Dolly system - page 110


Can you add an option (to the last version - #10) wither to draw the text (trading decisions) at the main window, or in a new one (Like in some prevision version) ?

10X !

just switch show_dollycomments = false to hide trading decisions


How often do these indicators refresh? Do they give different signals throughout the day??




Tradechannel Dolly?????

Hello friends,

I test dolly 10 and dolly 3.

Which Tradechannel, can tell me somebody, the best is, SHI channel, Ang_autochannel_hl_v1 or engiwssbreakout5?

Wich i must use for it?

Greetings gatowman


EA for Dolly 10?

Hi Dollyfans,

gives a EA for Dolly 10?

Thanks for answer and a happy new year and for all a new bwttwr tradingyear whith a lot of mone y



Can it be done

Can the Dolly open be made to adjust to the Gmt set of on the daily open of the Broker time? Without this it is just not as accurate.

Thanks for all the hard work that has gone on in this thread and indicators. I so much appreciate it.

Ricky D


I got no tradings today. I almost traded Eur/Jpy but I decided to don't trade because it was already on the sell area when I got the signals. Am I right about my Eur/Jpy decision?

What about GMT stuff?


How close is this to WSS?

I used the trial version of WSS a little and it seemed quite good. How close is Dolly to WSS? I'm guessing Dolly has been updated several times. Can you post the current version again since I don't know where in this thread to find it? Thanks.


Everything is typically in post 1.


How close is WSS to Dolly!

wss94.gif  44 kb

hey pajilopez

Thnks Dude .. seems cool !