**Steinitz** Method Revealed Here - page 111

And if the Steinitz HAS EA is so bad, why is the poll showing 116 out of 212 (56.71%) think that it's "The best thing since sliced Bread" or "It's good and I'm making money"; and of the remainder, 51 (24.06%) " .. don't understand this method"? Anybody here making money with it?

Because whenever we try to say the truth Steinitz flood the thread with his scam selling posts , and his dogs send you PM to stay away from this thread , then and sadly the admin deleted lots of the posts based on Steinitz request.

Steinitz has edited his statement , misleading lots of traders by creating a new account each month and show only the profit, when the account dunk he close it and open a new one

finally Steinitz, believed his own lie and participated in the MT4 competition, he exposed him self Participant Steinitz - Automated Trading Championship 2007

we wish he stopped there, even when he was losing he tried to post his scam on mql4.com site.

Steinitz is not a trader and will never be

His EA cost me nearly 30k in real money. 1/3 of my account. 20K in one night. And I had the setting set conservatively.

Sorry to hear that fxcope.

My advice to you, learn to code if you can't code already. Create your own EA, and NEVER trade your real hard earned money with any EA that was created by anyone except yourself.

I hate to hear of people losing their money due to someone else's promise of riches.

His EA cost me nearly 30k in real money. 1/3 of my account. 20K in one night. And I had the setting set conservatively.

Daaamn, that sounds painful.

Stenitz is a gambler, not a trader. He admitted this himself.

Daaamn, that sounds painful. Stenitz is a gambler, not a trader. He admitted this himself.


I don't think, Steinitz never going to admit about himself.

Still, he is selling his EA in other sites.

He is worst than a thief, pathetic human being!




The EA took 50% of my account, and settings were straight out of the box.

Don Steinitz was very unhelpful to me, very accusatory, and laughed when I told him what his EA did. Here is his message:

"Make sure your broker account is set up to accept a micro lot. You should be trading .01 lots each on each currency times 10 currencies in total. Don't worry you are just trading 1000% greater than you should have been! LOL"

While that may be funny to Don, it is not funny to me. Losing 50% of my account, with the settings right out of the box, is not too funny.

I did request a refund, but Don ignored me.

I am posting this as a warning to anyone else not to purchase Don's EA.


Further Information on Don Steinitz

For those of us who have been trading with the broker IBFX, we know their method of lot sizing is very simple. They have a standard account (100,000 units per lot) and they have a mini account (10,000 units per lot). It just couldn't be simpler. But Don Steinitz was very confused by them, as is evidenced in the below answer that he sent, and his "fix" was to suggest "changing brokers." He states that they (IBFX) are "a confused bunch of people over there." Based upon the simplicity of IBFX's system, one wonders if they are confused, or if Don is.

I wonder if enough people asked the forum administrators to ban Don, if they would listen and ban him. I suppose if enough of us continue to fall victim to him they will.

Here are Don's statements. I do have lots more from him that I will post, if he continues to defend himself, as I really do want to warn people, not only about the EA but about Don himself.

"Your broker has unique way of trading lots sizes. They call a mini lot a standard lot and a micro lot a mini lot. They are confused bunch of people over there. The bottom line is you need to be able to trade a micro lot is equal to $.10 per Pip. Ask them if your account is able to handle a micro lot worth $.10 a Pip since it could be semantics issues when talking to a representative.

I believe they have that available. There is a miscommunication going on here I believe. The robot takes care of all the conversions for you so you would still use micro setting on the robot and let the robot convert the micro lot size to a mini lot size for your broker. If this sounds confusing it is. You might want to change brokers.

Bottom line is one Pip worth $.10 if so you are trading a micro account regardless of what they tell you a paragraph Don"

I don't think any of us will understand Don's confusion about IBFX, nor his confusing last sentence "...regardless of what they tell you a paragraph Don" but it does become quite clear who is really confused here.

Again, I believe we need to call for a ban of Don Steinitz from this forum, so as to not allow him to swindle other people as well.


If this software is so bad, how come so many people rated it highly in the polls?

If this software is so bad, how come so many people rated it highly in the polls?

Because most people ain't that smart.

It beggars belief that this is still grinding on.


Too funny

Because most people ain't that smart. It beggars belief that this is still grinding on.

Incredibly weak minded is more like it. Those that rated it highly are the type that always sing a systems praises after experiencing barely '5 minutes' of half decent trades. Unfortunately, a handful of winning trades does not a system make and if these people had controlled their idiot exuberance a week longer before giving the EA a 'tick of approval' in the polls you would find only 1 person be touting the system - Steinitz.

Every loud mouthed weasel that defended this piece of trash before even educating themselves on why it can't work, has long slithered into the night unable to swallow pride and admit they were actually wrong.

No matter....most of them are all broke now and those stupid enough to believe a gambler let alone enter a industry they know nothing about deserve to lose all their money.

Simple as that.