Mr.Trader vs. Pedro ! - page 4


is easy, show prooff of 60%, no statement, put here a login and read only password, is easy. only word.

Pedro Echenagucia

scott TTM:
ebay scam? you really are a brainless turd.

the modified version of that EA made over 60% in october with zero, that's right, zero drawdown.

so happy i kept it for myself! i'm no street peddler like you PELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELE

you really should change the bowtie also, or at least go sell cars while you wear it.

mr. trader what is your problem...

mr trader stop sending private messages (see it in attach), newdigital erase my prooff, why? if you see profile of mr trader you can see an icon of skype if you click in it you can view all information. my only intention was prooff that gewi the BRAIN and mr trader is the same person. i only want to know why mr. trader is attacking me. because he post two account and one of them is reset and another the open trades is negative more than clsed p/l, i post my system in commercial section (it is for promote this type of stuff), if you dont like dont buy it, but no disquilifi a person for selling stuff. you said that i stole stuff here and them sell it, where is the prooff? you create this threads for me is narccissus (is my personal opinion) that no prooff anything.

If you want that Pedro E will banned, talk with forexts and newdigital, but no attack without prooff.

Mr. Trader talked with me everiday via skype without problem, we share statements, experince in trading, and now without reason star attacking me, in 4 days he posted more than 30 post attacking me. why newdigital dont see this?

Sorry members but im defending by myself.

Pedro Echenagucia

prooff3.jpg  140 kb
prueba_1.jpg  41 kb
is easy, show prooff of 60%, no statement, put here a login and read only password, is easy. only word. Pedro Echenagucia

you're insane, i'll never do this - why? because scam artists like you could reverse engineer the statement and derive a trading system off of it. i'm not that stupid.

and again, i have nothing to prove, i'm not selling or ripping off people like you! i only care about MY bottom line, which is something you do very well at the expense of others!


scott ttm i dont want to fight with you, sorry for said ebay scammer- i retired my word-, but please dont tell me that i ripping off people. ok?

i want that everyone knows this " for me is very dificult comunicate my ideas here, many peroples dont understand that and take it this funny"

Pedro Echenagucia

scott TTM:
you're insane, i'll never do this - why? because scam artists like you could reverse engineer the statement and derive a trading system off of it. i'm not that stupid. and again, i have nothing to prove, i'm not selling or ripping off people like you! i only care about MY bottom line, which is something you do very well at the expense of others!
mr trader stop sending private messages (see it in attach), newdigital erase my prooff, why? if you see profile of mr trader you can see an icon of skype if you click in it you can view all information. my only intention was prooff that gewi the BRAIN and mr trader is the same person. i only want to know why mr. trader is attacking me. because he post two account and one of them is reset and another the open trades is negative more than clsed p/l, i post my system in commercial section (it is for promote this type of stuff), if you dont like dont buy it, but no disquilifi a person for selling stuff. you said that i stole stuff here and them sell it, where is the prooff? you create this threads for me is narccissus (is my personal opinion) that no prooff anything.

If you want that Pedro E will banned, talk with forexts and newdigital, but no attack without prooff.

Mr. Trader talked with me everiday via skype without problem, we share statements, experince in trading, and now without reason star attacking me, in 4 days he posted more than 30 post attacking me. why newdigital dont see this?

Sorry members but im defending by myself.

Pedro Echenagucia

B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T Pedro!!!!

Pedro u idiot, brainless turd !!

I´ve never said i´m not "gewi the brain" in skype... everybody can know it, everbody can ask me to add him to my skype contacts... BUT... i say who comes in my contact list in skype and so i say who gets my phonenumber, mailadress and so on,NOT YOU !!!!

Newdigital sure see this but there is a very very easy reason why he don´t do anything about us, that´s the keyword, US, i know very less people who would miss u here, would look a little bit strange if he ban the half forum !!!


Better u go back to the tree where u come down from... As i know in venezuela are many many tree´s

Newdigital, once more please end this, it was yourself u told me that many guy´s here want to ban pedro... Why don´t respect the wish from the communitiy ? Look also to the poll, it also talk very clear words...

P.S: Please once more, delete faked attachment (skype protokol, the PM is from me, this is right)!

yours mr.trader

PPS: NOTE, proof,not PROFF or PROOFF... only proof !


Why dont you both have a coke and a smile and STFU. Take your cock match to PM's or something.

Why dont you both have a coke and a smile and STFU. Take your cock match to PM's or something.


it could have a realy fast end... he should only stop to tell lies about "his systems" and me, his argumnts are gone, now he starts faking htm files and so on...

There could be a fast end, he should stop posting or nd should throw him out... if he wait´s that he have the last post in this thread this thread will have 10k sites...

If nothing of both happends i will close this thread monday morning... now, anyway, everbody know the truth about him... and the poll say all too !

that was all i want and i reached...

Hope this clears up,



He scammed someone else again!

Pedro Garcia E. this document, if true, just proves another unhappy customer that you scammed with your so called E.A. "MINUS 10 PIPS A DAY", also proves you yourself admits to dishonestly peddling your loosing systems.Way, way past time for you to be banned from this community.This document proves you are an admitted scammer peddling your loosing systems,go back to shining shoes.



Mr tools, i never sell anything to mr trader, he is a money manager, this the real problem here... well like i see you read all html conversation, we chat many times about trading strategies and others personal stuff. and yes we talk about many system, he sent me statement with him strategies and i sent mine, and i want to said that he come to me in skype, i never put a gun into his head for talk with me. the document proof that mr trader were something like my friend and without reason start attacking me.

Pedro Echenagucia.

ps.- try to see all racist comment about me and my country.

mr trader start this and will finish

Pedro Garcia E. this document, if true, just proves another unhappy customer that you scammed with your so called E.A. "MINUS 10 PIPS A DAY", also proves you yourself admits to dishonestly peddling your loosing systems.Way, way past time for you to be banned from this community.This document proves you are an admitted scammer peddling your loosing systems,go back to shining shoes. mrtools

FOR ONE IMHO pelele you are no money manager because it would seem you would want to build a good reputation for yourself , your family,and your customers,but all you do is peddle your loosing systems to as many unknowing persons you can find all along the way leaving a trail of mad former customers,and if you are trading their accounts with your systems as you say their account balance will soon be zero.What a way to bring a child into this world, would have seemed having a child on the way, you would have cleaned up your act. Also mr trader or I never insulted your country or your race, so like usual you don't know what you are talking about.

