Dolly system - page 111


My wish...

NOw i really wish to see

Mrtools and Linuxser come back to this thread and see how the dolly has developed so much.

We miss you guys, plz come back.. ...


just want to share my intimate with dolly here

I don't like this. First you should clearly on the top of you blog, with visible letters, post link to here and explanation that everything is commming from here, and that everyone interested can read more about it here. You should also post credits to all who put any work into development of indicators.

But you are basically taking credit for this system. You posted on your blog: "Follow my easy strategy"

So it is now yours?!? All hard work, that people here put in into coding and developing this system - and now is yours?

And you are taking donations for it, a?!? This looks to me like you are trying to make some money with using others people work and represent it as it is yours...

Donation's should go right to coders here, who did the work, not to you!


Ps to all - is there any legal way against this?

just want to share my intimate with dolly


Parasite >>> An animal or plant that lives in or on a host (another animal or plant) - the parasite obtains nourishment from the host without benefiting the host.


Plagiarism >>> taking someone's words or ideas as if they were your own. A piece of work that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own work.

People like you spoil it for everyone else


There are even systems posted for sale which were taken from this forum and others. Unfortunately, there is not much can do about it since its free to the community, but unsuspecting to those who buy it...


critic are welcome

did I say you must buy it sir? it's free for everyone whats wrong with donate system, because in there you not only get dolly, I also generate other stuff, it just kind of portable dolly, what's wrong with that? my blog is my dicipline, I write there so I can stick to my own rule, so is up to you to agree with it or not, since our beloved forum start from a clone program, so it's my contribute to develop another kind of dolly. I'm democratic, all critic are welcome:) or maybe I must remove the donation area? but I can't remove the navbar, it's my right isn't it?

and hey it's free anyway and nothing to pay here now and latter:)

did I say you must buy it sir? it's free for everyone whats wrong with donate system, because in there you not only get dolly, I also generate other stuff, it just kind of portable dolly, what's wrong with that? my blog is my dicipline, I write there so I can stick to my own rule, so is up to you to agree with it or not, since our beloved forum start from a clone program, so it's my contribute to develop another kind of dolly. I'm democratic, all critic are welcome:) or maybe I must remove the donation area? but I can't remove the navbar, it's my right isn't it? and hey it's free anyway and nothing to pay here now and latter:)


You did very good job.

But to understand why people were so angry please read this two posts:


- some first part of this post

There are originators of this section: it is the members who coded/supported. And there are some people who are supporting now as well. As I know they did not start any commercial on this section yet (they have a right to do it in their section). And this section was created 1 week ago only.

Please work inside the Dolly team.


dear admin

my respect to you new digital, no problem, I understand why they angry with me, I love to being critic by other person, it just make me more smarter , from now I think I will continue with my signal generator project also taken from WSS calculation buy sell area, and don't worry my project is always free for everyone, it just my passion to share my strategy with people who loved forex trading:) I love dolly too, the team who have develop dolly was very amazing, I respect them, and I also love the forum cheerleaders

"may the pip be with you"


Hey EveryOne

I guess..Paijolpez..

isnt doing anyfin bad helping ppl to get result of the web using convenient Dolly .. well anyways as far as donation is concerned its again upto us if ur willing to pay u pay else. forget it ! .. so instead of criticsing on this nice thread n system .. we may use the resources to our fullest .. to see it piping for all of us always ..

May be the pips be with us ! ..

dear admin

my respect to you new digital, no problem, I understand why they angry with me, I love to being critic by other person, it just make me more smarter , from now I think I will continue with my signal generator project also taken from WSS calculation buy sell area, and don't worry my project is always free for everyone, it just my passion to share my strategy with people who loved forex trading:) I love dolly too, the team who have develop dolly was very amazing, I respect them, and I also love the forum cheerleaders

"may the pip be with you"

hello paijolopez,

for my opinion, just change the litle word on your blog from "Follow my easy strategy, Updated daily..." to "Follow this easy strategy, Updated daily..."

have a nice pips

Hi guys,

One of the main advantages of WSS is that it has a parameter for adjusting the GMT difference of the broker. Accordingly, all users should have the same buy/sell levels.

Is there a possibility of having this parameter in dolly?
Ricky D:
Can the Dolly open be made to adjust to the Gmt set of on the daily open of the Broker time? Without this it is just not as accurate.

Thanks for all the hard work that has gone on in this thread and indicators. I so much appreciate it.

Ricky D

Here i found an pivot indicator which can adjust the gmt setting.

I also tried to add buy/sell area like dolly, etc. Maybe, it can help.

Name of this indicator still original, THX.
