Vegas and his Tunnel System - page 3

droesparky, Run as fast as you can from the tunnel. Yeah, you being ripped off........................

i dont know anything about forexfactory, but i know exactly what you mean about the tunnel... it works, but at the same time it does not! It looks good on paper , when you set it up, but trading it is a disaster. The setup and simplicity of it really attracts new people to it.

I also agree, the vegas tunnel is very good for learning about trading off a plan ,if you dont understand the concept of needing one. I learned more from the concept of the system than anything.

I think the system is best used as a guide. for exaple , i'm short the euro the 2870 area, i'm not sure if i should take profits or let it run some more... stops are holding a bit of profit. It's hard to tell if it will pull back more on run back into the up move it started a few days ago. Looking at the tunnel, there is a good chance the euro hits 2800-2805( 1hr tunnel test) sometime before trying to make a serious come back to the upside. If it breaks lower, 2763 would be the next test.. the 4 hr tunnel. This is about all the tunnel is useful for in my opinion. Its not good for getting you in trades, but its a good guide if you are in other ones.


I still havent heard a thing from them. I dont know anything about forexfactory other then they have a great news calendar.

I went straight to the tunnel site and signed up and nothing.

I dont even remember now what it was that took me there I do think it was something from james16 but wont swear to it.

I am getting a lot more spam mail lately maybe thats the signal.



Run as fast as you can from the tunnel. Yeah, you being ripped off and conned..welcome to the new age style of ripping unsuspecting Newbies off.

Forexfactory, is the only forum, that endorses Vegas method like none other, They are as if it seems exclusive and swear with its powers.

Shoot me, if im wroung...I don't know you personally, I can blinldy say you has it from forexfactory...and its gurus called james et all

Vegas method is just one of the methods in countless indicators that have being built over the years, check my 500 + indicator that i have posted here over a month ago..I will make it 1000 + very shortly.

Forexfactory will rip you off smothly, they are the smooth operators, they sweeten there tones and sell snake oil.

offcours, in a day or two you will get the signal, but thats not the point, the point is....their service is worthless...

I have got 100 times much better, indicators here than vegas..all with free explantion and help....

Let me tell method is good for one time read and his experience is valubale and it will help you move ahead...but in no certain terms it is as is made out to be....they are marketing it to the newbies and newbies fall in their trap and go with forex factory snobs...waste of money pal...

I have wriiten it in the past about vegas method...

I used to be a member of forexfactory, and initially, when i knew nothing about FOREX, they projected vegas as THE THING...and i took it as ithe message from god...

later, as my innate sense on search ..I found much much better systems than vegas....Its unfortunate that during my google seacrh..I found forexfactory, before forex-tsd and went with it...had i found forex-tsd..i wouldnt have looked at anywhere...

after few months when i pointed out some better indicator than vegas, my threads were deleted....there was no explantion given....i wrote personally to the admin and he gave some excuses...

Then to cut every excuse. I posted 500 + indicator that i posted here in forexfactory also...after few days that too was deleted..with no explanation given...finally fed up with there tactics...I made them hear my words and left....

They just scoop the newbies, thats there business..they will not allow any new ides to come up.....thats their trick....

Just cancel your subscription right away...and also, vegas method or any other method in this planet earth will not make u a succesfull trader...untill u learn it all yourself...

we need a free forum like this to express our opinions and ideas..just that ..nothing one can make us pro..we have to be one with our experiences...

That's along reply man

can you post your 500 + indicator thanks in advance


That's along reply man

can you post your 500 + indicator thanks in advance


He posted in this section some months ago.

He posted in this section some months ago.

I didn't find the indicator there


To be honest, I quite like FF as there are very interesting threads there.

As to why you got ripped off, I am not sure. Did you try to post on the forum and ask them about it?

I havent subscribed to any of the paid systems as I paid for a system and it hasnt worked. Now I spend my time designing my own systems and learning new ones.

The vegas tunnel has been around for quite sometime. It has many followers and also got great review. So has the james16 group which has got tremendous response and great team. Am I advertising for them?? Absoultely not, I dont trade either system.

It is natural for you to feel a grudge when you dont get what you asked for. I have been there. But remember that there are 2 sides to every coin and nothing is ever black or white. While you are here trashing them, there are a hundred followers who are loving everything that they do.

Why the system didnt work for you, simply because you were a newbie and didnt have any experience. We all work through it. There are so many reasons why it may not have worked for you. It may not have suited your personality. Maybe you didnt have enuough experience. or whatever.

Forex factory has got every right to delete any posts which they seem fit. Your posts may have been against their rules. They have a stricter policy with respect to the people who visit them.

There is so much information out here and other forums. Its easy to get caught up in the hysteria of a new trading system and then feel cheated.

If you have downloaded 500 indicators, it just means you are not ready yet to trade. You still do not have the right method nor the psychological makeup to trade.

When you begin to stop blaming others and start to put in the time and effort to make a system to suit yourself, you will start to trade successfully.

I suggest to forget and move on. All of us have been there sometime. Consider it your tuition for forex trading.



500+ indicator and EAs plus script

Is it the attachment for the abovementioned?


or from this forum.


Thank you guys

Thank you for your sharing. I'm searching them for a long time.


Your are welcome as I just do part in this forum.