Elite indicators :) - page 1373


Help, please.


Will any of you tell me what I have to do to just see the charts in the metatrader platform as this (just a few bars on the lef)?


Many thanks in advance.






Drag the chart shift mark as far to the left as terminal allows you
Drag the chart shift mark as far to the left as terminal allows you


Thanks, mladen, but that is the problem: This is the maximum to the left allowed and there must be a way to move it more to that side. No?





Thanks, mladen, but that is the problem: This is the maximum to the left allowed and there must be a way to move it more to that side. No?



No way ...

What can cause that little data on chart is a lack of data, or a little playing with the chart resizing and setting (like on the lower example - even though I have enough data with window resizing scrolling and then scrolling back, see how much has left visible - it is easy to imagine that it can be done more if I was using zoomed in candles, not bars). All just a game, nothing usable ...


Dear guys

will make one for you today,previous lost unfortunately :)

but i like know which TF you both requires ............. don't just copy and play,concentrate to your strategy and logic then turn tools accordingly.

one question for pipmagnet,you are more than 10 years here,why cant you adjust things/tools in your required strategies.

Templates,samples and some explanations by moderators are just to give users an idea,how things and parameters works,all rest depends on users how they adapt and fit in their required strategy,that is why it is often told,learn learn and learn for to best fit tools according to your logic,A good tool is as important as your own knowledge of accommodating and adjusting the tool/indicator in your strategy accordingly.



Thanks in advance for the template. the 30 min TF is fine for me.

I have been trading full time for a few years now and am doing quite well with it. Part of what got me here was a willingness to suspend assumptions on how much I think I know and be willing to look at new ideas with a fresh mind. If you saw my earlier post you will see that I was able to get very close to the chart you posted. I know very well how to adjust parameters to fit my needs but as I said I want to work with the original settings in your post and start from there.

I help a lot of traders with their methods/systems and have found that there is absolutely more than one way to make money in this market and I fully realize from my experience that a system that works for me may not fit you or anyone else. This is why I continue to keep studying and learning - to help others. Between my manual trading, a couple of "grey" bots and some simple EA's I have made a good life for myself - my goal is to keep building new systems and to help others reach their trading goals. There's more to life than pips. thanks again for your feedback.


Try now,hope it will be work now,super trend averages included (white magenta) and dss of nma too.

Thank you my friend - this template worked perfectly

Try now,hope it will be work now,super trend averages included (white magenta) and dss of nma too.

Thx, it works great!!!

No way ...

What can cause that little data on chart is a lack of data, or a little playing with the chart resizing and setting (like on the lower example - even though I have enough data with window resizing scrolling and then scrolling back, see how much has left visible - it is easy to imagine that it can be done more if I was using zoomed in candles, not bars). All just a game, nothing usable ...

Well, thank you so much mladen for the time devoted to this subject. All the best!  Jos
Thank you my friend - this template worked perfectly


 Thanks for detailed reply and i am agree with all you said and yes i noticed from your illustration pictures,all i want add,any of my template or from either source,nothing is final and perfect strategy,usually templates are taken from the market price location where there are trends and in that case every tool/indicator looks very fit even a third class indicator :) every user/copier must look in back and forward market situations,if it looking well and fit in all other situations,at least winning ratio is higher than loosing ratio no matter few percent,i am not some kind expert so never copy my templates blindly,hope we will be exchanging things/ideas for better improvements.

and i am pleased to know you are doing well with trading successfully.and i liked your way of thinking.



Just got this in my email - am I going nuts or what? This looks too much like what we have been talking about in the last few posts. Coincidence?

It's a new "super" indicator from the infamous Karl D. i always wondered where he got some of his products.

I wont post the sales link but I will share a couple of sereenshots. I don't want to outright accuse him of anything but it was discovered in the past he has taken the work of others, hid the code, change lines into histograms, ect. Too bad build 600+ can't be decompiled - would be interesting to see who this work really belongs to. Excuse my rant - just had to say something.

kd ripoff.PNG  436 kb
kd ripoff 2.PNG  397 kb


 Thanks for detailed reply and i am agree with all you said and yes i noticed from your illustration pictures,all i want add,any of my template or from either source,nothing is final and perfect strategy,usually templates are taken from the market price location where there are trends and in that case every tool/indicator looks very fit even a third class indicator :) every user/copier must look in back and forward market situations,if it looking well and fit in all other situations,at least winning ratio is higher than loosing ratio no matter few percent,i am not some kind expert so never copy my templates blindly,hope we will be exchanging things/ideas for better improvements.

and i am pleased to know you are doing well with trading successfully.and i liked your way of thinking.


Thank you for your reply mntiwana - we are all here to help each other, learn from each other and prosper. well said on your part also. Let's keep in touch.

I also MUST say that the members here have absolutly no idea how valuable mladen's contributions are to this forum. What he does for us would cost big bucks outside of this forum. We should all tip our hat to him on a daily basis. he is a true goldmine of information, effort, and benevolence for us all.

I personally thank you Mladen and wish you well in every aspect of your life. you are truly one of a kind.