Dolly system - page 28

indicators.rar  140 kb
templates.rar  25 kb

yeah, we need some Dolly Rules!

I'd like to know what to do with Dolly on days when the price enters the Dolly Range at sell level or below.

am I to go short right away?

what if the price enters at buy level or above ?

are we suppose not to trade under these conditions ?


Can anyone post the rules for Dolly?

I can't find any documentation on that. Right now I don't know what to look for.

Can you give a simple example?



I found these dollyrulez in this thread. Hope this helps.


Hello, Thanks for the welcome, and excuse my ERROR (it is my little experience)

I found these dollyrulez in this thread. Hope this helps.

thanks kat!

so whats the latest version of Dolly?

can a link be posted here, please?




Thanks to all that have create this super system. I`m a newbie and must say

"Thank You For Your This Easy System "

Free Whiskey for them @ll

Hi All


Flat days are for play tennis, watching Tv, read some forex book, whatever you want. The only thing what is dangerous to do is trading.

hi there,

I have been trying Dolly quiet a while now and so far it's been good to me... having tried WSS 9.22 I guess Dolly is much better... but still I miss the time when WSS giving out an alert when there is a breakout... I guess it woke you up when you're away though it can be a nuisance sometimes...

so, could you please add an alert to Dolly, maybe by default just let it be false (off) so if you wanna put an alert "On" it's there... just to know when Dolly is hungry or something...

thank you... Linuxser for keeping a good care of Dolly... and ignacio for feeding it to grow up...


we have a lot of work before...

hi there,

I have been trying Dolly quiet a while now and so far it's been good to me... having tried WSS 9.22 I guess Dolly is much better... but still I miss the time when WSS giving out an alert when there is a breakout... I guess it woke you up when you're away though it can be a nuisance sometimes...

so, could you please add an alert to Dolly, maybe by default just let it be false (off) so if you wanna put an alert "On" it's there... just to know when Dolly is hungry or something...

thank you... Linuxser for keeping a good care of Dolly... and ignacio for feeding it to grow up...

Well, thank you,

We have a lot of work before the alerts, we still have some issues with the time zones, speed, filters and so...

we are thinking, working and testing to got a better system, and then, when the work is over... these alerts will be usefull

Keep trying, following Dolly intraday and make every suggestion you want

thanks again

Well, thank you,

We have a lot of work before the alerts, we still have some issues with the time zones, speed, filters and so...

we are thinking, working and testing to got a better system, and then, when the work is over... these alerts will be usefull

Keep trying, following Dolly intraday and make every suggestion you want

thanks again


good to hear it is already in consideration, I think maybe the title of the thread be changed also to "Dolly" instead of WSS... if possible...