10points 3.mq4 - page 226


AND... my crab code made PIPS on martingale system. Instead of blind double down.

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Well said David. I wish you and the testingcrew all the best. I will pass this new testing, not that I don't have faith in it, but for others also have the chance to participate. It was fun testing 10point3 and V12. I did so much testing with different settings that I now know those EA inside out. Ok, maybe 99%, but I know the pros and cons.

I believe many EA's on TSD can make money, but it depends on the person who uses it. Just like a great sportscar. If you don't know how to drive, you won't ever get the full potential out of it. Even worse, crash it!

I look forwards to see the testing results.

Regards, Humax

For the existing team member and few of the potential new member, I'll give you instruction through the email how are we going to move forward if you're still interested.

Of course we are interested to go forward, David!

Do not harm you nerves because of some jealous idiots!

There will always be a lot of such people in our live, so we should just ignore them, and, especially, not to try proving smth to them! IMHO.

Of course we are interested to go forward, David!

Do not harm you nerves because of some jealous idiots!

There will always be a lot of such people in our live, so we should just ignore them, and, especially, not to try proving smth to them! IMHO.


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A 4 post nitwit from nowhere who harasses the developers who are working on the most promising EAs?

Hmmm.. what a surprise... again.

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David, these EAs look like very good kung fu.

To paraphrase an old song: Let him burn his eyes on you movin'


We will take more notice of your ill considered comments after you can provide us with an equivalent EX4 file that will provide the excellent results that have been posted here, After 4 posts you think that you can come here and deride the efforts of those who have spend hours/days trying to help this community resulting in providing an EA with such spectacular results.



davidke20, I guess I did not make it to the testing group?


Risk/reward of 10pts3 systems

Would welcome a discussion on the following:

I believe that the fundamental reason that the cost averaging systems fail over the long haul (and when I say fail I mean you hit the big loss that wipes the account) is to do with the risk/reward statistics. Mathematically if you run a system with a pipstep of 10, a target of double (so 20) and double your positions at each level, the risk reward reduces at each level to about 1 : 0.6 - so you have to have 63% winners just to break even.

Here are some more examples:

Pipstep 10, Target 20, Mutiplier 3, risk/reward = 1 : 1 (50% winners)

Pipstep 10, Target 30, Mutiplier 2, risk/reward = 1 : 1

Pipstep 10, Target 30, Mutiplier 3, risk/reward = 1 : 1.6

Pipstep 10, Target 40, Mutiplier 2, risk/reward = 1 : 1.5

Pipstep 10, Target 40, Mutiplier 3, risk/reward = 1 : 2.1 (32% winners)

Most professional traders agree that you need to shoot for a greater that 1 to 1 risk/reward ratio or you have to be extremely good and achieve greater than @63% winning trades (once spread is taken into account). Preferably you need a 1 : 3 loss/win.

Based on what I have stated above, I am experimenting with an EA which has these types of settings plus two additional features:

1. the pipstep is automatically calculated based on volatility

2. shoot for the target but if conditions dictate, I turn on Account Protection automatically and take a small profit

3. Maxtrades limited to 4 or 5 then I take the loss - you have to do this if you use aggressive multiplier of 3

4. I would be happy with 50% winners based on the above

I am well aware that the above criteria changes the whole dynamics of trying to use a 10pts3 strategy and I have no idea what it might uncover.

If anyone has additional suggestions, please post.



MegaLeads - I understand the reason why the the multiplier is reduced below 2 - my point here is that it would make the risk/reward even worse - have just run it through my spreadsheet

Pipstep 10, Target 40, Multiplier 1.6, Risk reward is 1 : 1

Pipstep 10, target 20, Multiplier 1.6, risk reward is 1 : 0.3 - why would you bother (you need 77% winners just to break even - this is what kills the account!?!)


Pipstep 10, Target 20, Mutiplier 3, risk/reward = 1 : 1 (50% winners)

Pipstep 10, Target 30, Mutiplier 2, risk/reward = 1 : 1

Pipstep 10, Target 30, Mutiplier 3, risk/reward = 1 : 1.6

Pipstep 10, Target 40, Mutiplier 2, risk/reward = 1 : 1.5

Pipstep 10, Target 40, Mutiplier 3, risk/reward = 1 : 2.1 (32% winners)

Toccata, which multiplier? which version of 10points3 are you referring to?

There have been several versions with multipliers - most of them applied a multiplier to the lot size... but the trend there has been to go below 2.0 - thereby reducing the rate at which your margin is used up when you find yourself on the wrong side of a steep trend.

...alassio, I wish you good luck in BiPolar, and I'll take your word...

I wish you and the recruited team good luck too. I didn't want to start a flaming war, but some creatures seem to have been woken up ...

By the way, I am still interested in hearing about some of the ideas behind the improvements in the new EA. Let's see how things are going on.