Questions: to start with MetaTrader and forex


I believe someone had requested how to do this on MT4 a couple of days back and I did not know the answer then.

While going through some old posts on IBFX's forum, I think I found the answer. If you press F12, then the chart will move forward candle by candle and Shift-F12 will be backward movement.

Hope this helps the member who was looking for the answer.

Good luck.


Questions: how to start with MetaTrader and forex

Please post your questions regarding MetaTrader and forex in general. The reply may be posted on this thread


142 views and no-one knows why we trade pairs, weird


Pairs: little info please on pairs

Hello, just looking for some basic info on what it means trading with FOREX currencies in pairs.

What I mean is when I place a trade on EUR/USD, what am I actually looking for the currencies to do? Is it like a ratio type thing where if the EURO has a stronger day then the price will go up but if the US Dollar is stronger then the prince will go down? so it's like playing the EUR currency against the USD currency? when we select to trade EUR/USD

I understand that we buy and sell on the pair but don't really understand why they are in pairs. I can understand if it was one currency, lets say USD and if I think the USD will go up then buy and VISA versa for Sell but just don't understand when there in pairs like they are.

Please clarify for me.

Thank you

I understand that we buy and sell on the pair but don't really understand why they are in pairs.

If there wouldn't be crosses then what currency would you buy the other currencies with?

hint: If you are american that would always be USD, if european EUR.

If you go to local currency change shop and change your local money (let's say euros) to yens for example, you have actually made EURJPY long trade.

Your broker just makes it possible for you to make the trade with some other base currency than your local currency.

With stocks or commodities there is always the same binding to currency, for example oil is valuated in dollars. so when you buy oil, you are actually also speculating dollar value if you are in euro zone. (guess why oil is going up so fast? See the dollar value.)

I don't know if this clarifies it at all but at least I tried

If there wouldn't be crosses then what currency would you buy the other currencies with?

hint: If you are american that would always be USD, if european EUR.

If you go to local currency change shop and change your local money (let's say euros) to yens for example, you have actually made EURJPY long trade.

Your broker just makes it possible for you to make the trade with some other base currency than your local currency.

With stocks or commodities there is always the same binding to currency, for example oil is valuated in dollars. so when you buy oil, you are actually also speculating dollar value if you are in euro zone. (guess why oil is going up so fast? See the dollar value.)

I don't know if this clarifies it at all but at least I tried

Ok, yes that makes a little more sense but if you could give me some more examples of what is happening for a BUY and a SELL of a specific pair.


Ok, yes that makes a little more sense but if you could give me some more examples of what is happening for a BUY and a SELL of a specific pair. Thanks

Currencies are floating, the trade is a mutual contract to do an exchange of security (in this case X amount of some pair) There is no central place which specifies what some currency costs - the price is just what it is, what the counterparties are willing to agree. This is possible because markets are efficient (in theory).

you might want to read this site The Skinny on Forex | Pre-School: Forex Basics | Learn Forex Trading and this Currency Pair


Ok, thanks, I'll check it out. Good info:)


Memory Problem

My apologies if this question has been asked elsewhere.

I've been running MT4 for some time and recently have been using FerruFX's Multi Indicator which I have found to be quite memory hungry, but I have been able to run it OK nonetheless.

Yesterday I made the mistake of adding a couple of additional chart windows to my set up. Today I am unable to open MT4 properly. MT4 opens but will not load all of the indicators and log on to the server. Windows Task Manager says that only about 8% of the CPU is being used but I only have about 4MB of available physical memory.

I guess that I need to revert back to a set up without as many chart windows open. Presumably there must be an initialisation file in a folder somewhere which can be edited so that I can get back in to MT4?

Or would I need to save my templates and indicators somewhere safe and do a fresh install?

Help please.

PS. I know I've also got to buy some more RAM

:: for me it helps if I delete all "log" & "history" files, afterwards you need (or if you wish) restore by downloading the history: if you want to do back testing, otherwise your broker will fill that automatically when you choose a currency pair/chart hope this helps
Pussy Galore:
My apologies if this question has been asked elsewhere.

I've been running MT4 for some time and recently have been using FerruFX's Multi Indicator which I have found to be quite memory hungry, but I have been able to run it OK nonetheless.

Yesterday I made the mistake of adding a couple of additional chart windows to my set up. Today I am unable to open MT4 properly. MT4 opens but will not load all of the indicators and log on to the server. Windows Task Manager says that only about 8% of the CPU is being used but I only have about 4MB of available physical memory.

I guess that I need to revert back to a set up without as many chart windows open. Presumably there must be an initialisation file in a folder somewhere which can be edited so that I can get back in to MT4?

Or would I need to save my templates and indicators somewhere safe and do a fresh install?

Help please.

PS. I know I've also got to buy some more RAM

There is some way to fix memory problems: set 'Max bar in Chart' to 1000:
