Dolly system - page 25



Hi Ignacio,

Good job!

I installed Dolly_v042 to my computer, looks fine and it is definitely quicker. The "ugly" zones can be arranged into a narrow column on the right hand side of the screen. So, that's OK. Thank you for the hard work!

Tomorrow I will try it live


Well, as linuxser said, we got a new Dolly release... with little improvements (most on speed and visual)...

If you look at input tab, you'll see a new parameter: ShowZones. This parameter is to show dolly with the "ugly" (i dont like them) zones of WSS...

The other changes, as i said, are modifications on objects management and speed improvements (with not so good results)

Also I have made a 'package' with all indicators used by me and a template...

Well, be good


tq ignacio and linuxser

where can i find the README

mostly gnu product comes with it

tq again guys

tq ignacio and linuxser

where can i find the README

mostly gnu product comes with it

tq again guys

Sorry but no readme and generic gnu docs released yet... when the system will be ready, we'll create a complete package (remember the '')


Well, as linuxser said, we got a new Dolly release... with little improvements (most on speed and visual)...

If you look at input tab, you'll see a new parameter: ShowZones. This parameter is to show dolly with the "ugly" (i dont like them) zones of WSS...

The other changes, as i said, are modifications on objects management and speed improvements (with not so good results)

Also I have made a 'package' with all indicators used by me and a template...

Well, be good


Linuxser detected a bug in the indicator and i have fixed

New sourcecode


Helloooo Dolly!

Whoeeee Dolly shure look purty. Thank yall fer the "ugly" zones and kwicker Dolly.


Whoeeee Dolly shure look purty. Thank yall fer the "ugly" zones and kwicker Dolly. mrtools

you are wellcome


Thank you

Linuxser detected a bug in the indicator and i have fixed New sourcecode

Dolly sure does look prettier than ever..... ,

thank you for helping and posting.

btw..what is the best time to lead Dolly to the green pasteur.

can you tell me what is the best time to trade using Dolly.

thank you once again...

I noticed now dolly is in the sell zone.....that is why i ask.....


This is the Second MORAN to post the WSS 9.3 crack, who cares Dolly is much better, get a life Idiots. I bet those two posters don't have any real money to trade with at all.


The virus

here is the warning from WSS site

virus.jpg  133 kb

moron suck

they insert the malicious code to WSS and publish it here

what the MORON r u..