Simbasystem-gbpusd - page 64


Hi Simba,

Thank you for the kind words

Hi popok_sakti ,

Thanks for your contribution..I will test your EA for speed of use and inform

It looks very complete and professional..

Thanks again and Regards

Hello Malcik,

Firstly, I want to say Thank You for making this EA.

and I like to say sorry to make things complicated,

For the optimization purposes, all the new feature can be switched off, so it will behave the same as the previous one

For the LastBuyPrice issue, I think it should be the last price we open a buy position. But its just my opinion

Best Regards,


popok_sakti, please don't apologize... Simba said he was already testing your version -- when he gets done we'll see, maybe it won't slow the testing so why not use it when it has more features

LastBuyPrice -- please check the source. It is only used in this line:


We just want to allow for reentry when we are able to obtain 10 pips better entering price. And since, according to what I wrote before, want to avoid confusion in measuring market's potential and want to measure this distance on Bid chart (because that's what we see when trading), we put Bid price in LastBuyPrice and compare it to Close[0] which is already Bid. We can't compare apples to pears (a Czech saying, maybe you know it).

If you think it is not so, please explain, I can be wrong


different bootum indicator

Hi zapco,

I do not understand to what indicator do you refer,in my first post I posted several images,but no indicator..if you mean the "change like the friend" that appears there,it is EXACTLY THE SAME AS MTF SATL(#MTF_xpMA-V2SATL) in a different format.I will post this variation in a few days,but this is just the same..check the pic,Do you like it?If you know the different TF trends you really can trade.



Hi Simba, thanks for this great system,

but what are this for indicators in the bottom, we need these?

They are not in the template....?




Hello Simba,

Firstly, I want to say Thank you for your kind word & all

the valuable information that you posted on this thread

Secondly, I want to say Thank You to Malcik & others for making this EA

I will try to answer your question :

1. I have addedd, extern variable called : check_spread ( default to false ), it will not check the spread if set to false.

I have also move the spread checking to ordersend part, so it will not block entire ea, but blocking ordersend only if spread is crazy

2. If extern variable : atr_for_tp is set to false, it will use default value, which is 355

3. For GBPUSD, I put atr = 14 & divider 4 because I think We only able to catch 25% of average daily move. But its just my opinion.

Sorry if my english is not good

Best Regards,


Hi again ,

3 questions :

1-Is it possible to "block" the spread checking feature,yes i know i can block it by just putting 1000 pips..but there is something like putting 0 or unchecking it that is cleaner ?

2-From your code I think that first when using atr feature the tp 355(or whatever) gets substituted by it so?even if(tp355) left inadvertently checked?

3-out of curiosity..and i don`t know if i understood it,why did you put as default value for the atr tp the 14 days atr divided by 4?




Hi Simba, thanks for this great system,

but what are this for indicators in the bottom, we need these?

They are not in the template....?



Hi gatowman,

Thanks for kind comments..indicators at the bottom you don`t need nor are included in the system..






Malcik:I only want to know if the EA as it is reflects real market conditions..if chand is 1.9500 bid and we are stopped out from a short..I presume that the EA buys(closes our position) at 1.9504(for a spread of 4) that so?

If WPR gives an entry ,long, signal at -95 and price is at 1.9400 bid I presume we buy at that so?

Popok_sakti :thanks to you for your cooperation..;)

Take care with the sun..the Van Helsings are coming..;)




Hi Malcik,

Thank you for your reply,

I think We should change ( for buy ) it to :

(Ask<=LastBuyPrice-pips*Point && AllowReentries)

& for sell :

(Bid>=LastSellPrice+pips*Point && AllowReentries)

& leave the other as it is.

if( LongTrades==0 ||

(Ask<=LastBuyPrice-pips*Point && AllowReentries)



if(SATL>SATL_Prev &&

(Close[0]>=SATL) // || !UseSATLFilter)

&& Chandelier_Up!=EMPTY_VALUE

&& Chandelier_Dn==EMPTY_VALUE

&& Close[0]>=Chandelier_Up+ChandDist_Min*Point

&& Close[0]<=Chandelier_Up+ChandDist_Max*Point

&& WPR<=wpr_bottom_limit




From the above example, it will check the ( Ask<=LastBuyPrice-pips*Point && AllowReentries ) first because buy is depend on Ask price for opening position ( especially for adding a new position ), if it is Ok, it will check using other criteria as usual ( no need to change ) :

if(SATL>SATL_Prev &&

(Close[0]>=SATL) // || !UseSATLFilter)

&& Chandelier_Up!=EMPTY_VALUE

&& Chandelier_Dn==EMPTY_VALUE

&& Close[0]>=Chandelier_Up+ChandDist_Min*Point

&& Close[0]<=Chandelier_Up+ChandDist_Max*Point

&& WPR<=wpr_bottom_limit


for example GBPUSD (long position), first position, We buy at 1.9326, and now the quote it says Bid : 1.9316 and Ask : 1.9326 ( spread = 10 pips )

So, using the Close[0]<=LastBuyPrice-10*Point, it will be successful and go to the next checking

but if We use : (Ask<=LastBuyPrice-pips*Point && AllowReentries), it will not pass from the begining of the checking

But I will check the code again, Maybe I'm in the wrong side .. hehehe

I also added extern variable for exiting position, based on if touched or wait until candelier confirm it on the next hour ( as simba suggested )

I attach the modified version

Have a nice weekend to all of you guys

Best Regards


popok_sakti, please don't apologize... Simba said he was already testing your version -- when he gets done we'll see, maybe it won't slow the testing so why not use it when it has more features

LastBuyPrice -- please check the source. It is only used in this line:


We just want to allow for reentry when we are able to obtain 10 pips better entering price. And since, according to what I wrote before, want to avoid confusion in measuring market's potential and want to measure this distance on Bid chart (because that's what we see when trading), we put Bid price in LastBuyPrice and compare it to Close[0] which is already Bid. We can't compare apples to pears (a Czech saying, maybe you know it).

If you think it is not so, please explain, I can be wrong

update on signals

Hi All,

update on 3 previous signals..2 very positive,the other positive but with lots of emotion..guess which one ?..please see attached

Interesting the divergent behaviour of usdchf,eurusd(not included ) and gbpusd..mmm..what will be the solution?

Have a nice week end


entry5m_1.gif  18 kb
entry5m2_1.gif  16 kb
entry5m3_1.gif  17 kb


Hi popok_sakti

QUOTE "I also added extern variable for exiting position, based on if touched or wait until candelier confirm it on the next hour ( as simba suggested )"

Thanks..A lot..confirm it on the next hour means at the open (so,equivalent to the close of actual hour)..I presume..please confirm

Have a nice week end you too




Hi Malcik,

QUOTE : "This is what I don't like about Forex, that there are two prices.In futures for example, there's just one price that is used for measuring the potential and managing the trades... and everyone pays the comission later. He doesn't want the market to give him both profit and comission. "

In Futures you have bid and ask too,for example in Tbonds(very liquid market) it is one tick(31.25 $,per contract)..when you called the floor for a direct quote you never told them your intention(buy/sell) you just requested a quote for 20 contracts..and what you heard was 103.00/,if you wanted to buy your inmediate reply was"buy 20 at 01"..then,after you closed the trade you still had to pay the commission..;)

In a competitive market(Forex and Futures dealers are competing for our money) the price differences tend to be soft..30$(3 pips) for 100k usdjpy

is practically the same as 31.25 $ (1 tick) for 100k Tbonds..and you don`t pay the commission..

The real trick,for brokers,in Forex ,is the carry trade(the swap),when you are running a position carry trade positive(long usdjpy) they accrue you usd libor less xand they charge you jpy libor+y

and they pay you the net difference..when you run carry trade negative they accrue you jpylibor +x and they chargeusd libor less y..

The net effect is that they charge you 2 pips per lot per day(including week ends) if you are short,and they pay you .5 pips per lot when you are long..

Now Imagine a broker,end of day ,close 118.00,open positions long usdjpy are 100 mm$,short usdjpy positions will usually be between 70 and 130mm$..let`s say 100mm$ to that case he is not using any money..his customer`s longs(+100mm$,-11800mmyen) compensate his customer`s shorts(-100mm$,+11800mm yen)and he is earning a net1.5 pips(2 pips they get from shorts less .5 pip they pay to longs)(15 bucks) on 1000 open lots(100mm divided by 100k standard lot) he earns 15kusd for free every day,even the week ends..besides the initial spread 30$*1000*2(for the longs and for the shorts)..60k$..

Now,if the average life span of a position is 4 days..what this really means is that the real cost of an AVERAGE usdjpy position is 6 pips(the broker earns

60k initial spread plus 4(days)*15k(per day) total 120k for 2000 lots(1000(longs)+1000(shorts) ) he earns 60 bucks(6 pips )per AVERAGE lot

Obviously the cost for the long customer is 3pips less 2 pips(4(days)*.5(pips positive carry) cost 1 pip

And the cost for the short customer is 3pips+8 pips(4(days)*2)pips negative carry) 11 pips..

