FXiGoR-(T_S_R) very effective Trend Slope Retracement system - page 6


TSR rocks

I spent some time in the chatroom this morning, and I must say really nice method of trading. I will use it together with my trading method. I particularly like the fact that the clean trades have tight stop losses. Unfortunately, we didn't have many clean trades. There was a nice 30 pip trade on eur/jpy during the Asian session, and then on the european session we had a nice short usd/chf for 30 pips, then I went to bed...I am in the us so staying up all nite is hard.

I will try to hang out in the chatroom every day from 7:30 till 10:00am eastern. Let's trade together.

Excellent work, Igor!!!


Hi can some1 plz post the audio for thursday and friday sessions.




Day 5 file is below. Please listen to the basics file first if you havent already don so, this is very important for new people so they can learn the setup. Igor is no longer doing tutorials/walk through on the system so please all new people listen to the basics file first.

Basic guide file is here




Day 5 audio




This system is very subjective,

with too many nuances and discretionary rules, that can be bent .

When there is no significant move in prices - it is unprofitable.

Sorry, not for me.


creztor, do u have day4 recording? Preferably upload on mysharefile as rapidshare seems to be problematic for me at least...

creztor, do u have day4 recording? Preferably upload on mysharefile as rapidshare seems to be problematic for me at least...


You will find Creztors day4 recording here:





I added stop reversal arrows to the charts, not sure if it adds anything to this already incredible system, but makes it bit more clear to me of an impending trend change. But beware of false signals based on the arrows alone!!!!!

Kirsty x

usdjpy15.gif  44 kb

Hi everyone,

Here's a little "indicator" that does some basic calculations for us.

Let's look at what it does:

It computes yesterday's range, the previous 5, 10 and 20 days ranges. And it calculates the "Average Day Range" of these four ranges (yesterday's+ Prev 5 Day Range + Prev 10 Day Range + Prev 20 Day Range)/4.

So, if yesterday's Day Range was 80, the Previous 5 Day Range was 110, the Previous 10 Day Range was 90 and the Previous 20 Day Range was 120, then the Average Day Range would be 100.

Then there's "Room Up" and "Room Down".

Let's imagine today's low is (so far) 1000 and today's high is (so far) 1050. At this moment the price is 1020.

So we're 1020-1000= 20 pips above the low, there is therefore 100-20=80 pips "left" up. For a risk-to-reward ratio of (say) 3, if a long trade was to be entered now, the stop loss should be no more than 80/3=26pips away, that is at 1020-26=994. So, if all conditions are met, we ll look for a "bottom" no lower than 994.

Same thing for a short trade: we are 1050-1020= 30 pips below the high, there is therefore 100-30=70 pips "left" down. For a risk-to-reward ratio of 3, if a short trade was to be entered now, the stop loss should be no more than 70/3=23pips away, that is at 1020+23=1043. So, if all conditions are met, we ll look for a "top" no higher than 1043.

As you can see, this indicator doesn't tell us whether or not we have a set up to trade. What it does is, considering some past day ranges, and for a given Risk to Reward ratio, it tells us how far away we can put a stop loss.

Hope this helps,


P.S.: I used H-L (High-Low) to compute the Ranges. They are thus a bit different from mataf.net data, which computes what is known as the "True" Ranges (= Max(High for the period less the Low for the period,High for the period less the Close for the previous period,Close for the previous period and the Low for the current period)).


Hi, Igor and Pipeline!

I'm interested in your indicator. Do you allow me to post it on CatFX50 thread?

Thank you!



Very nice indicator, pipeline.

Well done, very good work.