Phoenix 2007 (new thread) - page 116

Happy to see you here Hendrick.

So many pips already done with your phoenix....


Did you have ideas for sharing Unicorn and/or Kraken one day ?


No. I've already shared Phoenix with the community. I think I've done my duty with that. Now it's time to take care of my own interest. Let's be honest; we are all here for one goal and that's making money. Forex=money! So my next Experts Advisors will only serve my own goals and that's it! I will use some EA's for my own benefits and maybe I will sell some others. Still not sure about that. Hope you understand this!

Hi, No. I've already shared Phoenix with the community. I think I've done my duty with that. Now it's time to take care of my own interest. Let's be honest; we are all here for one goal and that's making money. Forex=money! So my next Experts Advisors will only serve my own goals and that's it! I will use some EA's for my own benefits and maybe I will sell some others. Still not sure about that. Hope you understand this!

Great contribution Hendrick... Thank you..!!

Is there a way of getting in touch with you in the future...?



48 minuts after the Hendrick post where he was saying he had news EA projects, a guy was asking about sharing them ?!?!?!?!

Hey ! Guy : you are NOT a bit... ashamed ?!?!?!

You don't think that Hendrick share already A LOT !


A little after 24 hours of posting, we have the following stats on 5.6.7a:

115 downloads on Post1 of dev thread

54 downloads on the changelog post of dev thread

26 downloads on forexfactory

10 downloads on the FAQ thread

Total = 205 in about 28 hours.

I noticed a rather rare silent bug. Anyone else noticed anything? Are the SL moving correctly for mode 2/3?

Mode 1 works the same as 5.6.6.

A little after 24 hours of posting, we have the following stats on 5.6.7a:

115 downloads on Post1 of dev thread

54 downloads on the changelog post of dev thread

26 downloads on forexfactory

10 downloads on the FAQ thread

Total = 205 in about 28 hours.

I noticed a rather rare silent bug. Anyone else noticed anything? Are the SL moving correctly for mode 2/3?

Mode 1 works the same as 5.6.6.

Hi Darak

For the moment I didn't see/heard any "rare silent bug" (normally is there a sound with a bug ?!?! joking !)

Btw P5607a seems to be a very, very, very good version. Look my statement at 1830 GMTalready posted on Live Testing...

For me, the third TP in Mode 3 of GB/US is a bit too high... my 2c

See you


Weird SL settings....??

Hello Daraknor and team!

Been reading along and trying to figure out what I can do to contribute and I have a question or two for you.

First, I'm using Phoenix 5.6.6 in forward demo testing (TradeXecutioner & NorthFinance platforms) without changing any of the settings, right out of the box, mode 3. It's been working pretty well so far, but I noticed that on one of my GBP/USD SHORT trades, Phoenix reset a S/L to an extremely high number of 6.9656 Is that normal?

The original order (SHORT) was placed on 12/5/2006 and was split into three separate entries of 0.1 lots, each one at an entry price of 1.9738 and the original S/L's were 1.9818, with TP#1 @ 1.9683, TP#2 @1.9628 and TP#3 at 1.9573. On Dec 6th, the first two TP's were triggered, but a few hours earlier, Phoenix modified the SL of the final order to 6.9656. I noticed it live and the journal indicated an error of some sort, so I tried to change it manually to 1.9656. However, Phoenix promptly changed it BACK and resumed trading. The trade eventually closed out for a nice profit, but is the high SL a normal process?

Another quick question... I wonder if it would be of any beneifit to your results to somehow come up with some standardization for the backtesting data and the broker platforms used? There seems to be a LOT of diversity in quality of data between brokers. Also, being a fair newbie to MT4 and backtesting, I suspect there are a lot of folks that are maybe doing their backtesting with variances that may affect outcomes significantly. Would it be possible/profitable to develop some written standards for how you would like folks to perform their testing and perhaps post some zipped data files of your choosing so everyone can use identical data with procedures on how to adjust the data to their broker's platform time? Not just with Phoenix, but I've yet to see any two people duplicate their results yet in any of the EA threads. Just my newbie 2 pips...

Thanks for the great work on this EA Daraknor and everyone helping, and thanks Hendrick for the gift! I see you're back in second place now too! Cool!! NAIL IT!! Awesome show!!

Hello Daraknor and team!

Been reading along and trying to figure out what I can do to contribute and I have a question or two for you.

First, I'm using Phoenix 5.6.6 in forward demo testing (TradeXecutioner & NorthFinance platforms) without changing any of the settings, right out of the box, mode 3. It's been working pretty well so far, but I noticed that on one of my GBP/USD SHORT trades, Phoenix reset a S/L to an extremely high number of 6.9656 Is that normal?

The original order (SHORT) was placed on 12/5/2006 and was split into three separate entries of 0.1 lots, each one at an entry price of 1.9738 and the original S/L's were 1.9818, with TP#1 @ 1.9683, TP#2 @1.9628 and TP#3 at 1.9573. On Dec 6th, the first two TP's were triggered, but a few hours earlier, Phoenix modified the SL of the final order to 6.9656. I noticed it live and the journal indicated an error of some sort, so I tried to change it manually to 1.9656. However, Phoenix promptly changed it BACK and resumed trading. The trade eventually closed out for a nice profit, but is the high SL a normal process?

Another quick question... I wonder if it would be of any beneifit to your results to somehow come up with some standardization for the backtesting data and the broker platforms used? There seems to be a LOT of diversity in quality of data between brokers. Also, being a fair newbie to MT4 and backtesting, I suspect there are a lot of folks that are maybe doing their backtesting with variances that may affect outcomes significantly. Would it be possible/profitable to develop some written standards for how you would like folks to perform their testing and perhaps post some zipped data files of your choosing so everyone can use identical data with procedures on how to adjust the data to their broker's platform time? Not just with Phoenix, but I've yet to see any two people duplicate their results yet in any of the EA threads. Just my newbie 2 pips...

Thanks for the great work on this EA Daraknor and everyone helping, and thanks Hendrick for the gift! I see you're back in second place now too! Cool!! NAIL IT!! Awesome show!!

I am testing 5.6.6 (Mode 3), too. Got the same problem for ST which was modified to very high values, and ST was hit for some positions with big loss (about 180 pips for a position). Hopefully, this problem was addressed in 5.6.7.


Hello Daraknor and team! Been reading along and trying to figure out what I can do to contribute and I have a question or two for you. First, I'm using Phoenix 5.6.6 in forward demo testing (TradeXecutioner & NorthFinance platforms) without changing any of the settings, right out of the box, mode 3.

Just so everyone knows, default is now mode 1, we're calling it stable. Mode 3 should still be tested, it has much higher profit potential long term. Testing is a big help! I test on my machine too, but since my trades differ sometimes I don't have a chance to see bugs before others do. I have been including little messages and tags in error messages lately, so posting error messages helps along with your great explanation of what happened. As soon as I had a decent explanation of the problem, we had a fix. Fixes are posted in the Dev thread often before they are released as a new version. (on upper left click Forex Trading > Trading systems > Phoenix for a list of all related threads)

The trade eventually closed out for a nice profit, but is the high SL a normal process?

That was a bug and it is fixed in 5.6.8 which has just been released.

Would it be possible/profitable to develop some written standards for how you would like folks to perform their testing and perhaps post some zipped data files of your choosing so everyone can use identical data with procedures on how to adjust the data to their broker's platform time? Not just with Phoenix, but I've yet to see any two people duplicate their results yet in any of the EA threads. Just my newbie 2 pips...

I'm setting up the site with downloadable history files this week, on the PhoenixFund website. PhoenixFund is a nonprofit that will donate profits to charities, and is approved to be an IB. We can standardize our backtesting on the same broker that gives us trades.

Thank you for your excellent writeup, enjoy the new version!


Hi to all!

i do not know if somebody else has already written about this error (I try to read everything but time is always so little...).

Today, 12/12/06 at 19:45 GMT P5607a mode 3 opened 3 trades on eurjpy both on my live and demo account at IBFX. All the trades were opened at 155.16 and SL of 155.96 but immediately after the open my live account changed trade 3 moving SL to 155.64 and after 36 minutes trade 2 was changed moving SL to BE. After that also trade 3 was moved to SL at BE (155.16).

First trade remained at 155.96 as opened. I checked demo account but there SL of trade 2 and trade 3 were left at original 155.96

After seeing it I moved manually SL of my real trade 2 and 3 to SL 155.96 but I really did not understand what's happened.



S/L mouvement

I just had a S/L problem.



Mode 3


+/- time : 22:00 or 15:00 EST

The price was favorable and moving toward the first T/P

It retracted a bit and a bit later, I saw the stop lost of trade 1 and 2 changed to the price entry. Only those 2, not the first ????

I changed them back manually to normal setting as no T/P or S/L were touched.
