RandyCandles - Information - page 62


the fib indicator is part of itguys template. should be rc_it_final. actually, that whole picture is rc_it_final. though no mistake, i have posted pictures of trades using both rads and itguys. next time i'll point which picture is from what template. and as a note, no i havne't found which one is better

spudfibo.mq4  10 kb

hey guys, not posted in this thread but i must say i love it and been quitely learning and loudly flaming (just the once) at forex factory at the way randy was treated, really pi$$ed me off when I read some of the comments.

anways right before finding this thread I decided to drop most of my indicators and weird and wonderfuls and to create a system using heiken ashi! I have taken in alot from this thread and randy so thank you all!

anyway my contribution (maybe i got the idea from here and forgot)

instead of randys 3 SMA I have T3 moving average set at 8 exponential close volume factor 0.7.

I have made 3 or 4 demo trades blindly with just heiken ashi and the t3 and am up $700 trading 1 lot and 2 of the trades i got in too late. I was hesitating (even in demo lol) but now I have "alert" candles I have a clearer entry for my trigger!

Have a look I think you could trade with this ma alone hehe (i wont though)

t3.jpg  19 kb

mind posting that T3 indi you're using? mine doesn't let me choose ema close options.


hi, my T3 is the standard indicator with vtrader.

i found this one and had a look in the code

//---- main loop

for(i=limit; i>=0; i--) {


so think this should be the same hopefully

t3ma-1.mq4  4 kb

Sorry Goldenequity.

Found my answers...in my haste to try your ideas I didn't read your posts carefully. Very complex looking set up.

Trouble editing last post when I realized it.



Greetings Goldenequity,

Hopefully you'll drop by again. In case you do, I'd appreciate it if you could clarify a few things.

Interesting stuff, these waterfalls/fans...not where I expected you'd go with RCs at all. It's going to take a lot of chart time to sort things out. So far for a short, it looks like you need to wait until the 25 moves over the top of the price while the other mas untangle and turn down and sort themselves in their natural order - pink and blue. Near as I can tell the end of a consolidation period occurs when this happens. Exit when the white crosses the pink then blue.

Do you trade waterfalls/fans on their own or do you have a separate chart with RandyCandles on it for entries. Do you mostly trade the 5 minute and 1 minute charts?

By the way, if anyone has a document of Goldenequity's last postings, will you please post it here. I keep trying but make a mess of things...can't get the pictures to save properly in a word file




RandyCandles Zip file...

Here ya go....



Here ya go....





Thank you Pipskateer.



Randy, have you considered on the waterfall chart just making the price a line instead of candles since it appears you are mostly watching the SMA 1 interaction with with other SMAs? I tried it and it cleared up the chart greatly letting me see the details better without the candles blocking the view. It seems the candles are so small anyway you dont get much info out of them and they are just getting in the way. Do you look at the price candles on the waterfall chart at all? Or just looking for patterns of SMA interactions?

Just a thought...

Also just curious - which pairs do you trade with RC? Just E/J, G/J, G/U, U/J? It appears to me these pairs resolve best to the charts at the lower timeframes. E/U is just a freaking mess most the time unless you go way up in timeframes. I was just curious what you personally were doing...


[ADD] - Nevermind the part about the candles - I see now where you say you use the candles to confirm the timing of pivots. I overlooked that, sorry.