Mr.Trader vs. Pedro ! - page 11


Where are your Demos?

Is important that everyones see the first post of this threads and see two demos account, all in this moment are gone. why?

Pedro Echenagucia


Here is the best system of Mr. Trader

Well in attach file you can view one of the system of Mr trader (he said that this system is like mine and said that it work week after week, and them blow out all account in less of 20 days). judge for yourself. and i repeat i only defending myself.

Pedro Echenagucia


I wanto send appology to pedro. I did behave like a bitch previously. But I did benefit a lot from his demo account:D. Hereby send the appology word :" Pedro, you've been great. My bad to say bad words on you without any support. I'm sorry to cost you any loss." Anyway, once I get his parameter correct, I will come back to him and continue the challenge! I'm not chicken by all mean. But I did not have a prove at the moment.

Mr Trader,

I'm still on your side. Don't worry. This is my full respect to all the member in TSD. Why dont you guys dig more information from his result instead of argueing. Its fun to have someone work on the ground for us to pick the fruit. My demo account is up about 50% since last week. I'm still trying to figure out the way how Pedro eleminate the big hit. I will not post my result temporary, once I get everything on the track, I'll be back for Pedro Challenge! Then you guys can view my demo run simultaneusly with Pedro's. Muahahahaha

Well in attach file you can view one of the system of Mr trader (he said that this system is like mine and said that it work week after week, and them blow out all account in less of 20 days). judge for yourself. and i repeat i only defending myself. Pedro Echenagucia

you are realy the stupidest sucker i know....


But no problem little guy, for u i will post it double....




Allways attacking me, did you know that the violence is the weapon of the people that dont have the reason? and what happens with the two account in first post of this thread? you will NEVER find my system in any place. you like it or not you are a loser trader and all your test say it.

Pedro Echenagucia


you are realy the stupidest sucker i know....


But no problem little guy, for u i will post it double....


Allways attacking me, did you know that the violence is the weapon of the people that dont have the reason? and what happens with the two account in first post of this thread? you will NEVER find my system in any place. you like it or not you are a loser trader and all your test say it. Pedro Echenagucia

bla bla bla... like we know it from u... You are what u are... and this thread and the poll say it all



BYE BYE, you never proof nothing and support this thread with lies. i feel sorry for you.


Pedro Echenagucia.

PS.- im waiting for you proof.

bla bla bla... like we know it from u... You are what u are... and this thread and the poll say it all byebye...

Ok, i accept the challenge, and about my results, in attach file you can view 3 accounts forward testing my system.

Pedro Echenagucia

I wanto send appology to pedro. I did behave like a bitch previously. But I did benefit a lot from his demo account:D. Hereby send the appology word :" Pedro, you've been great. My bad to say bad words on you without any support. I'm sorry to cost you any loss." Anyway, once I get his parameter correct, I will come back to him and continue the challenge! I'm not chicken by all mean. But I did not have a prove at the moment.

Mr Trader,

I'm still on your side. Don't worry. This is my full respect to all the member in TSD. Why dont you guys dig more information from his result instead of argueing. Its fun to have someone work on the ground for us to pick the fruit. My demo account is up about 50% since last week. I'm still trying to figure out the way how Pedro eleminate the big hit. I will not post my result temporary, once I get everything on the track, I'll be back for Pedro Challenge! Then you guys can view my demo run simultaneusly with Pedro's. Muahahahaha
pedro25k.htm  532 kb
pedro50k.htm  176 kb
pedro500k.htm  124 kb
Hello, my websites is not updated. And i Repeat my system is not here or in any place, my system and filters are unique. the price is not 5K.


Pedro Echenagucia

Pedro, in your post here:

(in which you're masquerading as one of your many aliases 'I_mBest' (pre-FXGOD)),

you quote your system (or one of your systems) as being 50 GRAND!

50 Grand?

How can you expect anyone to take you seriously after writing that post?