**Steinitz** Method Revealed Here - page 30


I am not going back to Forex Factory because there was another hijacking attempt and I don't wish to test my Norton Security to see how reliable it is. I am going to hang out here for awhile.

Right now is a good time to enter EUR/USD on a 30M. I am already up on this one. I have 10 trades that are open right now. If they all show a profit I will add another 20-30k in profits.

Always wager less then optimum since emotions will always get the best of you.


EUR/USD is making lower lows right now, but I'm shure it will go up at some point in the future!


Forex Factory


The hijack attempt on Forex Factory was due to the installation of an ActiveX control which in turn apparently spawned off a Trojan Horse virus. If you install FireFox or Opera browser, which have ActiveX off by default, you should be OK, otherwise go into your Internet Explorer security settings and turn OFF automatic loading of ActiveX components and Javascript while you're at it. If you're using Firefox, be sure to add the "NoScript" extension as well for an additional layer of security. This could happen on any forum, not just FF, so it is wise to secure yourself from attacks - whatever forum you visit. Last, but not least, be sure your anti-virus definitions are up-to-date.



What amazes me most is not the methods that do or don't work is the bashers that hang around here. You know there secretly in love with the method. They gave up years ago but now that I have brought this method to public they are my biggest fans.

They lurk around the corner trying to catch the next words that I utter. They kiss the ground that I walk and you can find them actually jerking off to my method in extreme titillation.


The hijack attempt on Forex Factory was due to the installation of an ActiveX control which in turn apparently spawned off a Trojan Horse virus. If you install FireFox or Opera browser, which have ActiveX off by default, you should be OK, otherwise go into your Internet Explorer security settings and turn OFF automatic loading of ActiveX components and Javascript while you're at it. If you're using Firefox, be sure to add the "NoScript" extension as well for an additional layer of security. This could happen on any forum, not just FF, so it is wise to secure yourself from attacks - whatever forum you visit. Last, but not least, be sure your anti-virus definitions are up-to-date.


Thanks for the heads up.

I went back on there and no issues with the medium security settings.


You know what?

The matter here isn't Steinitz. It's HAS. Does it offer a profitable method or doesn't it? Steinitz may be the biggest fool that ever lived, or he may be a genius. Most likely neither. Doesn't matter.

But, HAS clearly offers very good trend identifying characteristics, and the MTF color bars offers just that: a multi-scale glance at what trend is doing. If you can build effective trading strategies around what HAS offers, then do so. If you find it doesn't do much for you, and some other set of indicators does, then by all means use what works for you. If you find HAS useful but don't like Steinitz' methods, fine. Don't use them. Devise your own.

If you're here to warn against blindly following a leader instead of learning to trade, and studying the method offered for yourself to see whether it can work for you, your warning should be heeded. He who follows blindly isn't a trader and will surely fail because he doesn't know enough about trading to successfully apply ANY method, including HAS.

But slurs do not constitute sane warnings. Anyone can slur. If you have an intelligent warning or clarification regarding the use of HAS, let's hear it, along with your sound reasons. That's what a forum thread is for. If you want to go start a thread about Steinitz, go ahead. He's colorful enough that such a thread should be entertaining.

But guess what? This thread is about HAS.


Are you guys here to squabble or are you guys here to make EAs?

Steinitz, found you on forexfactory only a few weeks ago, now I find you here, welcome! I find the visual representation of the market given by your method very helpful for us inexperienced traders. Thanks for sharing!


Andy, I concur 100%. And any trader who wants to argue that a method that takes into account all time frames and thinks that it doesn't have merit Is An Absolute Newbie to Trading. MTF is universally accepted among traders worldwide on multiple markets. I have been around an abundant of different types of traders. And many who do not use stop losses. Using multiple time frames is one of the keys to successful trading. Are there other ways to trade, of course, but to cast doubt on this method is just shy of hilarious to me. What it also says loud and clearly is that many traders think that it's all about the method when in fact it's a combination of trader and method. cheers

You know what?

The matter here isn't Steinitz. It's HAS. Does it offer a profitable method or doesn't it? Steinitz may be the biggest fool that ever lived, or he may be a genius. Most likely neither. Doesn't matter.

But, HAS clearly offers very good trend identifying characteristics, and the MTF color bars offers just that: a multi-scale glance at what trend is doing. If you can build effective trading strategies around what HAS offers, then do so. If you find it doesn't do much for you, and some other set of indicators does, then by all means use what works for you. If you find HAS useful but don't like Steinitz' methods, fine. Don't use them. Devise your own.

If you're here to warn against blindly following a leader instead of learning to trade, and studying the method offered for yourself to see whether it can work for you, your warning should be heeded. He who follows blindly isn't a trader and will surely fail because he doesn't know enough about trading to successfully apply ANY method, including HAS.

But slurs do not constitute sane warnings. Anyone can slur. If you have an intelligent warning or clarification regarding the use of HAS, let's hear it, along with your sound reasons. That's what a forum thread is for. If you want to go start a thread about Steinitz, go ahead. He's colorful enough that such a thread should be entertaining.

But guess what? This thread is about HAS.

Sometimes I just have to roll around here and laugh. I know I should ignore these guys but it's tempting to respond.

Here is what this guy is doing and thinking. Hey steinitz has something here that all these traders think is working. I can't allow this guy to feel he has accomplished anything since I am a loser and I need to pick apart every post of his and find anything I can that remotely looks off color.

Let me grab a few comments out of context and give it a whirl.

Ok. I just had to say that. I am done with anymore responses to the "Gutter Snipes".

Still awaiting another alert with the code changed to allow us to choose to be alerted as is or on close (user defined).

And thanks to all my members who sent $250.00 by paypal. That was great and I am sure you will feel good that now I can fund my own live account and give it a shot. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Only $250?

Is that all steinitz? This info is worth WAY MORE than that! This is a million dollar idea man! Sign me up NOW!

Sometimes I just have to roll around here and laugh. I know I should ignore these guys but it's tempting to respond.

Here is what this guy is doing and thinking. Hey steinitz has something here that all these traders think is working. I can't allow this guy to feel he has accomplished anything since I am a loser and I need to pick apart every post of his and find anything I can that remotely looks off color.

Let me grab a few comments out of context and give it a whirl.

Ok. I just had to say that. I am done with anymore responses to the "Gutter Snipes".

Still awaiting another alert with the code changed to allow us to choose to be alerted as is or on close (user defined).

And thanks to all my members who sent $250.00 by paypal. That was great and I am sure you will feel good that now I can fund my own live account and give it a shot. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!