Solar wind - page 13


Proper working SolarWind equivalent indicators

Hi All,

I am sorry about the problems with my old SolarWind-ACS versions. At least I would like to point to correct versions, though they do not have the alerts. Those who want to use corrected version of SolarWind (or Fisher) can get proper versions from any of the following links (don't bother about the different names). They all use exactly same Fisher transformation. The first two will be exactly same when used at default settings: (Slightly different from Ehler's TradeStation code) (Slightly different from Ehler's code with Smoothing options) (exactly same as Ehler's code)

Those who want to explore more options, please use the version from second link where two smoothing options can be changed (to make it smoother or reduce delay). The second IndexSmoothing should be at 0.5 as per Fisher. The first PriceSmoothing is not part of Fisher and it is just John Ehler's preference (one can explore different smoothing values).

At least this recent arguments will help those looking for SolarWind or Fisher in the future, I just hope!




Solar Wind - Need help Coder please


Would you be so kind and put MTF formula to Solar Wind indicator, please.


I hope Moderator will keep this request here as long as someone will help.


that's your SW (under other name)?

there was few solar windows in mtf thread ( hope, you avare of it's reputation, see 4 yourself)


"improved" solar window

sw fix - repainting fixed


diff trace modes


SW Forex_Trend_fxfariz

SW Forex_Trend_fxfariz

hi fxbs, does all this indicators repaint? which one doesnt? thanks


i tried every version of this and found it's Fish actually.




in the end what is the best solar wind no repaint ? , because i ve found different solar wind , and one of that make in crash my mt4 .

thanks ,
