HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 12


fx cruise i try to PM u, but still not answer. how i get the HAMA PAD.

my email sigit_kurniaone [@] yahoo dot com. thanks a lot



Excellent excellent post !!

I like the idea behind this trading model. It seems to give good a number of good trade setups. What I think will kill this whole idea though (and this is just my opinion) is if people start talking about the 'rules'. "Follow the Rules, and you will Lose." (How's that for a slant rhyme? )

Thanks, keris2112. for your good observations and constructive comments.

Piponacci talks about price action, pivots, emas, etc when using Hama Pad and everybody should be carefully reading his posts (Not to take anything away from you, FXCruiser). He's talking about not blindly following the rules. He's talking about 'trading' the Hama Pad, not 'following' it

If you try to trade Hama Pad in a purely mechanical fashion, by following the rules, it will fail in the longrun (they all do). If we use it to create 'setups', and then apply some discretion before entering and exiting, I believe we can be successful.

As usual, just my 2 pips. Thanks for this idea, FXC.


That's exactly the intent of this thread, appropriately titled "HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading APPROACH. It is an approach to trading, not a system, methodology, mechanics, or strategy. Maybe, it's words or semantics. My objective is to demonstrate that we can successfully trade FX without necessarily cluttering our chart with a bunch of indicators. by training our eyes on the PAD- Price action, Area, and Direction. Also, in the post here: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/174941/page2, I made reference to trading guidelines not rules which allow the use of discretion once the trade setup is identified. You can take an aggresive or conservative mode in your trade entry. You can throw in your favorite indicators, EMAs, oscillators, etc., whatever suits your style and profit goals. Just remember, those are still influenced by the PAD as driven by the market - the bulls/buyers and the bears/sellers. What we have in HAMA chart is a clear and visible identification of the trend, hence your trade setups.

That's my other 2 pips. Again, my appreciation to all you who have expressed their interest in and your contribution to this thread.





Yes, as kiwigold have already said, this https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/174941/page8 is an excellent post. Is that an analogy??

BTW, my trading cockpit includes a couple of iced-cold San Miguel beers (Heineken and Asahi are hard to come by here) as I navigate the, at times, turbulent Euro and US sessions.




The broker I use is Alpari.

Thank you for the screenshots. Look at mine. All I'm trying to say is that when you have the cross and the a new bar opens out of the channel, you have a signal. On TF30 (your screenshot), you have 2 bars opening below channel. These were signals to short. The problem is that they went against the signal, that's why you do not see any full price bar breakout at the lower band of the channel.


Yes, at this point I would suggest to use a conservative approach as you practice on the HAMA PAD and wait for the bar to close. You could anticipate the trade entry later on as you get the feel of the Price action.




'a full break out' means that a bar has to open and close outside of the band. We enter once that particular bar closes. Am I correct?

OR do you mean when a bar OPENS outside the band we immediately enter without waiting for it to close.

Sorry for the simple question.


AliT, please refer to this post: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/174941/page8. Thanks.



Looking at my charts USD/CHF didn't move that far going by the price breakout from HAMA? -TPO.

I simply subtracted my long entry price of 1.2324 from my closing price of 1.2366, which gave me the 42 pips - https://c.mql5.com/forextsd/forum/11/image13_hama_082906_m15_trade_results.jpg.

You are right, however, that the full HAMA bar did not breakeout from the upper band until the opening price of 1.2333 and closed at 1.2366. My apology, I anticipated the trend and took an aggressive mode on this particular trade.


I have viewed the sample chart with the basic trading guidelines and i have a question.

There is a section near the bottom that shows a "no trade zone"...what is this and how has this been determined to be a "no trade zone"?

Thank you

Generally, the NTZ - No Trade Zone - is an area where you should avoid entering a trade at all. You can see this when the HAMA starts to shrink, get smaller in size. There are other ways to identify them, i. e. the HAMA Mo Dots, which will be presented at a later time.




Technical Indicators for Trading Prediction...

is the titile on this link http://turtletrader.com/entry.html. Something to ponder! I hope you find it worthwhile reading.

