Solo! and insisting to be that way... - page 3


I have added a money management aspect to this EA. I will post it if anyone wants it and with Avalonish's permission.



I think you really do need a stop loss with this EA. I did some backtesting and put in a 300 stop loss and it got hit 3 times since 1/1/2006. So unless you have enough equity to withstand the trade going 300 pips+ against you, you should use a stop loss. My 2 cents.


By the way, nice EA Avalonish.



Got this from another site from a great guy

"The problem is that the order entry code is never being reached if there's an order open, the return statement gets executed";





return(0); // <== REMOVE THIS LINE


// Executing a Long Position

if(MacdCurrentSignalCurrent && MacdPrevious<SignalPrevious &&

MathAbs(MacdCurrent)>(MACDOpenLevel*Point) && MaCurrent>MaPrevious)

EDIT: Seems to work in back test

I think you really do need a stop loss with this EA. I did some backtesting and put in a 300 stop loss and it got hit 3 times since 1/1/2006. So unless you have enough equity to withstand the trade going 300 pips+ against you, you should use a stop loss. My 2 cents.


By the way, nice EA Avalonish.


Thanks Kevin!

Actually, I just made some minor work on it and gave the user more control. I'm still an amateur

I like the MM idea! Please feel free to make what ever improvement you see fit and share it with us.

BTW, what would you recommend for a stoploss?


Got this from another site from a great guy

"The problem is that the order entry code is never being reached if there's an order open, the return statement gets executed";





return(0); // <== REMOVE THIS LINE


// Executing a Long Position

if(MacdCurrentSignalCurrent && MacdPrevious<SignalPrevious &&

MathAbs(MacdCurrent)>(MACDOpenLevel*Point) && MaCurrent>MaPrevious)

EDIT: Seems to work in back test

Thanks Matrix! I'll try that.. fingers crossed

EDIT: I tried it and Solo lost its brains It made 119 sells in less than 3 minutes... However, when I moved it up a bracket everything seemed to go back to normal. I guess I need to work on it through the weekend..


Thanks Matrix! I'll try that.. fingers crossed

EDIT: I tried it and Solo lost its brains It made 119 sells in less than 3 minutes... However, when I moved it up a bracket everything seemed to go back to normal. I guess I need to work on it through the weekend..


What do you mean moved it up a bracket?



Yes I also took the line out and it went crazy selling every few seconds until equity hit zero.

This EA only seems to work well on GBP and only on 4 hour which seems strange. Anyway I use the following settings

Profit: 75

Stop: 200

Trailing Stop: 60

200 stoploss even seems too large but anything lower seems to really effect profitability.

I am attaching EA with money management.


solo_11.2.mq4  6 kb
What do you mean moved it up a bracket? Thanks

Sorry for the delay.. Weekend is kind of holly in our home...

Forgive my english I meant:




<========== To here


return(0); // <== Moved it from here


But thanks to you and your friend for opening my eyes.. If you take a closer look at 1.2 (will post it shortly) you'll see a difference in the code.


Yes I also took the line out and it went crazy selling every few seconds until equity hit zero.

This EA only seems to work well on GBP and only on 4 hour which seems strange. Anyway I use the following settings

Profit: 75

Stop: 200

Trailing Stop: 60

200 stoploss even seems too large but anything lower seems to really effect profitability.

I am attaching EA with money management.


Kevin! You rock man! The MM you added improved Solo's performance almost 400% in the tester! If ,in reality, Solo delivers at least 30% of that, I guess we can all retire to Majurca

I've done some additional minor work on Solo and will upload 1.2 shortly.

All I'm wishing for is for an experienced coder to just double check our work..


Kevin! You rock man! The MM you added improved Solo's performance almost 400% in the tester! If ,in reality, Solo delivers at least 30% of that, I guess we can all retire to Majurca

I've done some additional minor work on Solo and will upload 1.2 shortly.

All I'm wishing for is for an experienced coder to just double check our work..


Ok, cool, so the multi trade open is working now by moving the line up one bracket?