Traders joking, the beginning - page 673

Analysts are now saying that Florida could be one of the biggest threats to Donald Trump’s campaign. In other words, Trump may be crazy, but he’s not Florida crazy.

Great Britain is about to have its first female leader since Margaret Thatcher. So congratulations to Sporty Spice!

Earlier today, a bunch of grapes sold in Japan for over $10,000. In other words, they’ve opened a Whole Foods in Japan.

The Juno satellite probe which hasn’t been heard from in five years and has been traveling through deep space finally reached Jupiter yesterday and reestablished contact with Earth. The Jupiter satellite’s first message was, "The Republican Nominee is WHO?"

Donald Trump is now saying the media took his praise of Saddam Hussein "out of context." Trump also said the media misinterpreted his 5 star Amazon review of "Mein Kampf."


I went to buy a book, but all they had were Glocks