Subthread: Dolly 2nd Clone Project



Project start : 14 Dec 06

Background :

Based on first dolly , the alternate version based on daily pivot has been made with the same name "DOLLY"

After doing forward testing, sometimes we found the new day signal began inside the buy / sell area, which made us to postpone our trade until the next day.This usually happened on the day where the currency showed a big movement.

To solve this problem, cja has made the new Dolly based on daily open pivot, The new signal began on the pivot point for every opening day.

A question rised whether this new Dolly as accurate as the previous Dolly since it now gives a significant difference

The purpose:

Here we will work together to improve the new Dolly (a.k.a Dolly 2nd clone) to its fullest. Everybody is free to do forward test, modify or alter for the sake of improvement.

Day by day, this chart's getting even better , and the price?? It's FREE of charge, only we require your contribution for this project.

thanks a lot for all the help! Guys, you all are the MAN!!

Thread for original Dolly based on daily central pivot (1st clone) (thanks for thread starter, linuxer, and mostly cja )

The tools which you need for Dolly based on daily open (2nd clone) are located on this page.


I have attached the indicator and templates exactly with mine

1.Clock v1 2 = gives you the display time for London, broker, spread etc

2.b-clock = gives you the remaining time of each candle

3.Dolly Trading Times = gives you the line which indicate Europe, London, US open.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)

Q: I am new here, what should I do?

A: I hope you already got knowledge of MT4 first and know how to trade, then read the posts of this page. Read slowly, learning is a process not an instant. No wonder if no one answer your question if you just come and ask question which you can find the answer on this page.

Q: Should I read the whole of this thread?

A: Yes and NO... If you have time and want to know the whole, go ahead. If you dont have enough time, read this first page, It had already covered 80% of the topic

Q: What are this thread discussing right now? (update)

A: Forward testing is on the run, until now it's still profitable !!!

Developing an EA? Go through Dolly EA thread for specific discussion

THe new Dolly is out now, Dolly ver 13 !!!

Q: Thanks a lot, I want to do something in return, but how?

A: Constribute what you can for the development of Dolly, if you can do programming join the EA project, if you want to post your forward test, go ahead. See something wrong and want to give your thought? we would like to see yours also.

PS: Just copy this attachment to your meta trader, and click on template, it will come exactly with mine

you may alter if you wish

UPDATE 11 April12

I put another attachemnent, the dolly ver 13.

thanks cja

your graph should be looked like this


Maybe you could add the new v10 EA here to for us newbies since we are not good at deciding the best time to trade We'll I know I'm not good at it.

Here I attach the full package of Dolly Graphics #10 System. This version user can choose either want to use "Open Graphics Mode" or not. Just set Using_OpenGraphics to 'false' from Dolly Graphic #10 input parameters to switch between "Open Graphics Mode" to "Dolly Graphics v10 Mode".

ONE BIG proposal!

I wonder if that would be possible to make a little modification as to order description with SL first and TP the second.

Now it is quite opposite. It seems to be confusing to me while entering an order - in the window it is coming in reverse order. What do you think guys?

And second question:

Exist any howto - for trade dolly? I like read howto...


I don't know, working daily low/high line ok?

Dolly and FUTURES?

How modify for trading indicies NQ, SP, DJ?

ndmar7.gif  33 kb
OMG.. look what you have done?

You even created an indicator which is nicer than WSS itself

Thanks a lot frantacech, my bow for you

what is reverse sl or tp ?

pls explaned...i dun really understand

what is reverse sl or tp ? pls explaned...i dun really understand

Original text

TP 1.xxxx and SL 1.xxxx


SL and TP

I wonder if that would be possible to make a little modification as to order description with SL first and TP the second.

Now it is quite opposite. It seems to be confusing to me while entering an order - in the window it is coming in reverse order. What do you think guys?


owhhh now i get it..

both is good as long its dolly...


Trading Times

Modify version with reverse SL and TP, MM lines, Trading hour. PRICE moved to right top, because conflict with Dolly_Trading Times #2.ex4. Need rename object Dolly50 and Dolly51 to Dolly050 and Dolly051 in code Dolly_Graphics_v10.mq4 . I don't have source Dolly_Trading Times #2.ex4, and string Europe Open Dolly50, Dolly51 is problem.

Here is the code for the Trading Times, it is just an old indicator i used some of the code out of, i had just followed the Dolly number sequence at the time - quite a stupid thing to do really so i have now changed the Label code from Dolly to TT that should solve any future conflicts with dolly add ons.


Here is the code for the Trading Times, it is just an old indicator i used some of the code out of, i had just followed the Dolly number sequence at the time - quite a stupid thing to do really so i have now changed the Label code from Dolly to TT that should solve any future conflicts with dolly add ons. dolly_trading_times_3.mq4

Thanks very much!


daily means chart renews at the opening of the day?

can i set buy or sell pending orders by looking at the chart???

Modify version with reverse SL and TP, MM lines, Trading hour. Updated ...Dolly_Trading Times #3.mq4

I think my New Dolly #10 have wrong/difference code calculation with Open Graphics. Just labelling only

Good work! hope you dont confuse anymore.