Mr.Trader vs. Pedro ! - page 2


Good Morning, i need that Newdigital taka actions here, because Mr Andreas said that i stole eas and ideas from elite section. please newdigital tell the true here. i sent pm to you for clarify this missunderstanding.

Pedro Echenagucia

For me this is a narcissus Thread. you say that I do not know my systems, perhaps, do you ask me sometimes about my systems to have a value judgment? I want to clarify to your single samples two systems that are not resembled mine, is a very big differences between my system and those that are posted here, I need that you show you prove of which I rob your (forum forex-tsd) ideas, and please I want that NEWDIGITAL says if I am or i was client of elite section of forex-tsd. now, knowing this. do you think that it is necessary this type of threads? for my it is unjust that a person lies to disqualify to another one. Pedro Echenagucia


what for you wrote this letters.... See the voting and you know what people think about me and u also know what people think about you...

This is not the place to sell somthing, sell something ok, but not for 5-25k $..., this is a place to improve trade skills togehter, i think 80 % of the members

here don´t have 25k to trade forex... ! I know much guy´s here they trade with 500 - 5000 $ on this market !

Not only that that you stole our ideas, this is only the top of the hill, it´s generally your person, how u act here....

Take it how it is and make a movement out... !


I don't understand why newdigital allows pelele to market his stuffs here, since he is so bad for the image of forex-tsd.

Good Morning, i need that Newdigital taka actions here, because Mr Andreas said that i stole eas and ideas from elite section. please newdigital tell the true here. i sent pm to you for clarify this missunderstanding. Pedro Echenagucia

Think about... why newdigital don´t stop this here ??? May be because he is on the right side, on ours ....


would be interested in your systems

Hi Mr.Trader:

Could you post your EA systems, I would like to test them. Thank you.


and the vote goes toooooooo--myself

Pedro's 3 votes pele79,fxgod, & i mbest!


Pedro's 3 votes pele79,fxgod, & i mbest! mrtools

Here is one more proof that our little PEDRO twit us...

Look here !!!

In post 6 he ask for this system...

HEHEHEHE... pedro, give me you comment for this discovery...



I noticed something strange... till now all guy´s who vote pedro are newbies... they aren´t longer than full 3 months here and nobody from them does more than 40 posts...

guy´s... u have to learn much... !