Simbasystem-gbpusd - page 60


Well if this is the case i'm sorry if i've over reacted or maybe didn't get what you meant in your previous post..but we can still ask yan about where did he get it from and invetigate as i told you i hate ppl taking others efforts and ideas and pretend that they are theres..any way there is a contest on Alpari did any of you guys considered enrolling as a forward test for simba system and also fun



Well if this is the case i'm sorry if i've over reacted or maybe didn't get what you meant in your previous post..but we can still ask yan about where did he get it from and invetigate as i told you i hate ppl taking others efforts and ideas and pretend that they are theres..any way there is a contest on Alpari did any of you guys considered enrolling as a forward test for simba system and also fun

Hi cementman,

Glad everything is clear now..

Yan,if he wants ,will give more details..up to him..I visited, it is-i think-in chinese,i didn`t understand a thing and by randomly clicking was unable to get additional info..i am not going to waste any more time on this..for the moment..anyway,thanks for caring

Alpari contest,well,I don`t know,will ask Malcik about his is His EA after all ...;),and there have been other people helping with tests,etc..will let you know if we decide anything about it..

Kindest Regards




I send for all modify version Williams %R with alert and sendmail, universal for any pair.

Bonus... my template

Thanks SIMBA!

Bye FC

Hi Frantacech,

Thanks for your indicators,specially the universal wpr alert, and must be catching pips at full speed in that pair ..




test redone

Hi All,

I have redone the test for the "best settings" at another computer-I am at a different location,with a different computer and also with 90% data quality..the results are practically the same,the main reason of the -very small-difference is that this data ends the 9 or 10 of February(I downloaded it like a pair of weeks ago),while the other ends the 23..

Basically 2.10 pf vs 2.11..43.8k profit vs 44.x k..12.9 % maxdd vs (i think) 13,it is the same ,my friends..please see attached





Hi All,

I have redone the test for the "best settings" at another computer-I am at a different location,with a different computer and also with 90% data quality..the results are practically the same,the main reason of the -very small-difference is that this data ends the 9 or 10 of February(I downloaded it like a pair of weeks ago),while the other ends the 23..

Basically 2.10 pf vs 2.11..43.8k profit vs 44.x k..12.9 % maxdd vs (i think) 13,it is the same ,my friends..please see attached



Hi Simba,

I would like to work with optimization, but I did not understand well the explanation below:

To find the above mentioned results i tested,all possible chand distance combinations-for tp 1000- from 1/200,10/200....1/50...etc,then i tested tp strategies-for chand1/200 -from 10 to 100,in steps of 10,then from100 to 1000 in steps of 100...then i combined the best "zones" (chand 35/40 to 90/120..and tp from 200 to 400) to find ,first an optimum,and second ,if the improvement was "across the board",which is a sign of consistency, ie:if applying chand 35/110 to all tp strategies(with previous chand 1/200) improved all of them across the board(yes,it did ),or,if applying TP300,350,400 TO CHAND 35/90..40/120(with previous tp 1000) improved them across the board...(yes it did ,again )..Between 40 and 50 tests,but Ithink it was worth the time..

Please... can you give more details of as carries through optimization?



Hi All,

I have redone the test for the "best settings" at another computer-I am at a different location,with a different computer and also with 90% data quality..the results are practically the same,the main reason of the -very small-difference is that this data ends the 9 or 10 of February(I downloaded it like a pair of weeks ago),while the other ends the 23..

Basically 2.10 pf vs 2.11..43.8k profit vs 44.x k..12.9 % maxdd vs (i think) 13,it is the same ,my friends..please see attached



Hey Simba, that's a good news. Another good news is that with your data files I now have 90% quality I tried to redo this latest backtest but it's taking too long, I want to go to sleep so I stopped it. I'll redo all of them tomorrow and if there is no major difference, I'll also post new version of the EA that will be able to test W%R settings.

As far as the contest, I don't really care. I don't know anything about contests and what they are good for; please tell me the advantages for me and for us all

Anyway, the system is Simba's, the EA is just a tool to trade it and I don't think I'm the only one capable of coding it. So if you can't name any advantage for us generally but you have one for yourself, that's fine with me too -- go ahead as long as it's fine with Simba.

See you tomorrow


i think i have caused a lot of misunderstanding here. I have to apologize to Simba and cementman. I got the system from a Chinese forum. Though he did not want to disclose his indicators, but i felt i read it somewhere else,so i come to to check again and I found out it is from Simba. I am very sorry, perhaps i should be quiet and just learn from you guys.


I send for all modify version Williams %R with alert and sendmail, universal for any pair.

Bonus... my template

Thanks SIMBA!

Bye FC


ok,i have a question, we should follow the rules, buy if Satl is blue and william is below -5, and vice versa. Should we consider chandelierstop for example right now gbp/usd, the Satl is red, but chandelier has changed from sell to buying. So which one we should follow, or we just stay out of the market for the moment? tq.



ok,i have a question, we should follow the rules, buy if Satl is blue and william is below -5, and vice versa. Should we consider chandelierstop for example right now gbp/usd, the Satl is red, but chandelier has changed from sell to buying. So which one we should follow, or we just stay out of the market for the moment? tq.

Hi yan,

You just stay out of the market,as per the system,what the indicators relative positions are telling you is that this is a period of no defined trend..

If you are very experienced and have other confirming indicators,AND THIS IS NOT THE SYSTEM,JUST SOME PERSONAL THOUGHTS,you can start prepositioning for a potential change of trend..usually the first step in a trend change is the price crossing the satl followed by chandelier changing..but to stay within the system,you need confirmation by satl..and a wpr entry

Regarding your other post I accept your apologies,though they were not necessary ..;)

