Vegas and his Tunnel System - page 4


Sorry, may be you are talking about some oher Vegas but i just found the following links:

- many links about Vegas system is here.







I am not sure if this is what you are looking for but you can find some more indicators, doc and info about Vegas Tunnel (and tons of other) on this site:

Go from main site over to this link:

Here is where i found the link to Lightpatch so maybe you can find some more here, i don't know:



Balista4 had initially posted that Vegas does not always work so well in real life for trading , and had claimed of his 500+ system which works, I am just curious as to what this system is. I have most the Vegas docs and indicators, just wondering how I can make 500+ Pips from this system he was talking about....

Balista4 had initially posted that Vegas does not always work so well in real life for trading , and had claimed of his 500+ system which works, I am just curious as to what this system is. I have most the Vegas docs and indicators, just wondering how I can make 500+ Pips from this system he was talking about....


It may sound like he is talking about a 500 Pips system but i think he is talking about 500 indicators.

You find his post here:


Balista4 had initially posted that Vegas does not always work so well in real life for trading , and had claimed of his 500+ system which works, I am just curious as to what this system is. I have most the Vegas docs and indicators, just wondering how I can make 500+ Pips from this system he was talking about....

That's exactly what i'am asking for. Balesta's 500 + indicator


Hi All,

The aboove files are just a bunch of indicators, but which one is the 500+ PIP referenced in this thread? I already have most of these files....



My mistake, I thought he was talking about a system which gives 500+ PIPs....


farewelldesire, et_phonehome_2 and all

here is the link you can get 500+ indicator,

I being trying to upload 1000 + indicators from past three days and let you guys know about it....but unfortunately im unable to do so and wrote to the admin about the problem but still no idea why im not able to upload files...

so for the time being download the above file...may be in couple of days i will be able to upload 1000+indicators folder



1000+ indicators

Are you referring to this attachment?



Yeah thats it...:)


Run as fast as you can from the tunnel. Yeah, you being ripped off and conned..welcome to the new age style of ripping unsuspecting Newbies off.

Forexfactory, is the only forum, that endorses Vegas method like none other, They are as if it seems exclusive and swear with its powers.

Shoot me, if im wroung...I don't know you personally, I can blinldy say you has it from forexfactory...and its gurus called james et all

Vegas method is just one of the methods in countless indicators that have being built over the years, check my 500 + indicator that i have posted here over a month ago..I will make it 1000 + very shortly.

Forexfactory will rip you off smothly, they are the smooth operators, they sweeten there tones and sell snake oil.

offcours, in a day or two you will get the signal, but thats not the point, the point is....their service is worthless...

I have got 100 times much better, indicators here than vegas..all with free explantion and help....

Let me tell method is good for one time read and his experience is valubale and it will help you move ahead...but in no certain terms it is as is made out to be....they are marketing it to the newbies and newbies fall in their trap and go with forex factory snobs...waste of money pal...

I have wriiten it in the past about vegas method...

I used to be a member of forexfactory, and initially, when i knew nothing about FOREX, they projected vegas as THE THING...and i took it as ithe message from god...

later, as my innate sense on search ..I found much much better systems than vegas....Its unfortunate that during my google seacrh..I found forexfactory, before forex-tsd and went with it...had i found forex-tsd..i wouldnt have looked at anywhere...

after few months when i pointed out some better indicator than vegas, my threads were deleted....there was no explantion given....i wrote personally to the admin and he gave some excuses...

Then to cut every excuse. I posted 500 + indicator that i posted here in forexfactory also...after few days that too was deleted..with no explanation given...finally fed up with there tactics...I made them hear my words and left....

They just scoop the newbies, thats there business..they will not allow any new ides to come up.....thats their trick....

Just cancel your subscription right away...and also, vegas method or any other method in this planet earth will not make u a succesfull trader...untill u learn it all yourself...

we need a free forum like this to express our opinions and ideas..just that ..nothing one can make us pro..we have to be one with our experiences...

You are so full of shit. It is amazing how one person bad mouths this stuff and bam everyone listens to him. Did anyone actually go look to see if his post was deleted? Here is his indicators. Unreal how lavista can talk like this.

who in there right mind, if they actually understood how the tunnel worked would not want to incorporate it into they trading. The tunnel is a moving pivot point with fib levels that move with it. When price gets so far away from the tunnel and hits the outter fib lines, it is gonna move back to the tunnel.

Also, you never had any final words cause the last time I heard from you, you said you would let me know about something you were onto.

You guys shouldn't listen to everything you hear like you are doing with this lavist or whatever his name is. I am sure in a month or 2, he will be gone and onto the next forum. If he had the perfect indicator like he is saying, what would he need these forums for? What a loser.