Goblin Bipolar mod H - page 2

Goblin_BiPolar could benefit most from a lot-sizing makeover. Maybe I will find time to work on that, since it's simple stuff. I'll see what I can come up with over the next week or so.

Hi thank you mr. autofx. This is good news. I also pm bluto to see what he is up to if maybe to do more developing on this ea. He told me he is making a web site for guys to come and work with him on this and others so maybe that will be a good place. I also might like to join the web site you have but my account is fxdd so what do I need to do?


Hi shibeng,

You can e-mail Lyn Chang at FXDD. Her e-mail is lyn.chang@fxdd.com

You would tell her you wish to name Automatic Forex LLC as your introducing broker.

Hi shibeng, You would tell her you wish to name Automatic Forex LLC as your introducing broker.


Can I do the same and get membership ? I have a mini with IBFX.

autofx, Can I do the same and get membership ? I have a mini with IBFX.

InterbankFX and FXDD both have histories of letting people change over to my IB. You can tell them that if they give you any guff.

Why not everyone will like your personality? Are you mean?

He can be.... and on a moments notice.

For some reason money does that to certain people.

InterbankFX and FXDD both have histories of letting people change over to my IB. You can tell them that if they give you any guff.

what is your website?


I uploaded a new copy with LotsIncreaseBy ratcheted down to 1.3. This should help us not Martingale ourselves into the poorhouse!


once we join your forum, are you saying we can use your EA without fee?

I uploaded a new copy with LotsIncreaseBy ratcheted down to 1.3. This should help us not Martingale ourselves into the poorhouse!

dont think so it it will work. Lotincreaseby 2 is still best. It will get profit faster. Since the EA hedge themselves so it is safer