You About "tradingrooms.com"

- Kermut: thanks for the message. I pulled my info on that from 2 months ago and went over to it just now. Immediately I remembered -- at that time, and a couple of times since when I went into other rooms there just to visit ... I noticed my CPU speed pegged at 100% constantly and that my usual 300 meg of available memory shrunk down to 120 or 90. I saw comments on this subject in some of those tradingrooms.com I was visiting, so I know it was not just me

- The use of SKype is free to all who get a free Skype download. It will support a chat room. Will get more info for next time.

- Before I got online, I have just noticed, I just missed a nice 42 pip move on EUR/JPY. So, where's the next one?


almost an hour in and no significant runs. MAs are tied together. if you trade small turns on the yellow line you might've gotten a few 10 pippers here and there.


Great room

I think its better to use Ensign Echat.

It's good and fast and you will find a lot trading rooms.

Check it out trading chatroom


everyone on that last ride down? even gave you a 2nd shot at it.

euryen4.gif  19 kb

TWO MORE POTSHOTS! i need a bowl.

euryen5.gif  18 kb

March 4th 2000

Last time that E/J was this low --- 150.78 was March 4th 2000...Interesting to see what happens next.



If you guys want a chat room why not just setup one on IRC....download an IRC program such as mIRC and pick a network such as Dalnet and just create a room whatever you want to call it.... just post the name and server here so everyone can find it.


Anyone interested in discussing Goldenequity's addition to the original Randy Candles he presented?

I've been playing with it some, but have made the mistake of trying his template and can't handle that many currency pairs (I only have one screen) with both the RCs and the waterfall/fan template.

What I have seen is impressive and well worth pursuing. If everyone is comfortable with what they're doing, great.

Please post if interested or otherwise, pm me and let's talk about it.


I have to admit I wasn't that impressed with the "Waterfalls" to start with, but after reading up on on Dinapoli and putting them on my charts and watching them for a couple nights straight, I must say I understand completely what GE was talking about now.

Pay close attention to the angle of penetration of the SMAs. That is what made it really click for me. Notice what happens when penetration is at 90 degrees vs shallower angles. Just something I have noticed...